The “friction” wheelies are better than those of power or rebound, because they are obtained without too much acceleration even at low speeds. They are smoother than the power ones both as you go up and down. You can also continue to "ride" the wheelie for a long time and change gear.

Step 1. You don't need a very powerful bike
You can also tip the clutch with a 500cc sports bike, just get the engine up to the right number of revolutions.
- The original factory transmission is fine, but be aware that you won't be able to wheelie when you're in a gear above second. You will need a 520 pitch drivetrain modification kit. Note: If you want to wheel in second with little rebound, try putting a -1 tooth front sprocket and a +2 rear sprocket.
- If you buy these sprockets with 525 pitch you can change them without modifying the chain.
- Remember that the length of the chain must be adjusted, you cannot use a 520 pitch with sprockets at 25 and vice versa.

Step 2. Sit up straight in the saddle comfortably
It is not necessary to slide towards the rear seat for this technique. "If you own a Suzuki GSXR-600 you can wheelie in third gear at 110 km / h". It will take a little more practice, but it is possible.

Step 3. Drive at a constant speed with the engine at 1500-2000 RPM (so roughly 15-30km / h)

Step 4. When you are ready to lift the wheel, quickly open the throttle and accelerate
This action is very important because it compresses the rear suspension, and if this does not happen it is very difficult to perform a wheelie with a clutch play. Plus, you're not trying to hit great speeds! Start with the engine at low revs, it's essential. If you try to lift the wheel starting with the engine running at 5000 RPM, it will be almost impossible and you will soon find yourself with the tachometer needle in the red zone before you are even in a vertical position. The trick is to start at low revs.

Step 5. Virtually immediately after acceleration, pull the clutch lever enough to deactivate the traction and bring the engine rpm to 6000 RPM
You can start with slow movements at the beginning, and over time it will become almost an instant reflex.

Step 6. Still very quickly, release the clutch lever approximately 80% of its travel
Here comes the tricky part: you have to release the clutch quickly. You realize you've done it too fast when revs plummet to 2000 RPM. You have to practice again and again; when you acquire the right sensitivity, you will have the feeling that there is a hydraulic system that lifts the front (much faster and smoother than a surge in power and rebound).

Step 7. When you are able to master this movement, the bike will lift a little
The next step is the gas control.
As you release the clutch, gas. If you want a big, almost vertical wheelie and hold the position, you have to learn not to let go of the clutch or the throttle grip. In this way you can control the height of the wheel with the clutch

Step 8. So to recap, when you are comfortable with clutch play, start giving a lot of throttle
You should be able to do this in first gear for a few seconds without too much trouble. The higher you lift the wheel, the longer you will be able to maintain vertical.

Step 9. When in position, you do not have to go out of revs before pulling the clutch, you can also pull it without releasing the throttle

Step 10. Finished
- Try to use two fingers to pinch the clutch so you have more control in releasing.
- The front wheel works like a gyroscope to keep the bike straight. Don't pull the front brake or you'll stop spinning!
- Chains with pitch 520, 525, 530 don't have a big difference. 520 are the most used in racing bikes to reduce rotational mass.
- Don't release the clutch too slowly, it has to be a quick motion, just a tap. Think about when you give the rear tire a little kick. If you just hit it with a quick movement, your foot bounces backwards, while if you put it down by pressing even with a lot of force it will never bounce.
- Practice giving a lot of gas and more friction. Just be careful not to tip over!
- If you have the feeling that the bike is falling backwards, touch the rear brake instead of turning off the gas: in this way you will not let the engine drop and you will not fall forward heavily risking breaking the front fork.
- Even pilots with great ability fall when doing stunts. Remember that you can get very hurt even without tipping over. Trust your instincts and don't let others put you under pressure to do wheelies and stunts.
- It's best to learn how to wheelie on a small dirt bike. Road bikes are heavy and very powerful, putting your safety at greater risk - and in the event of a fall they are very expensive to repair.
- Most insurances do not cover damage if they can prove that you were riding the motorcycle unsafe. Under the category "dangerous driving" there are also wheelies, then be ready to pay for whatever you break.
- When practicing wheelies, be aware that any object in your way within 150m of distance will be hit. Remember that you do not have the ability to steer and you have no way to use the front brake, as your only support will be the rear wheel. Even if I manage to lower the front in time, the shock absorbers will be compressed and as long as they are in that state the brake will not work or, more precisely, since the suspension and the brake have no mechanical contact relationship, the problem lies in the force. of inertia. When you brake hard with the front, the rear wheel lifts. This effect is amplified by the compressed front suspension, and you'll find yourself catapulted forward. If you want to do this and are able to control the situation, great; otherwise, you will destroy the bike and get hurt. You could fly up to 10 feet away depending on your speed, so make sure you have the road clear, always!
- Using the clutch to wheelie could damage it and with it the chain and sprockets. Be sure to check these parts periodically for signs of wear before each practice session.
- Wheelies are really dangerous. If you run them on public roads you are irresponsible and it will cost you your driver's license or even your life. Watch out!