Do you have facial hair? Do you want more defined brows? No matter what the reason, face waxing is cheap, easy, and less painful than you think if you do it right!

Step 1. Find the right product for your skin
For sensitive skin, there are waxes that have an aloe vera-based cream for post hair removal. Make sure you buy the right kit for your face! Other kits may contain aggressive ingredients made to work on other parts of the body and which could irritate the skin on the face

Step 2. Once you've found the right product, wash your face well
Don't wear makeup on the day you decide to shave. You can use any cleanser, but not a scrub. Pull your hair back, but don't hide your hairline: you don't want to overdo it and tear your hair too!

Step 3. If you are a boy, trim the longest hairs on your little finger (4-5mm)
Including sideburns and mustaches. For girls: if you want to pluck your eyebrows, check the hairs you want to pluck. The more you check them out now, the less you will suffer when you go and tear them off with wax.

Step 4. Following the instructions on the package, heat the wax
Maybe you need to melt it in the microwave or on the stove. Better not to use the microwave if you have an alternative because it could overheat the wax.

Step 5. Test the wax to see if it is too hot
To do this, place a drop on your elbow or wrist. If it's too hot, wait for it to cool down. Back solid? Reheat it in another way.

Step 6. Using the comb or spatula included in the kit, spread the wax in the direction of hair growth
Wear enough so that you can cover the hair and tear it out but don't overdo it.

Step 7. If you also have strips in the kit, apply one now
If you don't do it quickly the wax may dry out and it will be trouble and pain when you have to take it off.

Step 8. Wait 30 seconds to 5 minutes, according to the instructions on the package
Grab the end of the wax or strip and tear quickly! in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Step 9. Congratulations
Wait 24 hours before using exfoliant, scrub, astringent, or makeup. Do not expose yourself to the sun. Use sunscreen if you have to go outside.
- Do not use the razor blade.
- Apply a little talcum powder to the area you will depilate before applying the wax, it will take better.
- To make the process less painful and quick, get help from someone who has already used this method of hair removal. Ask for advice on which products work best.
- Better to shave when you have a whole day available.
- Calm down and relax. Don't stress yourself out or you may be wrong.
- Don't overheat the wax! It could seriously burn your face.
- While you wait for the wax to dry, remember not to leave it on for too long. You could block the growth of the hair and it would be terrible if you pluck too many eyebrows..