Eyes are often the first thing people notice when they see your face. If they are tired, swollen or red they can be less attractive and make you look older than you really are. Lack of sleep and stress can add to the dose and make your eyes appear even more tired and puffy. Try these remedies to keep a young and lively look.
Method 1 of 3: Make Up Your Eyes

Step 1. Dab a tinted concealer under the eyes
The concealer is a cosmetic that serves to cover dark circles and imperfections to make the complexion more even. You should choose it in a shade opposite to that of dark circles. Use a color wheel to determine which tone is opposite to what you want to hide.
For example, if your dark circles are yellow in color, you should use a concealer in a lavender shade. It will help you neutralize dark tones under the eyes. Alternatively, you can choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your natural complexion. Gently pat it under the eyes with your finger, trying to blend it well to make it invisible. If you're worried about not knowing how to choose the right color concealer, you can easily create it at home by mixing the powder foundation you usually use with an eye cream, in equal parts
Step 2. Apply eyeliner correctly
Use a dark colored eyeliner - or eye pencil - and draw a line on both the lower and upper eyelids, stopping when you reach the middle or two thirds of the eye. Try to trace it as close to the lashes as possible. Don't go all the way to the inner corner of your eyes, or they'll look smaller and closer together than they really are. Applying it only up to the middle of the eye or extending the line towards the temples you will get an optical effect that will make the look elongated and sensual. Swipe back and forth along the lash line several times with your eyeliner or eyebrow pencil.
- Try using a colored eyeliner. Using a white or light colored eyeliner will make your eyes attract and reflect light, making them appear larger. Apply it following the lash profile of the lower lid. Your eyes will reflect a greater amount of light giving the illusion of being larger and brighter.
- You can also use a white pencil to highlight the inner corner of the eye by applying it along the upper and lower lids. This way the eyes will seem more distant from each other.
Step 3. Use eyeshadow to make eyes look bigger
You can achieve this effect by using three shades of different shades: one light, one medium and one dark. Apply the lighter one on the eyelid and browbone, the medium one along the crease of the eyelid and the dark one (or eyeliner) along the lower outer rim of the eye. Finally, apply a pearl eyeshadow of the same tone to the corners, so that it attracts and reflects the light.
If you wear glasses, try to harmonize your makeup with the shape and color of the frame. Generally, it would be best to use deep, vibrant colors if the frame is thin and transparent. If, on the other hand, the frame is wide or dark, it is better to use more neutral tones for the eye make-up
Step 4. Shape your brows
Since they are the frame of the eyes, they can influence the gaze. Remove unwanted hair with tweezers or wax to get an elongated and harmonious shape. Reshape them regularly, but be careful not to pluck more hair than necessary. If necessary, you can color them with an eyebrow pencil where they are sparser, especially if they are very thin, light or irregular in shape. After you've shaped and redesigned them, apply an eyebrow gel of the same color as they are to avoid smudging.
If the eyebrows are well cared for, the eyes appear wider and brighter, as unwanted hair can create a shadow effect around the eyes
Step 5. Use the eyelash curler
It is a very useful and inexpensive tool that you can find in all perfumeries. It is used to curl the lashes upwards to make the eyes instantly appear larger and the gaze more open. The lashes will also look longer and more sensual.
Step 6. Add volume to your lashes with mascara
Use mascara with a thick consistency that coats all lashes well. In perfumery, you can find different types depending on the result you want to achieve: volumizing, eyelash extensions or waterproof. Try several to evaluate the result. Start from the roots to give them more volume. You will have less effort if you use a fan or curved pipe cleaner. Alternatively, you can place a business card behind your lashes and press the brush against the paper as you apply mascara.

Step 7. Use false lashes
If you have short lashes or if you want to emphasize the look to the maximum, buy false lashes. You can easily find them in perfumery and choose the length, color and density you prefer to have a spectacular look. Try different types to see which look works best for you.
Method 2 of 3: Taking Care of Eye Health

Step 1. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night
A good night's sleep makes the body rested and consequently the eyes will also look refreshed. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, going to bed and getting up at the same time every time. The body will get used to the routine, regulate the sleep cycle, so you will be able to rest well every night.

Step 2. Drink lots of water
To have beautiful eyes you need to ensure your body is properly hydrated. Water restores the fluids of the body and consequently the eyes are not likely to swell or redden. Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water each day, which is about 2-2.5 liters. You should split them evenly throughout the day. When the weather is very dry, it is good to drink even more. Likewise, when exercising, you should restore the fluids you lose by sweating by increasing your water consumption.

Step 3. Don't smoke
Smoking irritates the eyes, can make them redden, and can also dehydrate them. By quitting smoking, you can help restore natural eye color and hydration.

