How to Win at Monopoly (with Pictures)

How to Win at Monopoly (with Pictures)
How to Win at Monopoly (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


To win at Monopoly, you will have to bankrupt your opponents before they do it with you. For each decision, it is crucial to consider the best way to increase your chances of winning and beating the competition. Remember that luck is an important factor in winning Monopoly, and if you're not ready, it can catch you off guard. By reading this guide, you can learn how to devise the smartest strategy to have the best odds of winning.


Part 1 of 4: Play the Smart Way

Win at Monopoly Step 1
Win at Monopoly Step 1

Step 1. Know the most likely outcomes of the dice roll

It is not necessary to talk about probabilistic calculus, but it is good to know what are the probabilities of happening on particular boxes, properties and of making certain scores on the dice.

  • 7 is the most common result of rolling two dice, because it can be achieved with the most combinations, while 2 and 12 are the least likely.
  • On average, it takes 5 or 6 dice rolls to make a full turn. Since 28 of the 40 boxes represent properties, statistically you will be able to happen on 4 of the 28 properties.
  • For each roll, you have a 17% chance of getting a double. On average, this will happen to you once every six throws. In one turn, therefore, it will happen about once.
Win at Monopoly Step 2
Win at Monopoly Step 2

Step 2. Learn which properties you have the least and most likely to land on

Vicolo Corto and Vicolo Stretto are the properties where it is less likely to happen, while it is more likely to arrive on the orange properties (Via Verdi, Corso Raffaello, Piazza Dante) due to their proximity to the prison. This feature makes them the most lucrative of the whole game. Having a monopoly on orange properties gives you a very good chance of winning.

The most visited space in the game is the Prison, while the most visited properties are Largo Colombo and Stazione Nord. A hotel on Largo Colombo will offer you the maximum profit for a single box, after a hotel on Parco della Vittoria

Win at Monopoly Step 3
Win at Monopoly Step 3

Step 3. Try to figure out which cards might happen to you

Keep an eye on the cards that come out during the game in order to predict which ones you might draw if you happen to be on an "Unexpected" or "Probability" box. Before playing, read all the cards carefully to learn their effects. Each standard Monopoly set includes:

  • Sixteen "Unexpected" cards.

    10 out of 16 Unexpected cards will require you to move the pawn to another square. In addition, there are two "prize" cards that will earn you, two "penalty" cards that will make you lose money, one card that will make those who own houses or hotels lose money, and a "get out of jail free" card.

  • Sixteen "Probability" cards.

    Most of these cards, nine out of sixteen, will earn you money. Three cards will make you lose money. Of the remaining cards, two will move you around the map, one will cause home or hotel owners to lose money, and one card is "get out of jail free".

Win at Monopoly Step 4
Win at Monopoly Step 4

Step 4. Play by traditional rules

While some people like to play custom Monopoly rules, the changes can extend the game and give you less control over it. Play by traditional Parker Brothers rules for a better chance of winning.

For example, do not award bonuses in the "Free Parking" box

Part 2 of 4: Buy and Build to Win

Win at Monopoly Step 5
Win at Monopoly Step 5

Step 1. Buy as many properties as possible at the start of the game

The more properties you own, the more chances you will have of receiving rentals. Buy multiple properties of the same color early in the game to have a good chance of winning.

  • Don't wait for more money or to land on Parco della Vittoria or other valuable properties to start spending. As soon as possible, start buying whatever property you can get to. The more contracts you have, the better your position in the game becomes. In Monopoly, waiting and saving are not winning tactics.
  • You will start making money after purchasing properties, not before. Don't worry about emptying the crates in the first few laps. It means you are playing smart.
Win at Monopoly Step 6
Win at Monopoly Step 6

Step 2. Create monopolies

Do not leave free spaces between properties of a color that your opponents can buy. Buy them if possible. In general, you should always buy the properties of a color that no other player owns, especially if it is the second or third property, in order to achieve a monopoly. Orange properties, in particular, are the ones that happen most often, so you should try to get them all.

Owning a monopoly means being the owner of all the properties of a color. The owner of a monopoly is entitled to double rent if there are no houses on the land. In addition, he has the option of building houses or hotels on the properties (which will significantly increase the rent amount). Having a monopoly will also allow you to have much more negotiating power when trading late in the game

Win at Monopoly Step 7
Win at Monopoly Step 7

Step 3. Buy the properties other players want

It can be advantageous to buy the properties to prevent other players from taking over a monopoly: you can always sell them later. If you see that an opponent is building a particular monopoly, take the opportunity to ruin it.

