Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the concentration of this protein in the blood, which, under normal conditions, should be less than 4.0 ng / ml. When the levels are above this threshold it is necessary to understand the causes, because they could be indicators of prostate cancer, although there are other factors that can alter the PSA, such as inflammation and dilation of the gland, a urinary infection, a recent ejaculation, testosterone intake, old age or having ridden a bicycle. You can lower your PSA level both naturally and with medical treatments.
Part 1 of 2: Lower PSA Levels Naturally

Step 1. Avoid foods that can promote a rise in prostate specific antigen
Some foods are able to interfere with the function of the gland and increase the concentration of PSA in the blood. Specifically, a diet rich in dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) and in animal fats (meat, lard, butter) has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. For this reason, by switching to a healthy diet, low in saturated fat and rich in antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, you can reduce the chances of developing this dangerous disease and at the same time lower your PSA values.
- Dairy products appear to increase insulin-like growth factors which have in turn been linked to high PSA levels and poor prostate health.
- When you decide to eat meat, opt for lean meat, such as turkey and chicken. A low-fat diet has been shown to help improve prostate health and reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (increased gland size).
- Replace meat with fish often. Fatty fish (tuna, salmon, herring) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn are linked to a low risk of prostate cancer.
- Dark blue or purple berries and grapes, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, are richer in antioxidants, substances that control oxidation damage to tissues, organs and glands (including the prostate).

Step 2. Eat more tomatoes
These fruits are a rich source of lycopene. It is a carotenoid (a vegetable dye and antioxidant) that protects tissues from stress and helps them to use up energy more efficiently. People who eat a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato products (such as sauces and concentrates) have a lower risk of prostate cancer and have lower blood PSA levels. Lycopene appears to be more bioavailable (i.e. easier for the body to absorb and use) when found in processed products such as tomato sauce or puree.
- Some research indicates that the bioavailability of this substance is greater when the tomato is cut into small pieces and cooked in olive oil compared to other methods of preparation.
- Although the main source of lycopene in the Western diet is represented by tomato products, this substance is also present in apricots, guava and watermelons.
- If you don't eat or don't like tomatoes for some reason, you can always take advantage of the benefits of lycopene to lower the concentration of prostate specific antigen by taking supplements with a dosage of 4 mg per day.

Step 3. Drink pomegranate juice
The natural juice of this fruit contains many beneficial compounds that have a positive effect on the prostate and keep the PSA level within normal limits. For example, the pulp, seeds and peel of the pomegranate contain numerous antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenols and anthocyanins. These phytochemicals are thought to be able to inhibit the development of cancer cells and slow down the accumulation of PSA in the blood. Pomegranate juice is also a rich source of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and allows the body to repair tissues - both of these aspects interact positively with the PSA concentration.
- Try to drink a glass of pomegranate juice a day. If you don't like this drink in its pure state (it might be a little too tart), then choose a mix of sweeter juices, but one that also contains that of this fruit.
- Choose the purest and most natural products derived from pomegranate. Excessive processing destroys phytochemicals and vitamin C.
- Pomegranate extract is also available in capsule form that you can take every day as a dietary supplement.

Step 4. Consider taking the Pomi-T supplement (available online)
It is a product that contains raw pomegranate powder, broccoli, green tea and turmeric. Research conducted in 2013 showed that Pomi-T is capable of significantly lowering PSA levels in prostate cancer patients. Every single ingredient has powerful antioxidant characteristics and anticancer properties; however, when they are combined, a synergistic effect is created which increases their effectiveness. The research was conducted on men with prostate cancer who took the supplement for six months. Pomi-T was well tolerated and is thought to cause no side effects.
- Broccoli are cruciferous vegetables rich in sulfur-based compounds that are able to fight cancer and tissue damage caused by oxidation. The more you cook the broccoli, the more you reduce its effectiveness, so you should limit yourself to varieties that can be eaten raw.
- Green tea is rich in catechins, antioxidants that help kill cancer cells while lowering blood levels of PSA. When making a cup of green tea, do not bring the water to a boil, as the high temperatures reduce the antioxidant power of the drink.
- Turmeric has a strong anti-inflammatory action and contains curcumin, a substance capable of lowering PSA and reducing the spread of prostate cancer cells.

