Nowadays, we are all slaves to commitments, too busy with school, work and bills to pay to think about anything else. We never have time for ourselves, and when we do, we often spend it watching TV, doing housework, or sitting down. We only have one chance in life, so we start living for real, doing the things that fully satisfy us and make us feel fulfilled.
Part 1 of 4: Finding Out What Makes You Happy

Step 1. Cultivate interpersonal relationships
We often take the relationship with the people we love for granted. Of course, friends and family are the ones who help us in difficult times, but they are also the people with whom to share the happy moments. The fact is that many times we don't pay attention to it. Show your loved ones that you care a lot about them.
- Give your mom flowers even when it's not her birthday. If you are a car wizard and have heard that your friend's car has spark plug problems, offer to change them. A small, kind gesture can go a long way in lifting the mood of people who have a special place in our hearts.
- When you are in conflict with someone you love, work hard to resolve it. Giving up by slamming the door behind you is not the way to happiness! Sometimes it is simply a matter of accepting an idea or opinion that is different from yours. The other person will recognize that it was not easy for you and will greatly appreciate your gesture.

Step 2. Take action
Don't just think about what you would like to do in life. Get moving and put it into practice! You alone are responsible for what happens to you in life, no one else is responsible for you. Many people at the end of their life regret not having taken the reins in their hands as they would have liked: not to be one of them. The key to everything is really action.
Don't step too far, though, or you'll run the risk of giving up everything. With small, gradual steps and consistency you reach great goals in life

Step 3. Focus on the most overlooked aspects
Have you noticed that you like nice and tidy spaces but your personal spaces are a mess? Start creating a wonderful environment around you and invite your friends to share it! Did your art teacher at school praise you for your artistic skills? Even if you've always thought about creating something, you haven't done anything since graduation. Don't waste time: get your paint and brushes now and start painting the Picasso-style works you have in mind!

Step 4. Manage your time well
Each day, make a list of your three most important tasks to complete by the end of the week. Compile another list with the simpler and less important tasks that, if left unfinished, can cause you problems in the future, such as writing a letter, replying to e-mails, making phone calls, filling out forms, and so on. Plan a time of day (for example 4:30 pm) to complete them all together. Take care of the more important things first and then, at the appointed time, think about the smaller ones.
- Towards the end of the day, check which things still need to be done. Put off less important chores until the next day and focus on the more important ones.
- Thanks to this method, you will be able to avoid spending most of your time on less important things while neglecting the priorities of your life.
- Like any novelty, it will take some time to perfect, but persist with perseverance. In the end you will be the one to manage the time and not the time to manage you!
Part 2 of 4: Learn New Skills and Hobbies

Step 1. Take on new challenges in the field of exercise
Incorporate a 30-day physical challenge into your regular training routine. This is a very effective way to improve your normal physical activity regimen. Most challenges take 20 to 30 minutes to complete, but that's enough to keep you more active than usual. The 30-day fitness programs give excellent results because they offer "SMART" goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Defined.
- Try challenges based on push-ups, kettlebell swings, and holding the plank (plank position). You choose the exercise according to the part of the body you want to train. Remember, however, that the 30-day physical challenge is not a substitute for your regular training routine. Theoretically, you should also keep doing the exercises you do regularly. You will be a little sore at first, but by the end you should be able to do both routines well, and you will gain some in physical shape.
- Here is an example of how to incorporate "SMART" goals using kettlebells.
- Specific Goal: The 30-day physical challenge will consist of performing kettlebell swings.
- Measurable Goal: You have to do 500 swings 20 times a day in order to reach 10,000 swings in total.
- Feasible Goal: The goal is achievable by dividing the exercises into 5 sets of 10, 15, 25 and 50 repetitions.
- Relevant Objective: it is an excellent method to make the core work (ie the so-called muscular corset).
- Time-Defined Goal: The goal is to perform 10,000 swings in 30 days.
- Consider training for running races of 5km or shorter. These competitions have become very popular and guarantee tons of positive health effects that are impossible to list here. By participating in events like this you keep fit, cultivate your competitive streak, perfect your discipline and meet many new people. If you have never participated in it before or if you are a little out of shape, sign up for a shorter race or only participate in the running part of the race. It should be easy to find a 5km foot race in the area you live in. If you can't find it, look for it elsewhere, train every day or every other day for a month and go to the competition venue.

