Many dream of meeting their favorite celebrity. There are people who dedicate entire websites and social networks to their encounters with rich and famous people. Bumping into someone you know can be very enjoyable, but it often requires some preparation. Here's how to see up close, get an autograph, or say hello to a famous person.
Method 1 of 5: Find a Celebrity from a Distance

Step 1. Read tabloids and websites
Gossip magazines and blogs regularly post photos paparazzi took of celebrities while out and about or at an event. Look at the background of the image. If you see a hotel, that is probably where they are staying while they are in a certain city. If it is a specific bar or shop, it may be that they visit this place regularly.
- Set up a Google Alert by indicating the name of your favorite star. You'll read news about him, as well as information about his whereabouts based on the latest paparazzi photos and fan updates.
- Celebrity spotting is a popular hobby. Many people have blogs that they update regularly.

Step 2. Follow this celebrity on Twitter
Many famous people tweet regularly throughout the day. Following your favorite star could help you get information about the gym, restaurants, and shops that they frequent on a regular basis. Going to these places will increase your chances of meeting her.
Many fans post photos of the celebrities they spot on Twitter. Setting an Alert on this person could cause a real flood in feeds, but you could find out if they are in close proximity

Step 3. Follow this celebrity on Instagram
Photos uploaded by famous people can give clues to where they spend their time. Look at the background of the photographs for street signs, shop names, and other identifying characteristics of the location in which they are located.
Most celebrity Facebook accounts are run by PR people and are not updated with information regarding their daily life. However, you may find some information thanks to the comments left by fans

Step 4. Search using online databases
There are many sites that provide information on celebrity-specific travel based on their schedule, such as making movies, hosting TV shows, signing books, making public appearances, and attending conferences.
Method 2 of 5: Find a Celebrity in Person

Step 1. Visit Rome, Milan, Los Angeles, New York or London
Many famous people live in these cities, so spending time there can increase the chances of meeting one.

Step 2. Network
Tell everyone that your hobby is taking pictures with stars or talk broadly about your particular interest with someone. You never know: maybe he knows the relative of a friend of Raoul Bova's coach.
- Act quietly. Just as you would protect your friends, co-workers, superiors, or employees from a potentially threatening person, a person who plays an active role in a celebrity's life won't allow you to get close to them if you look dangerous, weird or creepy.
- Express your interest in a certain artistic field or in the entertainment industry, not a particular character. If the people who make up your social or professional network know about your love for cinema, music or theater, they will be more likely to share information, tickets and news about a wide variety of people you care about. If a friend of yours knows you love pop music, you might get some information about a Beyoncé concert. However, if he thinks you're only interested in Taylor Swift, he might not bother to tell you.

Step 3. Inquire around
When you go for a coffee or lunch in a popular area, ask the people who work there if they have ever spotted a celebrity. Some may be very helpful and may even tell you what day of the week or time certain famous people usually go to their shops or restaurants.

Step 4. Read the section of the local newspaper dedicated to art and entertainment
Theatrical performances, gallery openings, bookstore meetings to autograph books and other official public appearances will be mentioned.
Visit the theater or gallery where this celebrity's appearance was scheduled. Talk to the people who work there. You never know: maybe someone will be able to give you some information about the movements of that star
Method 3 of 5: Meet a Celebrity at an Event

Step 1. Buy a ticket to attend a concert, play or event she has been invited to
By paying to attend the official event, you won't have to wait outside, hoping to see it for just a moment.
- Try to get the best seats, while avoiding breaking your budget. The closer you are to the stage, the more likely you are to see you. Some artists interact a lot with the audience, so they might take pictures or chat with you.
- You can also buy a VIP ticket that includes a "Meet and Greet". While it is quite expensive, you usually have the opportunity to get a great spot to watch the movie, opera or concert. Plus, you are guaranteed a photo with the celebrity at the end of the performance. The agency selling your ticket should explain to you exactly what is included in the VIP package.

