How to Interpret a Dream Where a Door Appears

How to Interpret a Dream Where a Door Appears
How to Interpret a Dream Where a Door Appears

Table of contents:


Have you ever had a dream where a door appears? Was it a recurring dream? Have you ever wondered if it had a meaning or if it was trying to convey some message to you? Doors are powerful dream symbols, which carry with them a large number of meanings, positive and negative. Always remembering to consider the dream something very personal, you can try to better understand what a "dream door" symbolizes for you by transcribing the dream, studying its possible meanings and becoming aware of the limits inherent in the interpretation of dreams.


Part 1 of 3: Transcribing Dreams

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 1
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 1

Step 1. Write down the dream

Transcribing a dream serves to bring to mind the plot of events and at the same time serves as a useful reminder for the future. It also serves to improve your ability to remember dreams in general.

  • Try keeping a dream journal. Take a notebook and use it only to write down dreams; for convenience keep it near the bed, for example on the bedside table.
  • Make it a habit to write down the details of the dream as soon as possible, before your mind wakes up and you begin to forget or add elements that were not originally there.
  • As you write down the dream, focus on the images rather than the story. The sequence of events may be irrelevant and may lead you to come up with a story after the fact.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 2
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 2

Step 2. Think about the connection you may have with the dream doors

Begin by re-reading the dream log and analyzing your personal connections with the doors that appear there. What mental associations come to mind in this regard? For example, do they remind you of the times when you worked in a restaurant where you had to go through sliding doors to enter the dining room? What feelings do these associations arouse in you?

  • Pay attention to the context of the dream. Where did it take place? Was it a place you've been to before or an imaginary place you've never seen?
  • Was there someone or something near the door in the dream? For example, if your deceased grandmother opened the door in the dream, it could be an important factor.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 3
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 3

Step 3. Think about your relationships with the people who appear in the dream

The people who appear in the dream, especially if they are important people like a grandfather, can help shed some light on the general meaning. Often they simply represent themselves, but sometimes they reflect specific aspects of our mind. For example, a small child pulling you by the jacket can represent subconscious guilt.

  • Who appeared to you in a dream? In addition to these people's relationship to the door itself, think about who they really are and what your relationships are with them.
  • Often, the less intimate the relationship between you and one of the dream characters, the more likely it is to represent an aspect of your psyche: that is, your mind is trying to tell you something.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 4
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 4

Step 4. Try to recall the emotions of the dream

Focus on the emotions you feel during the dream, because they are the key to its interpretation. If you were nervous, there's a good chance the door has to do with anxiety. If you were elated, maybe the door represents something pleasant that you can't wait for it to happen.

When you write down the dream, take note of the state of mind that caused you. What matters is precisely the state of mind: if you were happy or depressed, afraid, angry or anxious, if you felt a feeling of inner strength, etc

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 5
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 5

Step 5. Learn about the symbols of the collective unconscious

Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung believed that some of the images that recur in dreams were in effect universal symbols. The latter draw on a reservoir called the "collective unconscious" which crosses the various cultures in a transversal way. If you are seriously interested in delving deeply into the meaning of doors that appear in your dreams, consider delving into Jungian theories of dream interpretation.

  • For example, dreaming of being chased could mean that you are running away from something that scares you and that you feel unprepared to face.
  • Dreaming of death can mean a transformation in your life; dreaming of the disease can indicate an inner conflict.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding the Door Symbology

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 6
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 6

Step 1. Understand the possible meanings a door can have

Dreaming of a door can mean many things. In general, it is interpreted as a symbol of transition. Dreaming of a door indicates that your life would need a change or that you are going through a transition phase from one existential stage to another. Behind a door there can be a world of adventures, secrets, opportunities, rebirths.

The saying "A door closes, a door opens" is very pertinent in this context. Your door could allow you to enter a new phase of life

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 7
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 7

Step 2. Evaluate the condition of the door itself

The context in which it is placed, the conditions in which it is located, the color and type of door are all elements to be taken into account for the purpose of interpretation. A good door, for example, can mean that making a transition is a healthy and common sense decision. A dilapidated door, on the other hand, can indicate that you are hesitant about change, or that it scares you.

  • What is the color of the door? Some experts claim that a red door indicates that you are suppressing anger or frustration. A black door suggests secrets: opening it involves risks.
  • What kind of door is it? A trap door can represent hidden opportunities or, at times, feelings repressed on an unconscious level. A revolving door can be a symbol of the fact that you are spinning around in circles - perhaps you have the impression that your life is stagnant and without prospects.
  • Are you in or out? Being inside can indicate that you need introspection to take stock of your life, while being outside can represent freedom and new opportunities.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 8
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 8

Step 3. Evaluate what's beyond the door

A closed door can mean a blocked path, with no opportunity. If, on the other hand, you cross it in the dream, what is on the other side is equally important. Pay attention to the context to which the door leads, because it is closely linked to a possible interpretation of it.

  • For example, if you come across the land of plenty and plenty, it is a sign of your upcoming transition to a glorious new stage in life.
  • If, on the other hand, the door leads to a desolate, sad and depressing landscape, it can indicate that you are afraid of change and that you are holding back.
  • A door that leads to a familiar and comforting environment is a sign that you are ready for change, but you will remain yourself: once you get to the other side, you will only be wiser and have more experience.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 9
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 9

Step 4. Evaluate your passage through the door

The act of walking through the door is important, as are the emotions it arouses. If you wake up with the vivid memory of having crossed the threshold, for example, it means that you are ready to throw yourself into this new phase of your life.

Part 3 of 3: Delving into the Theme of Dream Interpretation

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 10
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 10

Step 1. Read books and articles about dreams and their interpretation

If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of dreams and their symbolism, consider studying the subject a little. Even though we still know very little about dreams and the reasons why we dream, new and interesting discoveries are continually being made.

  • Human beings have always tried, over the centuries, to interpret and understand the meaning of dreams. However, the first strictly scientific attempts date back only to the early twentieth century, with the spread of the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, whose interpretative theses still enjoy great popularity today.
  • Today science recognizes several theories. Some scholars argue that dreams, in reality, mean nothing, but are only the result of a series of electrical impulses that are generated in the brain randomly; others think that the act of dreaming has evolved as a defense system; still others believe that dreams help us process the emotions and experiences of the day.
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 11
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 11

Step 2. Be aware of the limitations inherent in dream interpretation techniques

Dream analysis can provide you with insights into your own psyche. But we still know very little about dreams and their function. The symbolism linked to dreams may not be universal and, consequently, not applicable to everyone: it is probably not the case to rely on this tool to make crucial decisions.

Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 12
Interpret a Dream Involving Doors Step 12

Step 3. Take the online resources with due caution

On the internet there are several sites that claim to interpret symbols such as doors, water, fences, etc. Many of these sites even have handy online "dictionaries" - too good to be true? Indeed it is. Take these sites with due caution.

  • On websites, symbols are often given very specific meanings. In reality, the interpretation of dreams is much more complex. Since we know so little about brain functioning and dreams, you may want to rely on your personal opinion or professional advice from a psychoanalyst.
  • Dream interpretation is something very personal and that varies from case to case. There may be symbols with a cross-cultural or even universal meaning, but they are exceptions to the rule. Don't blindly believe that a symbol means exactly what the "dream dictionary" says.


  • A locked door that only opens halfway indicates your hesitation in dealing with change. It is a dream that encourages you to keep pushing that door and to step confidently towards the inevitable change. A person who does not want to change can get stuck in the past and mourning the self that he once was.
  • A door that won't open is indicative of your unwillingness to change.