  • Don't worry about blocking a monopoly when two players each own a certain group property. They already block each other out, so you should point your attention somewhere else.
  • Take advantage of owning another player's desired property to get what you want. For example, if the opponent has a property (or two) you want, propose a trade.
Win at Monopoly Step 8
Win at Monopoly Step 8

Step 4. Develop a strategy for railways and services

In general, railroad spaces are more valuable than service spaces, which offer little in the way of long-term investment. But railways are only worth a lot if you own them all. For some players, buying all the railways is a priority, while for others it's just a distraction. Whichever strategy you choose, follow it strictly.

  • There is only a one in 38 chance of profiting from the purchase of a service: it means that you will probably do better to invest in hotels and other projects, which will make you earn more.
  • In some cases, it may be a good idea to buy a railroad to prevent an opponent from gaining a monopoly on it.
Win at Monopoly Step 9
Win at Monopoly Step 9

Step 5. Build three houses as soon as possible

As soon as you get a monopoly, start building and don't stop until you own three houses. When you build the houses you will earn a lot more money and have better chances of winning.

You are better off building when you have enough cash for "high probability" spending, such as rail and utility rents, luxury tax, and some Unexpected cards. If possible, wait to clear the part of the game board where there is the greatest probability of paying the highest penalties, i.e. a few squares before you get to GO

Win at Monopoly Step 10
Win at Monopoly Step 10

Step 6. Try to run out of stock of houses

When you only own the poorest colors, you should buy three or four houses on each plot to reduce the availability of buildings for other players who own the higher value colors. Do not build the hotel if it means that your opponents will be able to build thanks to the houses you have returned to the bank. This is a subtle and very effective tactic.

Part 3 of 4: Playing to Win

Win at Monopoly Step 11
Win at Monopoly Step 11

Step 1. Make the most of your mortgages

They allow you to raise capital in crucial moments of the game. However, keep in mind that it will cost you 10% more to take off mortgages from properties than the total amount they generated. Remember the following when mortgaging your property:

  • You should mortgage single properties first. Unless absolutely necessary, don't mortgage a property if you have 2 or more of that color.
  • If you need money, mortgage individual properties if it allows you to complete a color or build three houses on each plot (or a hotel on the blue and green properties).
  • You will not be able to collect rent on a mortgaged property; try not to mortgage the properties your opponents land on most often or those that guarantee you the highest yields.
Win at Monopoly Step 12
Win at Monopoly Step 12

Step 2. Evaluate the exchanges carefully

Pay attention to your opponents' preferences for particular properties and try to use this information to your advantage. Trying to swap properties to complete a color is always a good idea, as it will allow you to build. However, avoid trading where you gain a monopoly by allowing an opponent to complete a more profitable one. For example, it is good to complete the fuchsia properties through an exchange, but it would not be wise if you allow an opponent to complete the orange ones and, therefore, collect a higher rent.

  • Try to figure out in advance whether a deal will be beneficial to you in the future. Always ask yourself if it will be useful in the long run and if the transaction will help you bankrupt your opponents.
  • A good rule of thumb is to only make trades that allow you to gain a monopoly or more monopolies than an opponent.
Win at Monopoly Step 13
Win at Monopoly Step 13

Step 3. Consider staying in jail in the late game

In Monopoly, unlike in real life, being in prison isn't necessarily a bad thing. At the start of the game you should pay the € 50 required to pay the deposit to continue buying vacant properties. However, in the later stages, if many properties have already been purchased, and houses have been built on most of the land between the prison and the Go to Jail space, roll the dice and hope to stay in prison. This is a preferable alternative to having to pay rent on opponents' properties.

Win at Monopoly Step 14
Win at Monopoly Step 14

Step 4. Deal the final blow to struggling players

Monopoly matches often go for many hours or even more than a day, but it doesn't always have to be that way. When most of the properties have been bought, start bargaining and try to convince disadvantaged players to give up their properties and surrender. Put these properties back into play and reopen the game for the strongest players.

