Each person is born unique and should enjoy the special characteristics that make them themselves, inside and out. It is therefore important to understand that we are all beautiful from birth, and that an attractive face is not the prerogative of just a few. With the right daily care anyone can improve the appearance of their face, making it even more beautiful and luminous. Thanks to a regular beauty routine and new healthier eating habits, you will achieve the desired goal: to have a beautiful face so that you can feel more attractive and confident.
Method 1 of 3: Start from the Inside

Step 1. Get enough sleep
For the overall health of the body it is very important to sleep at least 8-9 hours a night. A lack of sleep shines through on the face through a dull complexion and an unwelcome pair of dark circles. Missing a night's sleep is not recoverable: even if you sleep longer the next day, you won't be able to redeem the damage done. For this reason, if your goal is to have fresh, glowing skin, you need to establish and stick to regular sleep cycles.
Plan your daily routine so that you can ensure your body gets the hours of sleep it needs

Step 2. Bring healthy skin friendly foods to the table
By respecting the rules of the food pyramid, you will guarantee yourself an internally healthy and externally radiant body. Face and skin reflect the fuel you choose to feed your body with. The skin sustains itself through the vitamins and minerals contained in food, so ensure it has a sufficient amount of fruit, vegetables, cereals and proteins; the latter in particular are essential because the skin is made up of proteins.
A correct diet promotes healthy skin free from acne and blemishes, while an excessive amount of sugar can cause the appearance of unwelcome skin rashes

Step 3. Drink plenty of water
Water promotes the healing of many problems associated with the skin, purifies it from acne, makes it more radiant, soft and hydrated and helps to even out the complexion. The minimum recommended amount is 2 liters of water per day, but drink even more if possible. If you want to have a beautiful face, you cannot fail to respect this simple rule.
- Make sure you always have water on hand throughout the day. Doing so will encourage you to drink more.
- Water helps to make the skin supple and promotes healthy cellular rejuvenation.

Step 4. Reveal your inner beauty through a smile
Smiling is the most effective way to ensure a beautiful face. The first thing people focus on looking at you is your face, and the first thing they notice is your expression. Laugh and smile as much as possible, so that everyone can see your inner beauty.
- When you greet someone or converse with someone, showing your best smile allows you to appear happy and confident.
- Happiness has the ability to radiate the surrounding environment, and often allows the personality to be perceived as physical attraction.
Method 2 of 3: Take Care of Your Skin
Step 1. Keep your skin clean
When you neglect hygiene, the skin tends to show blemishes, occlusions and dark spots. To keep it properly clean it is important to remove blackheads, makeup residues, dirt and excess sebum. Beautiful skin is the cornerstone of a beautiful face, so taking care of it is essential.
Find a cream cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and daily use. Get in the habit of washing your face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening
Step 2. Once a week, do an exfoliating treatment
If done properly, the scrub eliminates dry and dead skin cells, the cause of a dull and uneven complexion. Dead cells don't reflect light as much as live cells, preventing you from looking healthy and radiant. Choose the exfoliating product you prefer, such as masks, cleansers with microgranules or specific brushes and sponges for the face, then try to be as constant as possible in the application.
- Be gentle in exfoliating the skin on your face, do not apply excessive pressure and make circular movements. In case of irritation or discomfort, stop the treatment immediately.
- It is advisable to do only once a week, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Step 3. For even softer skin, exfoliate with baking soda
By mixing the baking soda with hot water you can create an effective exfoliating treatment, gentle and safe on all skin types. All you have to do is combine equal parts hot water and baking soda, and then rub the mixture into the skin of your face in circular motions. Continue to massage your skin for about a minute, then rinse it off with warm water.
Complete your beauty routine by effectively moisturizing the skin. Cleansers and exfoliants can dehydrate the skin, so it is important to restore the right level of hydration

Step 4. Stop touching and "torturing" the skin on your face
Sometimes it is impossible to avoid touching your face, but it is still important to limit contact to the essentials. Every time you put your chin in your hands, squeeze a pimple, or rub your tired eyes at the end of the day, you damage your skin. The dirt and oils on the hands clog the skin pores and all that pulling and rubbing causes the appearance of wrinkles and micro-lesions.
Step 5. Apply a moisturizer regularly
Whatever the type of skin on your face, it is important to use a cosmetic that can moisturize and nourish it. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, opt for a product composed only of natural ingredients and free of oils; as well as benefiting from the healing properties of herbs, such as aloe vera, you won't risk clogging your pores.
- The advice is to apply the moisturizing product within two minutes following the bath or shower to take advantage of the temporary porosity of the skin and ensure more effective absorption of the product.
- During application, be gentle and massage the product into the skin until completely absorbed; don't forget to apply it to your neck as well.
- Dry winters, air conditioning, wind and make-up can cause skin to become dehydrated, so don't forget to moisturize it daily.