Step 5. Try specific herbal supplements
Herbal products are commercially available prepared with the extracts of eight different Chinese herbs. These are supplements often present on the foreign market and for this reason it may not be easy to obtain them in Italy. However, research conducted in 2000 showed that they are effective in lowering PSA levels in patients with advanced prostate cancer. Researchers believe that these products have a similar effect to estrogen (the main female hormone) which lowers the testosterone level in men, thereby shrinking the prostate and lowering PSA. Before taking any natural "miracle" product, do your research and make sure it does not contain drugs or potentially dangerous ingredients.
- The study was conducted in men who took this type of supplement for two years (nine capsules per day) and reported a reduction in PSA concentrations of 80% or more. Furthermore, the lowering of the prostate specific antigen level did not stop for a year after the treatment was discontinued.
- This supplement is a mix of Scutellaria baicalensis, chrysanthemum flowers, Reishi mushrooms, licorice, ginseg root, isatide, Isodon longitubus and Serenoa repens berries.
Part 2 of 2: Lowering PSA Levels with Medical Help

Step 1. Review the PSA test results with your doctor
The vast majority of men undergo this test because they show symptoms related to prostate health, such as deep pelvic pain, discomfort in sitting, problems with urination and frequent urination, traces of blood in the semen and / or erectile dysfunction.. However, there are many diseases that can affect this gland (infection, cancer, benign hypertrophy, spasms) and numerous causes of increased prostate specific antigen concentration. For these reasons, the test result is not a definitive diagnosis of cancer, because there is a possibility that the result is a false positive (false alarm). The doctor will consider the outcomes contextualizing them with your personal medical history, with the physical examination of the prostate and the possible biopsy to finally arrive at a diagnosis.
- Generally a value below 4 ng / ml is considered as an indicator of a healthy prostate, while a concentration higher than 10 mg / ml assumes a high risk of cancer. However, there are men with prostate cancer who report PSA values below 4 mg / mL and healthy individuals with outcomes greater than 10 ng / mL.
- Ask your doctor for alternative tests. There are three different methods for testing prostate-specific antigen (in addition to the standard one) and the andrologist should consider them at this point: the calculation of the percentage of free PSA reports only the amount of free (unbound) antigen present in the blood and not total blood; the PSA velocity test uses the results of other tests to determine changes in antigen concentration over time; PC3 prostate cancer antigen testing looks for a common genetic fusion in at least half of men with prostate cancer who have had PSA testing.

Step 2. Consider taking aspirin
Research conducted in 2008 concluded that regular intake of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is helpful in lowering PSA levels. Scientists do not yet know the exact mechanism behind this phenomenon (it does not appear to be due to a narrowing of the gland), but men who regularly take these drugs have, on average, 10% lower PSA concentration than men who they don't hire them. However, you should always speak to your doctor before taking aspirin for a long time, as there are side effects, such as stomach irritation, ulcers, and reduced blood clotting ability.
- Individuals who notice the greatest reduction in PSA due to aspirin are men with advanced prostate cancer and non-smokers.
- For men who want to take this medicine for a long time (more than two months), the safest solution is a low dose of gastro-resistant aspirin.
- Since aspirin and other NSAIDs thin the blood (make clots more difficult), they are also helpful in reducing the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Step 3. Discuss other drug options for reducing PSA concentration with your doctor
There are several medicines that have the potential to lower blood levels of prostate specific antigen, although most of these are intended for diseases and diseases not related to the prostate. It is never a good idea to take drugs that treat diseases that you don't have just to reduce PSA levels, especially since the concentration of this antigen is a rather difficult figure to interpret and is not always an indicator of prostate disease.
- The drugs that are formulated to treat the prostate are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride) and are used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia or urinary symptoms. These inhibitors can lower PSA levels as a side effect, but not in all men.
- Cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as statins (Torvast, Crestor, Zocor), are related to low PSA levels when taken for a few years or longer. However, this beneficial side effect is canceled out if you take calcium channel blockers against hypertension.
- Thiazide diuretics are used to treat high blood pressure. When taken for the long term they can lower PSA levels.
- For men who do not have prostate cancer, it is unclear whether it is beneficial or beneficial to lower prostate specific antigen levels.
- In some cases, the factor that can lower PSA levels does not alter a man's risk of prostate cancer, and what is effective for one individual may not always be effective for another.
- To determine the presence of a prostate problem, digital rectal examination, ultrasound, and a biopsy are more reliable tests than counting PSA levels.