If a player freezes monopolies and is unwilling to give up their properties, you could declare the game a draw and start another. In this situation, you could spend days exchanging money, without making any progress

Part 4 of 4: Playing Dirty

Win at Monopoly Step 15
Win at Monopoly Step 15

Step 1. Be a banker and steal your opponents' money

If you have to win at any cost, make sure you hold the bank at the start of the game. In Monopoly, whoever controls the money has the potential to reap huge benefits.

  • When an opponent buys something, he pays part of the sum to the bank and part of it in your pile of money. To muddy the waters, keep your bank money and yours close.
  • When you give yourself change, turn a 20 bill into a 100 bill. Your opponents will often not pay attention when they don't have to get the money.
  • Receive more money when you step off the GO !. Why not take € 300 instead of € 200? Do it quickly and without attracting attention.
Win at Monopoly Step 16
Win at Monopoly Step 16

Step 2. Keep your money in a mess

In order not to let your opponents notice that your pile of money rises in an inexplicable way, accumulate the banknotes without sorting them, keeping them scattered like leaves and not arranged in piles, like bank money. If your money gets mixed up with the bank's, so much the better. Nobody will notice if any bills jump your way.

Always avoid stealing your opponents' money. If you catch them before they get to the bank, it won't be a problem, but don't try to give other players less change or pay them less. You would be found out right away

Win at Monopoly Step 17
Win at Monopoly Step 17

Step 3. Advance a few more squares as you move across the board

As the game progresses, people pay less and less attention to the pieces and movements of others on the board. This lack of attention gives you plenty of opportunities to change your position on the game board, giving you an added advantage.

  • After throwing the dice, start counting aloud how many spaces you have left, tapping loudly on the table every time you land on a square, until you get to the number obtained (for example "one, two, three, four …"). At the end of the move, instead of moving your piece many spaces, take a longer or shorter step, in order to gain advantage. If someone found out about you, you could always claim that you miscounted by mistake.
  • When everyone is inundated with contracts and bills, move the pawn a few spaces forward or backward to increase the chances of hitting a particular square. Tracking purchases, strategy, money and tokens is hard enough - no one will notice if you are one space ahead of where you should be when your turn comes.
Win at Monopoly Step 18
Win at Monopoly Step 18

Step 4. Wait until the game is late before cheating

Your opponents will be especially careful during the first few rounds of the board, but after some time they will probably be distracted by their cards and money. In Monopoly you have to focus a lot and noticing cheaters requires even more attention. To be able to cheat without being discovered, wait for at least 5 rounds of the board to pass.

Win at Monopoly Step 19
Win at Monopoly Step 19

Step 5. Form alliances against the strongest players

Does your father always win? Before the game, make deals with others and formulate a plan to counter the strongest player. Form a united front to block its monopolies and do not allow it to gain advantages. Preventing the strongest players from gaining a good position will help you win.

Win at Monopoly Step 20
Win at Monopoly Step 20

Step 6. Keep an eye out for other players who cheat

You won't always have to cheat to take out other players and gain an advantage. If you are playing with very strict rules, blame other players for even minor mistakes - a square jump or other mistake - and penalize them hard, according to the rules. If you find other players cheating, stealing extra money, or doing something forbidden, warn everyone and kick them out of the game.


  • Buy or get with a Largo Colombo exchange at any cost! The four most visited boxes are Largo Colombo, Via !, Prigione and Stazione Nord.
  • The more players participate, the more politics is important. When a player approaches bankruptcy, he will be forced to sell his properties and often make profitable trades for the other party; therefore, making friends during the game can be very profitable when they go bankrupt. If you are participating in an official tournament, this tactic will not be allowed.
  • The only way to transfer money between players is to use the "Get out of jail free" card. Use it as an intermediary if someone stops by on a property you are interested in and you want to transfer money to buy it. Also use it to give a "temporary respite" to an opponent who is in another player's hotel and is about to go bankrupt. Buy his card for enough money for him to survive so he can go bankrupt when he lands on your hotel.
  • Remember to spend your money wisely. Remember: the goal of the game is to bankrupt other players, not to become the richest.
  • In the later stages of the game, when you have a lot of properties with houses or hotels, if you end up in jail, don't leave right away. Staying in prison protects you from bankruptcy. Your opponents will have to pay, you won't.
