Zombie! Although they are hideous, heavy-footed, stone-cold creatures, they are in fashion and a really popular choice for Halloween. Thankfully, the zombie costume is easy to put together, as long as you don't want anything too complex. This dress and look zombies tutorial is for newcomers to the world of costumes and is perfect for creating a spectacular look for Halloween, a party, a zombie gathering or even a homemade movie.

Step 1. Choose your zombie type
There are many to tap into, from vintage movies to modern versions to comics. Any person can become a zombie - think a zombie dancer, a celebrity, a football player, a doctor, a zombie keeper: say a category and it will become a zombie. Be creative when choosing the style, era, and clothing - a generic dead man can be a little boring.
Step 2. Find a basic costume
Depending on the look you've chosen for your zombie, you'll need to refresh last year's costume, buy a new one, or make it from scratch. The number one rule is to spend little, because you will have to ruin most of the clothes you choose! If you want to turn last year's costume into a zombie one, make sure you don't want to be the beautiful princess or wizard of Oz anymore. And if you don't want to tear off a dress you already have, go to a thrift store and buy some items to use exclusively for the costume. Some ideas for a zombie costume:
Sportswear that you no longer use or can't stand. You can become a zombie aerobics instructor with a typical 80s hairstyle.
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Tutu or other dance wear for a cute zombie.
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Normal clothes that you use on a daily basis. It's a good excuse to poke holes in an old pair of jeans and a shirt that you thought you'd throw away anyway.
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Old military uniform from the thrift store. You can play a handsome, angry, revenge-seeking zombie soldier.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 2Bullet4 - Old school uniform. In this case it depends on whether you have finished school or not: you do not want the director to scold you in front of everyone!
- Any uniform. If you've been a nurse, street sweeper, city inspector or any other profession that required a uniform that was never returned, here's your chance to "zombize" it. Alternatively, look for discarded uniforms at thrift stores. Better if they are old, so you don't have to worry about irritating some ex-colleague who doesn't like the havoc of uniforms.
Party dress. You were going to a well dressed up party but suddenly a zombie attacked you.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 2Bullet7 - Any other item of clothing. Really, everything can be made into a zombie costume.

Step 3. Transform the costume
Now is the time to apply the fine art of zombization. The item of clothing is in perfect condition, so it needs to be fixed. Above all, remember that it must look wrinkled, stained and tattered. Feel free to add other details to make your look sloppy and worn. The following steps suggest some ways to zombize clothes.
Step 4. Tear apart the costume
Zombies stumble and grab each other in all ways, latching onto plants, poles, gates, barbed wire and so on. Also, clothes that have been buried lose their fibers and tear. When you tear them apart, remember not to overdo it - it's okay to have holes that reveal body parts, but you don't have to walk around naked.
Jeans: Everyone likes ripped jeans. Insert the scissors in several places on the legs and cut. Then pull the strings. You can also use sandpaper. Since you don't need to flaunt the latest fashion look, it doesn't matter how you tear. For more tips on how to do this in detail read: How to Rip a Pair of Jeans.
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T-shirt: Use scissors to make a few cuts far and wide. Pull the cuts a little more or leave them jagged.
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Shirts: As with T-shirts, make cuts in different places and spread them out slightly, but adjust to the fabric.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 4Bullet3 - Coats and jackets: Use scissors to make gashes in the arms and various parts of the back. Only do it if it's not expensive!
Skirts and dresses: As with shirts, make cuts with scissors, then use your hands to spread them out. You can also make the hem uneven by pitting and fraying it. If there are any lace parts or other decorations, unpick them for a more sloppy look.
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Socks and Socks: Pull the sweaters with your fingernails. If your nails are too short, sit under the table and rub under your socks letting the threads get caught, then pull them.
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Accessories: you can shred scarves, gloves, socks, hats etc.
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Step 5. Add burn marks or wrinkle marks
If you like the idea, scorch the fabric here and there. However, make sure that the fabric is not flammable and only proceed on a surface that does not catch fire. You don't have to start a house fire! For example, try doing a couple of burns on a wool coat (wool resists heat) resting on the concrete garage floor, away from anything. Trying to squeeze a pair of synthetic socks close to the carpet, on the other hand, is looking for trouble. Use your head!
- Keep water nearby in case of an emergency.
- This is a job intended for adults.
Step 6. Add blood
Zombies are always smeared with blood. Experiment by making fake blood and adding it to the costume. Some tips in this case:
If you buy it, use the darker, more watery one.
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The "edible" one, or red corn syrup, can make the costume uncomfortable and will look very cartoonish.
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To apply the fake blood, place yourself in an open area where you can get free soiling. Spread newspaper or plastic on the ground to avoid damage. Get creative! Use your hands and smear the costume. Make random imprints, drops and splashes or create halos with a brush.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 6Bullet3 - Liquid acrylic paint is used to make torn skin and wounds. Apply it in the shape of a wound then add touches of red, brown and purple to make it look like it. For a touch of freshness, add a few splashes of fake blood inside the wound.

