If you've opened this article, you probably don't like the shape of your face or you think your cheeks are a little fuller. First and foremost, you should always try to accept yourself for who you are, because self-esteem is the most fascinating trait a person can have. That said, there are several tricks to naturally slim down your face.
Part 1 of 3: Changing Power

Step 1. Get rid of your overall body fat
If you want your face to look thinner, you need to fight fat in general. Reducing it in a targeted manner is not feasible with food alone. In order for the body to transform fat deposits into energy, you consume fewer calories during the day. In this way, the face will also lose weight.
- If you want a leaner face, you should know that fortunately the body first disposes of the fat located in the neck, jaw and face area. By reducing calories in a healthy way you should slim down your face in no time.
- Calculate an adequate calorie deficit. To lose one pound you need to burn 3,500 calories. Part of it is disposed of daily: even actions such as living and breathing consume calories. For the purpose of weight loss, however, you must dispose of more than you take. Effective weight loss occurs gradually.
- Reducing calories in a healthy way means eliminating a part of them (for example 500 per day) through diet or exercise without depriving the body of anything. Instead, make healthy food choices or go step by step, for example eliminating the usual donut you eat for breakfast. Skipping meals is dangerous. You also risk putting your body in reserve, which will slow down your metabolism and complicate weight loss.

Step 2. Drink lots of water to keep your body well hydrated
Consuming water regularly has several benefits: reducing swelling in the facial area is one of the main reasons.
- Water helps to reduce fat in the face area because it expels toxins from the body. In addition, it improves one's general well-being, skin and hair.
- Drinking cold water burns more calories. In principle, you should try to consume 2 liters per day. If you have a well hydrated body, you will feel better; over time, this habit should also help you slim down your face.

Step 3. Choose the right foods to have a healthy diet
A diet lacking in processed foods and refined flours (such as bread and white pasta) is healthier. Also try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-containing foods, fish, and other protein-rich foods.
- Try to avoid salt-rich foods (junk foods are full of it). Salt causes the body to retain more water, swelling the face. Sugar should also be excluded. Refined carbohydrates that contain a lot of it can cause bloating.
- Alcohol also has negative side effects; in fact, it dehydrates the body and swells the face. By the way, if you are a minor you shouldn't consume it. Returning to food, eat almonds, broccoli, spinach, and salmon.

Step 4. Find out if you have food intolerances or allergies
Sometimes this is the cause of the swelling. If you think it is due to such a condition, see a doctor.
- For example, some people are sensitive to gluten and should therefore avoid it. Today it is possible to find a wide range of gluten-free products in restaurants and supermarkets.
- Some people with irritable bowel syndrome think the swelling is due to this condition. Gastrointestinal disorders are quite common, in fact they affect about 15% of the adult population.
- Furthermore, it is possible that the swelling is of hormonal origin, as in the case of premenstrual syndrome (or perimenopause, after a certain age).
Part 2 of 3: Try Exercises and Tricks to Slim Your Face

Step 1. Try toning your face with facial gymnastics
It will help you streamline it. Its function is to strengthen muscles and firm sagging skin.
- Try dilating your cheeks. Just take a deep breath and hold the air in your cheeks. Then, push the air from one cheek to the other. Repeat several times a day.
- Try an exercise to firm your cheeks and mouth. Smile and grind your teeth for a few seconds. Don't squint. Then, furrow your lips. Repeat. Toggle between left and right.
- Pucker your lips for five seconds. Hold right, then switch to left side. If you have an expressive face and you use your facial muscles often (even just smiling and laughing a lot), it will look slimmer.

Step 2. Speed up your metabolism with sport
This way you will also see changes in your face, not to mention that physical activity is good for health in general.
- You can try walking for 30 minutes most days or follow a circuit training program three to five times a week. Any type of exercise will help you speed up your metabolism, fight overall fat and slim your face.
- Thinking that you can gorge yourself on junk food because you will dispose of it with physical activity is a mistake. Nutrition plays a major role in losing weight, although exercise is essential for strengthening the body and making you feel better.

Step 3. Get enough rest
The body needs rest to stay fit. In fact, many studies have found a direct correlation between sleep deprivation and weight gain.
- A fatigued body can swell, causing the facial muscles to relax. The face may therefore appear larger than usual.
- Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep a night. It is essential to observe the rules of proper sleep hygiene.