Step 6. Protect your skin from the sun
If exposed unprotected to ultraviolet sunlight for a prolonged time, the skin can be damaged in a profound and irreversible way. The sun causes the onset of wrinkles, dark spots and, in the long term, skin cancer. To make sure you don't forget to protect your face from the sun's rays, buy a moisturizer with SPF. Again, prefer a light product, based on natural ingredients.
Moisturizers with a protective sun factor are an excellent make-up base and ensure safe exposure
Method 3 of 3: Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Make-up
Step 1. Be careful not to overdo the quantities
The use of very opaque foundation and bronzer can dehydrate the skin and clog its pores. Frequently these products contain artificial ingredients that alter the natural chemical balance of the skin, causing an uneven complexion.
- The best way to have smooth, blemish-free skin is to apply a light, colored moisturizer. In addition to ensuring proper skin hydration, you will get natural coverage.
- If you want your skin to remain beautiful and even, never forget to wash your face before going to sleep by removing all traces of make-up.
Step 2. Give your cheeks a natural glow with blush
Using the most suitable blush for your skin type can guarantee amazing results. By applying it correctly, you will highlight your cheekbones and acquire a healthy and radiant appearance. Apply the chosen product using a large round brush: it will be sufficient to take a small amount of color and move the brush on the cheeks in a circular shape.
- Smile to highlight your cheeks, and start applying the product where you tend to naturally blush. To avoid the "Heidi" effect, only take a small amount of product at a time - your goal is to replicate a natural healthy glow.
- If you have fair skin, go for a pink or coral blush. For darker complexions it is advisable to use a peach-colored or red-toned blush.
Step 3. Cover dark circles with concealer
The skin around the eyes is extremely thin and sensitive, which is why it is prone to the formation of unwelcome dark circles that can make you look tired. So learn to cover them with a light amount of concealer to even out the complexion; normally the most suitable correctors to mask dark circles are colored ones, in particular in shades of orange or green, to contrast the purplish or reddish ones of the skin.
- Pick up a small amount of product with your fingertip and pat it under the eyes. To prevent wrinkles from appearing, always start at the outer corner of the eye and move towards the nose.
- Never rub the skin under the eyes during application, otherwise you could induce the onset of wrinkles and break the capillaries, favoring the return of dark circles.
Step 4. Try the contouring technique
By skilfully using a brush, a highlighter and a bronzing powder it is possible to enhance some facial features and mask others. Contouring can help you highlight the cheekbones, redefine the contour of the chin and even make the nose appear smaller. Since this is a rather complex technique, before experimenting it it is advisable to view some make-up tutorials to understand it better.
- The purpose of highlighters is to draw attention to the features of your face that you want to highlight, for example cheekbones or facial contours.
A skilful use of bronzer under the cheekbones can make the face appear thinner.
- Pick up a small amount of bronzing powder with the brush, beat it on the back of your hand to remove excess powder, then start applying the product from the temples towards the cheekbones, making circular movements.
- Continue until you reach the center of the jaw, then stop. Experience the incredible effectiveness of contouring for yourself!
Step 5. Emphasize your gaze by using mascara
Black mascara enhances any type of eye and is easy to apply. It can be used to add volume to thin lashes or to lengthen short ones. For a less pronounced result, you can prefer a brown-colored mascara.
- Before applying mascara, use the eyelash curler to curl your lashes and open your eyes even more.
- Be careful not to apply an excessive amount of mascara, otherwise it could form really unsightly lumps. Run a single pass of the product and don't forget to completely remove make-up every night.
Step 6. Shape your brows
Defined and manicured brows emphasize the natural curvature of the eyes and cheekbones, accentuating beauty and femininity. For an ideal result, contact a beauty center and entrust yourself to the hands of an expert, who will be able to identify the shape that best suits your characteristics.
- Be careful not to shorten or pluck your brows excessively. Respect their natural and modeled shape to give greater definition to the face.
- If you have very sparse or thin eyebrows, buy a pencil that allows you to intensify their shape and color to make them appear fuller.
- Stand up straight to appear confident.
- Eat healthily and take a vitamin supplement - remember that you are what you eat.
- Even if you have a dark complexion, don't overlook the importance of protecting your skin from the sun's rays. Over time, the damage caused by the sun will become evident.
- Prefer beauty products based on natural ingredients.