How to Attract a Taurus Man: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Attract a Taurus Man: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Attract a Taurus Man: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


All women, sooner or later, are attracted to a Taurus man - stubborn people born between April 20 and May 20. These men are truly irresistible creatures, and being able to attract them can be extremely difficult. If you are a practical, patient and feminine woman, a Taurus man can be the perfect companion for you.


Part 1 of 3: Grabbing his attention

Be Feminine Step 3
Be Feminine Step 3

Step 1. Try to be a complete woman

In addition to strength and confidence, the Taurus man needs a woman with a strong femininity. He appreciates beauty and expects his partner to be beautiful. If you want to attract him, take care of your appearance a lot!

And while you're at it, try to have class. Taurus men love refined women who appreciate good music, good wine and art, just to name a few. Make sure your clothing is also classy; you don't want to mess it up right away

Decorate Your Bedroom Step 20
Decorate Your Bedroom Step 20

Step 2. Be clean and organized

The Taurus loves the woman who knows how to take care of the house. If you are clean and organized the Taurus man will be very impressed. Taurus hates clutter and can't stand a disorderly life. Show him that order is completely natural to you and you will hit the mark.

If you invite him home, plan the evening! He'll appreciate that you've taken care of all the details, even the spice rack. He will understand how much effort you put into keeping everything under control and will consider you a kindred soul

Be Feminine Step 16
Be Feminine Step 16

Step 3. Use money wisely

These men have a great respect for money and do not accept its wrong and impractical use. If you have a nose for finances, you will surely attract his attention. He is a very practical person and knows how much every euro is worth!

That said, a Taurus man knows how to recognize quality. You don't need to be a thrifty little ant, but you need to know when some things are frivolous and unnecessary

Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 25
Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 25

Step 4. Be honest

If you can't be true to yourself, you will never be able to attract a Taurus. Be honest with him. He will appreciate your honesty, which is a trait he particularly loves in a woman. He does not give his trust easily, so any lie will not be tolerated at all.

Also be honest about your image. If you are not genuinely yourself, at some point you will have to show yourself for who you really are. If you are not a "femme fatale", don't pretend to be. Be yourself. If he doesn't like you, patience. You will not be able to hold the mask forever and he will notice. And when it does, he won't be happy about it. So don't pretend to be what you are not

Make a Woman Fall in Love With You Step 17
Make a Woman Fall in Love With You Step 17

Step 5. Be practical

The Taurus man is a family man: he prefers to be comfortable at home with a good dinner and great company. You will win her heart if you know how to cook. He's a down to earth person, so avoid sudden surprises and drastic schedule changes.

Don't be afraid to look boring! Invite him to a dinner you made yourself. He will be surprised at how many abilities you possess and your femininity. A woman who invites him to dinner and is also attractive and good in the kitchen? It's a stroke of luck for any man

Part 2 of 3: Building a Relationship

Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 15
Get a Boy in Middle School to Like You Step 15

Step 1. Step forward

Many make the mistake of considering a Taurus man cold and aloof. In truth he is not unhappy with the world around him, he just keeps his emotions to himself and always tries to be pragmatic. So, he might be interested in you without you knowing! You have to make the first move or you'll have to wait for quite a while!

You don't have to do anything extravagant; inviting him to dinner might be enough to impress him. You don't even have to flutter around him all the time, a simple coffee will show him you're interested

Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 28
Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 28

Step 2. Be sensual

A Taurus man loves cozy situations. He loves staying at home to be with his woman. Dress less provocatively in public and very seductive in private. The Taurus man will appreciate it.

Let him know that you are physically interested in him without making it too obvious. Touch his shoulders when you pass him, touch his arm lightly, let him feel your touch until he can do nothing but come out

Tell a Guy You Love Him Step 8
Tell a Guy You Love Him Step 8

Step 3. Respect him as a leader

Taurus wants to be dominant. He wants his woman to support and respect him, but not tell him what to do. Doing so could cause a bad reaction in him. However, make it clear that you want to be independent from time to time; after all, you don't have to become his slave. He must still have some level of respect for you.

Basically, the Taurus man wants a relationship based on mutual respect. The basic idea is to show him respect as a leader - he will respect you in turn. Handle conflicts delicately and he will react well. He already has enough problems managing his temperament, he doesn't need to put up with that of others as well

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11

Step 4. Respect their way of thinking

Taurus is reticent to change. Love the routine. If you try to change it, remember that you are angering a very dangerous animal. Try to go with the current! If you don't understand something, ask him! He will be happy to include you in his routine if you are understanding and try to share what he cares about.