Step 2. Volunteer for charities that deal with important causes
Volunteering allows you to acquire new skills and develop the ones you already have, and it is also an excellent opportunity to meet new people by participating in useful activities with people who have a lot in common with you. In addition, you can contribute to change the situation in a social area that is close to your heart.
- Consider volunteering with children. There are several sectors in which you can try your hand: youth groups, mentoring, support activities in juvenile prisons, activities with the major scouting organizations. Working in this direction can be very useful if you plan to become a teacher or a social worker who cares for minors.
- Donate your time by working in an animal shelter. This is an activity that offers instant gratification. Nothing can make you feel better than a gaunt puppy with big pleading eyes looking at you as you put his food in the bowl. You can also do fundraising, something badly needed in the animal rescue industry; you can also become a vet's assistant or retrieve stray dogs and cats. Just like the rewards, the opportunities are endless.

Step 3. Dedicate yourself to cooking
Your family and friends will likely enjoy your new hobby a lot. You can make tasty jams, delicious pickles or get hooked on cakes. Once you've perfected your recipes, try bringing your delicious creations to a cooking contest or local festival.
- Make some homemade beer. If you can boil water, you can brew beer - even premium quality beer, and at a much lower cost than commercial beer. Home brewing of beer has come a long way since it was legalized. Over the years, the techniques have been refined, the variety and quality of ingredients and tools available ensure excellent results. Brewing has become a science nowadays, but you don't need to be at the top level to make a delicious beer.
- Brewing is an inexact art, which allows for some errors in the name of experimentation.
- If you want to learn, look for information online or buy a manual from the bookstore. Each source you consult will recommend a different procedure for fermenting and brewing beer; you will also find always different recipes. The interesting thing is that most guides guarantee terrific results.
- Finding the ingredients and tools needed to brew home beer isn't as difficult as it once was. If there are shops nearby that sell everything you need it's easier, otherwise you can always order everything you need online.

Step 4. Make your family tree
This fascinating subject is called "genealogy". There are many courses available on the internet that teach how to trace a family history. It takes time to do a good family history research, but once it's done it will be a keepsake that all members of your family will appreciate and that can also become a gift to give to one or more relatives. In theory, you can go back in time to many centuries ago.
- Remember that to do precise and accurate genealogical research you have to be meticulous, attentive to details and move with the detective mindset.
- Start by writing down what you already know about your family. Start with yourself and enter all the information you know. Preserve important family history and information by tracing the family tree generation after generation. Record wedding and death dates, names, birth dates and other events you know.
Part 3 of 4: Welcoming Opportunities and People Who Cross Your Path

Step 1. Take risks
No successful person has gotten to where they are now without first dealing with failures and alleged limitations. Winston Churchill failed school. Oprah Winfrey was told she wasn't fit enough to appear on television. Colombia Pictures believed Marilyn Monroe was not beautiful enough and Walt Disney was told he lacked fantasy! Yet none of these people have settled down or become depressed in the face of their apparent limitations. They took on the world and they did it, so you can do it too!

Step 2. Meet new people
Join a group that shares your interests, such as vegetarian diets or chess. When you meet someone you would like to meet, behave naturally and ask them something relevant to the situation you are experiencing, for example "Does this cheese contain rennet or is it vegan?". Volunteering is another great opportunity to meet new people, as it allows us to escape from the daily routine. Also helping others makes us feel better.

