It's easy to text, but hard to get it right. Here is a guide to avoid sending inappropriate text messages and prevent people from replying to you.

Step 1. Spell the words well
Some abbreviations (such as: fb, cmq, ok…) are acceptable. However, if you shorten all the words, the recipient may not understand you. Even if they understand, they may think your ignorant (like: "ci ved dmani s8 casa").

Step 2. If you start a conversation you need to know what to say
For example, if you say "what are you doing?" and they answer "nothing, what about you?" Say something funny that happened recently. Say nothing". The conversation will end and people will think why you texted.

Step 3. Use punctuation, but don't overdo it
A question mark after a question or occasionally an exclamation point. Many people use them inappropriately. Don't use five question marks at the end of each sentence.

Step 4. Have respect
If someone does not answer, it means that he is busy or does not want to answer you. In any case, there is no need to:
- Send another SMS with a different question.
- Send a question mark a minute later.
- Send the same SMS one hour later.
- Don't send any more messages for a long time.

Step 5. Remember "The Golden Rules" not to be a persecutor:
- Don't text someone you don't know.
- Don't text someone you don't know every day.
- If you violate these rules, your number will be deleted from the recipients' address books.

Step 6. Don't text someone constantly except one of your best friends
If you ask "what are you doing?" or "what are you doing?" Three times a day, then something is wrong.
- When someone shares something negative or sad with you, say you're sorry and help them get better.
- If one of your friends only answers you with "yes" or "ok", then it could mean that he is not interested in the subject.
- If you text someone too often or nonsense, don't be surprised if they say "see you later, bye".
- If that's the case, leave it as it is. You can also reply "Hi" but if you write something else you may annoy the recipient who will probably not text you any more for quite a while.
- If a friend of yours tells you "I'll hear from you later" and instead doesn't text you for the whole day, send an SMS saying "goodnight" to remind him that you are still waiting for his reply.