Love to plan. If you are overwhelmed by a thousand brilliant ideas, talk to him before putting them into action. He will be able to bring you back to earth and help you make them happen

Listen Step 5Bullet1
Listen Step 5Bullet1

Step 5. Be patient and don't rush him

Taurus loves to deeply enjoy their experiences; tends to analyze all the consequences of his decisions, including that of starting a relationship. So, with these men, try to be patient and relax a bit. Let the relationship mature without putting pressure. If he didn't like you he wouldn't look for you!

This also applies to him. The Taurus needs its rituals and that they are respected. If you break his routine, he won't be thrilled. If there is something he needs to do, let him do it. When it's done, it's all for you

Part 3 of 3: Making the Relationship Last

Pick Up a Woman Step 2
Pick Up a Woman Step 2

Step 1. Consider the nature of the Taurus man

You have to be realistic. They are protective and often jealous men, like their opposites: Scorpios. If you are from Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, forget about establishing a relationship with them or even just getting their attention. Their overbearing nature would be too intrusive for you. Make sure your zodiac sign is compatible!

If she has a way to handle her stubbornness, her need for her routines and leadership, then you can have a very lasting relationship. But if they are aspects that you don't think you can tolerate in the long term, avoid suffering from them. With him you can certainly have an adventure, but not much more

Differentiate Between Love and Friendship Step 13
Differentiate Between Love and Friendship Step 13

Step 2. Develop a common routine

The Taurus man likes his habits and his woman must be a part of them. So try to carve out a space for yourself! Try to fit it into your routine and get him to do the same. The more your "gears" fit together, the harder it will be to untie them.

This does not mean that you have to be involved with each other in every aspect of your lives. Absolutely. It just means you may have hobbies and habits to share. On Friday pizza and cinema. On Saturday morning the walk in the park. You both need to keep your lives

Be a Good Boyfriend Step 2Bullet1
Be a Good Boyfriend Step 2Bullet1

Step 3. Don't destroy his ego

Sometimes men get defensive when it comes to their manhood, and a Taurus man is no exception; in fact the males of this sign could be the cause of this stereotype. His pride and his dominating ego are two main characteristics of his nature. If you attack him on this front, he won't be happy. Let him guide you on every occasion, he will like and love you for it.

There are gentle ways to do everything. If you're arguing, it doesn't mean you just have to please him (unless of course he's right), but rather have him tell you what's wrong if you don't understand. With Taurus, a little tact will get you far, far away

Make Out Step 14
Make Out Step 14

Step 4. Know that you will have to shake it a little

If you are looking for a man who shows you his adoration, you have it all wrong, the Taurus is not like that. Certainly he is capable of showing affection, but to do so he will have to use his precious time. If you can stand it, be patient. Show him that you are comfortable by demonstrating your feelings, and he will soon echo you.

Don't be discouraged if he isn't as loving as you are towards him. If it's a problem for you, address it! He will appreciate your honesty and straightforwardness. Give him some time to mull over the matter. It is worth the wait

Make a Woman Feel Better While She's on Her Period Step 4
Make a Woman Feel Better While She's on Her Period Step 4

Step 5. Work on mutual trust

In addition to appearing aloof and slow in his moves, the Taurus is also wary. He firmly believes in the saying "If you want something to be done well, do it yourself" and applies it to love life as well. However, if you prove to be trustworthy and responsible over time, he will understand that it makes sense to let your guard down with you. At that moment you will have won his heart.

If you are honest, practical, diplomatic and patient, you will have no problems. Confidence will come! Make it clear that you will be loyal to him and only to him; if he believes you, he will prove it to you. And it will mean that you have conquered it


  • Know how to take care of him. Taurus may not be much of a romantic, but he will express his love for you with facts (and not promises). If you treat him well, he will notice and appreciate it.
  • When you know you've made a mistake, apologize - he'll appreciate you even more.
  • Taurus men are slow because they are sincere and loyal lovers. They tend to be reserved and not always express their feelings because they are afraid of ruining everything and losing you. When you can reach the heart of a Taurus man, he will love you forever.
  • Being attractive means: showering often, wearing makeup (but not too much), being fit, and always looking good.
  • Be patient. The Taurus man is very slow and it will take him some time to figure out if you are the right person.
  • Taurus men don't like change; if you break the relationship with one of them, he will still keep a corner of his heart for you for a few months, even if he is dating another.
  • Dedicate yourself to art, dance, literature or theater. Taurus is an artist.
  • These men like intellectual games. They will challenge you by raising controversy during the conversation and then sit back and "enjoy" your anger. If you pay them back with the same coin they will go on a rampage and go on to insults. Don't get down on yourself, the stronger you are, the more they will respect you.


  • Try not to play psychological games with the Taurus man. They will have no effect. On the contrary, be honest and direct.
  • Communication is very important. Try to communicate with him to know what is best for both of you.
  • Taurus is the most stubborn sign in the zodiac, don't push it and don't pressure it, or it will sting you with its horns!