Step 3. Learn to tolerate uncertainty and possible rejection
For whatever reason, a person may not be interested in getting to know you, and you will never know why. Don't take it personally, because others don't really know you. It may be that that person belongs to a particular ethnic group or religious sect and has been educated to associate only with people belonging to his own community.

Step 4. Explore the unknown, even if you risk hitting your head
Making mistakes is normal. Thanks to mistakes we learn to discern what is valid from what is not. Whether it's an inspired idea, a blind date or a career opportunity, take each new situation as an opportunity to grow. Too many people live in fear and do not perceive in the least what great things they are capable of doing!
- Many people have many opinions of others. Take into account what others say, but you don't always have to believe what they say about you, as these are often projections based on their own fears!
- Many prefer to go unnoticed in the world, do not question the opinions of others and do not upset anyone's life. But internally, these people are hoping for positive change. To stay true to yourself, don't worry about being a lone wolf. As long as you don't hurt yourself and others, that's okay.
- The most important thing is to try. You have to have faith in yourself to jump into the fray, so pat yourself on the back and go for it! We are many on the planet: eventually you will find your tribe.
Part 4 of 4: Traveling to Interesting Places and Affordable Prices

Step 1. Plan a trip of a couple of weeks to visit a developing country, such as Thailand, Vietnam or Laos, for 500 euros or less
Unlike other very expensive places, these three countries can fit into your budget. With around 500 euros you can organize a two-week trip, excluding the plane ticket. The budget includes accommodation, drinks, food, transportation and other expenses.
- Thailand is a favorite destination, and for very good reasons. Affordable accommodations and meals, cheap trains and buses, beautiful mountains and beaches, plus an eventful metropolis like Bangkok make Thailand the perfect destination for budget conscious travelers.
- Vietnam is another great place to save money and it is a very beautiful country that offers a lot. The accommodations are affordable yet comfortable and clean, the food is some of the best and cheapest in the world, plus you can save even more by traveling by bus.
- Laos in recent years has gained in popularity among backpackers. The costs are still within reasonable limits. This incredible part of the world is known for its peaceful lifestyle and stunning scenery.

Step 2. Quit your current job and start traveling
Ask yourself if you really like what you do: if the answer is not a convinced and enthusiastic "yes", then start thinking about it! First of all, sell anything you don't really need. Then set aside at least two months' salary. Finally, dedicated to volunteering, teach Italian online or in a school in a developing country.
- Believe it or not, there are countless associations, non-profit organizations and individuals seeking all kinds of help in developing countries. You could volunteer at a Tibetan school, a coffee company in Honduras, or a ranch in Mexico. The choice is entirely up to you.
- There are many websites that post advertisements for non-governmental organizations, companies, or individuals seeking volunteers. They generally don't pay, but they offer room and board. You must pay for the trip and have money with you to cover the monthly expenses.
- You can also teach Italian online or in a school abroad. If you teach online, you can do so on a freelance basis or through a recognized institution. In the latter case, find out which certificates or diplomas are required to teach Italian online. If you are fluent in English, you can try teaching English in developing countries through one of the many schools on the Internet. Many require a TEFL certificate, but not all. You can teach the basic or advanced level. Schools generally offer room and board, and a decent salary. The criteria for teaching English as a foreign language are patience, creativity, organizational skills and an excellent knowledge of the language.

Step 3. Read travel blogs
Most bloggers don't get paid to write, so they offer a sincere and honest judgment of the countries they visit. Since you're on a tight budget, check out blogs that talk about backpacking travel. In addition to offering an honest overview, many blogs also provide details on travel and accommodation costs.

Step 4. Browse the travel forums
Many travelers who have just returned from their destination share their impressions on the web are sincere and eager to help. However, what they say must be taken with a grain of salt, because it is part of human nature to select only certain events, usually negative ones, from among the memories.
- Embrace unconditional love and learn to forgive.
- Follow the adage “live and let live”.
- Follow your instincts and your passions.