Let's face it, unless you're a man holding a giant check and a team of people armed with cameras and microphones, no one will like to see you. To people, you are just a stranger knocking on their door. Regardless of your clean looks and gentle smile, you will still be greeted with impatience, reluctance or even hateful looks that will make your hair stand on end. This article is by no means the subject of interpersonal relationships, but it will enlighten the reader on what it means to be a door-to-door salesman and teach him how to win the trust of his customers.

Step 1. Know the product you are selling down to the smallest detail
Whether you have just found a job that requires you to gain some experience and sell the successful products of the company you work for, or whether you want to earn some money by looking for someone who cares about the kitten socks you have. embroidered in person while you were alone on Valentine's Day, you need to make sure you know exactly what you are selling. You must be aware that you will be seen by others as a kind intruder who sneaks into their lives. It is therefore normal for your potential buyers to ask you personal questions first and only then become interested in the product you are trying to sell.
- Try to be cautious when presenting the product. Do not advertise what you are selling by reciting a memorized litany, as it may sound fake, and even a little ridiculous. Instead, try to explain to customers how your product could improve their lives, starting on the personal level. You have to be very gentle when using this technique, as you could risk being offensive (for example, if you are trying to sell some household equipment you shouldn't say "you stopped because their house looked like an old shack").
- Try to be attentive, composed and cautious when explaining how your product could serve the customer and at the same time try to make them understand how many benefits they could derive in the immediate present.

Step 2. Try to explain briefly and precisely who you are and why you are there
In the field of door-to-door sales, the time you have before the customer loses interest in you is … zero. Indeed, very often this interest quickly drops below zero the moment the customer sees that you are about to approach his property.
- It is important to understand this, as you will only need to attract the potential curiosity of the client through your brief initial presentation. Don't introduce yourself with your first and last name, as customers will have the chicken in the oven and won't want to hear the story of your life in the slightest. Instead, start with a short greeting and tell them who you work for or what you want them to see.
- Depending on the product, getting straight to the point in a direct, and at the same time friendly, way will allow you to buy time and make the customer less suspicious. Remember to keep a relaxed attitude! You are certainly not in a teleshopping where you have to try to advertise mattresses at "dream" prices in a blatant way; this overly animated way of doing things could be irritating and pathetic in door-to-door sales.

Step 3. Love the product
You have gotten to the point where the customer has to decide whether or not to listen to what you have to say. If you've made it this far, you shouldn't even give the customer time to reply, because you will already be listing the personal benefits they might derive from your product. To do this best, you need to be convinced that not only does every person in the neighborhood crave your product, but they also badly need it, they just don't know it yet.
As a mediator between the company and the customer, it is part of your job to dispel any doubts about what you are selling. First of all, try to make customers understand what they need most in the immediate present

Step 4. Don't give up
Obviously, that's easier said than done. For every salesperson in this industry, the top 50 houses are considered just a test run to improve their presentation and learn the main techniques to grab the attention of at least 20% of people, and not just 4%.
As in all areas and things in life, practice makes perfect and, over time, even selling door to door will become easier and more natural for you. Try to perfect your presentation house after house to make it better and more personalized. Nothing will make you more satisfied and confident than the first sale, that's guaranteed! After a while, when you are a well-established seller, you will be able to give others the impression that you are happy and eager to share with the people around you the amazing product you own. You will make any other competing vendor in the area pale with envy
- Take a step back after knocking on the door. This way you will seem less intrusive and more respectful of personal spaces.
- Make sure you use a soft and quiet tone of voice, but at the same time loud enough so that the client can clearly hear it.
- Look closely at the house you are about to knock on to catch some details that tell you something about the customer's tastes and use them as an argument to break the ice.
- If possible, try to use sober clothes and avoid exaggerated or excessively exuberant looks. Also avoid dressing too much as it can be intimidating to some people.
- Try to always get the phone number or ask the customer when he will be available again if you see that he is busy by the time you arrive.
- If you are looking to sell some of your possessions and have a lot of them, sell them directly in your garage. Use colored signs and place them in the most prominent points of your neighborhood.
- DO NOT go over the fences of the houses. Animals hate intrusiveness even more than their owners.
- Try to walk on the sidewalk; if not, try to walk as far as possible to the side of the road.
- Compliments on the physical appearance of a client of the opposite sex are considered inappropriate.