Step 7. Add the dirt
The zombies have returned from the graves, so scrub some dirt here and there.

Step 8. Time for the trick
One of the crucial steps of the whole is the make-up. The two best products for zombie makeup are greasepaint and water-based spray makeup.
For a gruesome living dead, use greasepaint. It is heavy, easy to apply, inexpensive, and creates great effects.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 8Bullet1 - If you want to be a recently dead zombie, go for the spray. A light layer of color is applied and the features are marked. Apply at least two layers of white makeup, adding a little blue on the fleshy areas and dark blue where the skin should appear emaciated. Add the fake blood and you are good to go!
For a wrinkled look, stuff the inside of the cheeks with cotton balls then cover the skin with liquid latex. Let it dry then remove the wads. The latex will wrinkle and you will look dead!
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Contact lenses also have a noticeable effect and are cheap. Don't forget to put makeup on your neck, hands, and other exposed areas. Squeeze some edible blood into your mouth to fix your teeth too.
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Step 9. Add some prosthetic makeup
The special prosthetic make-up is used to obtain a quality effect. You can start from scratch with liquid latex or buy pre-made effects at a store. Remember that you can also use it on the body! Make deep cuts on the arms and legs, fake nails sticking out of the hands, be creative! If this all sounds too much to you, skip the step.

Step 10. Fix your hair
The hairstyle is as important as the rest of the costume because it can make your zombie look great. If you have long enough hair, try to tie it. Smear them with fake blood, soil them, stick some leaves and whatever. Try to add weird things too, like fake insects or a rubber mouse to add character to the costume.
If you're worried about ruining your hair, buy a cheap wig. It will be easy to get it dirty and ruined: sit on it and stick some elements on it

Step 11. Get into character
Which zombie does not limp making noises? Upgrade your inner zombie by adding a personal touch to your character.
Are you a classic slow zombie? Just drag your foot and groan.
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Are you one of those "28 Days Later" who runs full of anger? He screams and opens his eyes wide.
Create a Zombie Costume Step 11Bullet2 - Are you a vegan zombie protesting for civil rights? Try shouting "Wheat!".

Step 12. Finished
- Experiment with various fabrics and make-up before the final test, giving yourself time to prepare everything and fix any mistakes.
- Soften your skin before using latex.
- Do your research for different types of materials and make-up, and for contact lenses.
- If you're looking for some non-binding fun, try a parody of the typical zombie.
- Zombie prosthetic makeup is on sale at costume and party accessories stores.
- Spray yourself with blue or gray, then add some talcum powder. The hair will look like that of a dead man.
- Add some conditioner to your hair to make it look greasier and dirtier.
- Moisturize your skin and shave before you put on makeup.
- Use oats and jelly. Melt the gelatin in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds, then add the oatmeal. Let it cool slightly to avoid burning yourself, then apply the mixture to your face and wait for it to thicken. They will look like horrible wounds.
- Test the products on a small part of the skin to find out if you are allergic. Avoid latex in that case.
- Be careful with fire and always follow proper precautions to ensure your safety.
- Don't touch anyone while you're in a zombie procession or in a public event.
- Others might get scared. Pay particular attention to children. It can be fun to scare adults, but don't overdo it.