Step 4. Try creative solutions to slim your face
From blowing up balloons to doing hot towel treatments, there are many ideas that appear to help you lose weight in this area.
- Inflating balloons tones the cheeks because it exercises the muscles in the area. Alternate between blowing and deflating them 10 times. You should start seeing results after five days.
- Try placing a warm towel on your face: some believe that steam can help eliminate fat. The face will sweat and will dispose of part of the fat deposit. Soak a towel in warm water and spread it over your face. It is thought to help thin it out by excreting toxins.
- Chew sugar-free gum for at least 20 minutes twice a day. It is a great facial gymnastics exercise that helps cut calories and tone the face. You could also try a ginseng or wheat germ oil massage to stimulate blood circulation. Start from the chin and work your way up in a circular motion with your palms.
Part 3 of 3: Beauty Tricks to Slim the Face

Step 1. Make up to make your face look slimmer
There are several tricks to try to create this optical illusion.
- Apply the bronzer in the hollow of the cheeks or on the sides of the nose. Adding blush to the top of the cheeks can also help you slim down your face.
- To apply the bronzer, draw a line along the cheekbones and blend it from the ear to the corner of the mouth. Apply the blush above this line and blend it in the same way.
- Choose a bronzer that is two tones darker than your complexion. This way you can use it to better sculpt your face and make it look slimmer.

Step 2. Make your eyes stand out
If you wear makeup to enhance your eyes, your face will likely look thinner.
- If you have plump lips, your face may appear rounder. So try to make your eyes stand out. Apply mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Leave your lips natural or just use a veil of lip gloss.
- The shape of the eyebrows is very important for streamlining the face. If they are tall and defined, you can make them look slimmer. Not sure how to do it? Contact a beautician to shave and shape them.

Step 3. Learn the art of contouring
Many celebrities use it to change the shape of the face, such as having more pronounced cheekbones or a thinner nose.
- To thin your nose, choose a powder bronzer that is darker than your complexion and apply a thin line on each side of the nose. Blend it with a brush. Apply a highlighter above the eyebrows and extend this line all over the central part of the nose. Blend it with a brush.
- To sculpt the rest of your face, use a bronzer powder that is darker than your skin. Apply it on the cheeks diagonally. Blend it to prevent color gaps from forming. Use a bronzer that is two tones darker than your complexion. Contouring allows you to change the shape and features of the face.

Step 4. Brighten your face
To streamline it with makeup you can also try to make it more radiant.
- Get a clear highlighter powder. Apply it under the eyes and along the center of the nose with a brush.
- For proper contouring, you should use the highlighter after applying the bronzer. It is believed that the highlighter helps to make the face look thinner thanks to the contrast created with the bronzer.

Step 5. Choose a hairstyle that makes your face look slimmer
Not all cuts are created equal. Depending on the shape of your face, your hair can make it look rounder or thinner.
- If you have long hair, don't let it grow beyond your chest and ask the hairdresser to scale it softly to frame your face.
- The hair should create curves around the face at cheek and eye level. Instead, avoid straight lines. Straight bangs generally make the face look more plump.
- You should avoid even-numbered bobs, instead go for a tousled, longer layered cut. Combing your hair back will make your face look rounder because the temples will be shown. A high chignon optically slims and elongates the face.

Step 6. Resist the urge to consider cosmetic surgery
The surgery can go wrong and give you an artificial result. However, it is common for adults to consider this solution to eliminate facial fat.
- Liposuction or face lifting procedures can remove excess fat from the epidermis. Someone opts for the insertion of implants in the cheeks in order to change the appearance of the face.
- Think long and hard before considering this possibility. Learn to accept yourself for who you are and to be comfortable with yourself. Many people who have undergone cosmetic surgery have had remorse at a later time. If you are a teenager, you should instead try natural methods to slim your face, such as make-up or, better yet, a healthy diet. Cosmetic procedures can be dangerous and expensive.
- Try to make subtle changes, as overdoing your makeup can make your face look artifact.
- Learn to accept yourself. Having a thinner face won't give you higher self-esteem.
- Smile a lot. It is a simple and natural facial gymnastics exercise.
- Avoid eating just before bedtime.