Step 4. Reduce your alcohol and caffeine consumption
Both substances dehydrate the body and make the eyes swollen and red. By limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee, you will help your body restore the correct level of hydration. Remember that chocolate and other foods also contain caffeine, not just coffee. Alcohol and caffeine can alter sleep patterns by interfering with your need for 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

Step 5. Eat a healthy diet
Cut back on foods that contain refined carbohydrates and sugars to help your body process food better. Limit your consumption of unhealthy foods, especially in the evening. Simultaneously increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins A, C and E by including more fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as spinach, kale, carrots, oranges, melons, strawberries, peaches and avocados. Also eat more protein, including poultry, red meats, eggs, and dairy products.
Dark circles can result from a lactose, gluten intolerance, or food allergy. If they are a recurring problem, you can try eliminating certain foods from your diet to see if the situation improves
Step 6. Practice physical activity regularly
A healthy lifestyle includes an adequate amount of exercise, allowing you to lose weight and stay toned and young. Especially if you train outdoors, you will have a healthier complexion and brighter eyes.

Step 7. Don't strain your eyes
If you spend many hours in front of the computer every day, it is normal for your eyes to be tired and stressed. You need to give him breaks throughout the working day. From time to time, get up and walk around your desk or do some task that doesn't require you to use your computer for a few minutes. Blink your lashes frequently to prevent your eyes from drying and redness as a result.

Step 8. Use sunglasses when outdoors
Protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses. On clear days, there is a tendency to blink more frequently with the risk of wrinkles and expression lines forming around the eyes. By using sunglasses, especially if they have a wide frame, you will reduce the propensity to blink and protect your eyes.
Apply sunscreen to your face, including the eye area, when you know you need to spend time outside. Protecting your skin from the sun with a moisturizing sunscreen will help keep your complexion young and healthy

Step 9. Reduce exposure to environmental pollutants and irritants
Allergens, smoke, smog and other substances in the air can irritate the eyes, cause them to redden and make them swollen and inflamed. By limiting your exposure to these substances, you can reduce unwanted effects and have more beautiful and healthier eyes.
Use eye drops if your eyes are red from airborne allergens. The eye drops disinfect the eyeball and make it whiter, so the eyes will also appear brighter
Step 10. Apply an eye cream to the lower lids
Eye creams contain a wide variety of ingredients that help reduce swelling, tone the skin, reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. Recommended ingredients include grape extract, blackberry extract and caffeine among others. Daytime eye creams ensure good hydration, while those to be applied in the evening before going to sleep have a restorative action. Tap the product along the lower lid with your finger starting from the inner corner of the eye.
Method 3 of 3: Using Natural Remedies
Step 1. Put some cucumber slices on your eyes
Cut a couple of thin slices from a cold cucumber. Keep them on your eyelids for about ten minutes or until they have warmed up. Cucumber has a high water content and will transfer it to the skin for a more hydrated eye area.
Step 2. Cool two used green or black tea bags and place them over your eyes
This simple remedy was also used by our grandmothers to solve the problem of puffy eyes. Place two moist tea bags in the freezer to cool them down. They don't have to freeze, or you won't be able to hold them comfortably over your eyes. Green tea and black tea contain substances called bioflavonoids that are known to support the body against allergens and inflammation, as well as other benefits. Keep the tea bags over your eyes for 10 minutes or until they are warm, then rinse your face with cold water.
If you want, you can rinse your eyes with green tea or chamomile tea. Infuse one sachet in a cup of boiling water, then wait for the infusion to cool and at least reach body temperature. Use it to rinse your eyes and then wash your face as you normally do
Step 3. Apply two cold tablespoons to your eyes
Chill two metal spoons by leaving them overnight in the freezer. When you wake up, rest the backs of the spoons over your eyes. Since they will be very cold, chances are you will need to lift them from time to time to give your eyelids a break. With this simple remedy you will increase the blood flow to the eyes and you will see the swelling decrease.
Step 4. Make a mask with egg whites
Whip up a couple of raw egg whites, apply them to your eyes like a mask and leave them on for about 15 minutes. After the shutter speed has elapsed, rinse your face with cold water. This simple mask is able to tone the skin around the eyes to give you a younger look.
Step 5. Tackle eye swelling with potatoes
Potatoes are astringent, so you can use them to reduce swelling. They also contain an enzyme, called catecholase, which fights dark circles by lightening the skin under the eyes. Cut two slices out of a raw potato and place them in the refrigerator or freezer to cool (about 15-30 minutes). Keep them in place on your eyes for about ten minutes or until they have warmed up. Rinse your face with cold water, then pat it dry with a clean towel to dry.
Step 6. Use cold milk
Pour some into a cup and soak two cotton balls until completely saturated. Lie down in a comfortable position with your head resting on a towel so that it absorbs any drops of milk. Place the cotton balls on your closed eyelids and leave them on for 10-15 minutes. When finished, wash your face and gently pat it dry with the towel.
Step 7. Take advantage of the properties of strawberries
They are a valid remedy against swelling thanks to their anti-inflammatory action. In addition, they contain alpha-hydroxy acids, the same ones usually included in expensive face creams. These acids promote the elimination of dead cells and make the skin appear younger. Remove the stalk from a couple of fresh strawberries, cut them into slices and keep them on your closed eyes for about 5 minutes. When finished, wash your face with soap and water. If you feel pain, remove the strawberries immediately as they may cause your eyelids to redden.

Step 8. Use a herbal remedy
There are several natural ingredients that can help you reduce puffiness around your eyes to give you a fresh and radiant look. Options include: rose water, mint leaves, lavender, fennel, honey, cardamom, turmeric, and amla. Search online to find specific recipes and directions for each ingredient.