Step 2. Keep your ears peeled for events that a famous person will attend to sign books
Celebrities often promote themselves on these occasions, organized both for the books themselves and for the related projects they are working on (for example, in 2012, Jennifer Lawrence signed copies of The Hunger Games at the Barnes & New York Noble for Promoting Literacy). Many of these events are free. There are also sites that offer detailed information about it.
- Get in touch with the bookstore in advance to find out if there is a very long line, to know the rules regarding photographs and autographs, and so on. The larger bookstores hold many such events every year, and they know exactly what to expect.
- It could be tricky to take a photo with a celebrity on such an occasion. Bookstores usually want the line to run smoothly. Do not annoy those present, otherwise you will hardly be allowed to return.
- During most of these events, people are not allowed to get an autograph or line up to meet the celebrity, unless they have bought the product advertised on this occasion.
- You could buy more than one book. This will give you more time to talk to the celebrity as they sign them.

Step 3. Approach the stage access area
If you have tickets for a play or other show, find out where the access point to the stage is. After the performance, head there right away and wait for the celebrity to pass. There will probably be a lot of people waiting, but you could still get a photo or autograph.
Some artists may be very tired after a performance and will not feel like signing autographs or posing for photos. Always be polite and respectful, don't bother anyone

Step 4. Join a talk show as an audience
Programs of this type, whether they are morning, afternoon or evening, host many celebrities every week. You can inquire online about the dates of recordings or live shows to know when your favorite character will be a guest.
Like theaters, television studios also have access areas to the scenery. Often the arrival and departure of a star from a studio are events in their own right, complete with paparazzi and fans. However, you may be able to meet the celebrity quickly - it depends on their identity and commitments
Method 4 of 5: Meet a Celebrity on the Go

Step 1. Visit the places frequented by celebrities
While you may not be able to afford shopping at Prada or Louis Vuitton, you can still go to the places where famous people hang out. If you were to visit Los Angeles, remember that stars often hang out at outlets like Brentwood Farmers' Market and Whole Foods to get groceries.
Stores usually don't look kindly on people who hang around the shelves without buying anything. Buying something at the point of sale, even a small or inexpensive product, will help you not attract negative attention

Step 2. Wait outside the hotel where you know the celebrity is staying
Press conferences and movie premieres are often held in the late morning, afternoon, or evening, so if you show up early, you might see the famous person on their way to work.
- Hanging out in a hotel lobby might cause you some trouble, so try to order a drink at the bar. Sit in such a way that you can see who enters and exits the hotel.
- If you don't see this celebrity walking in or out of the hotel, don't be discouraged. Many large hotels have a clientele made up of famous people who come out of the back in order to protect their privacy.

Step 3. If it's a musician, wait near the tour bus
Have you attended a concert? Find out where the vehicles are parked and try to reach this place. Many bands quickly prepare to leave right after the show, but you can bump into someone and introduce yourself.

Step 4. Look for a job in a place that is popular with your idol
Become a waiter in his favorite restaurant, a bartender in the bar who hangs out regularly or a personal trainer in his gym. Working eight-hour shifts considerably increases the chances of seeing him when he goes to this place.
- Make sure you get a job that allows you to interact with customers. Sure, working as a valet or cloakroom attendant isn't particularly exciting, but chances are you'll make contact with famous people dining out or staying in a hotel.
- Always be professional. In general, the owners of the places frequented by famous people do not look favorably on people who intend to pester their customers. You can certainly have a chat or even ask for a photograph in the right circumstances, but if you get annoyed, you will hardly keep the job tight.
Method 5 of 5: Behave the Right Way When Dating a Celebrity

Step 1. Get to the events you want to attend early
Depending on the occasion, some people may even camp out for the night. Bring a book or music with you to distract yourself while you wait.
You might want a friend to accompany you, especially if you arrive several hours early or wait all night. You can take shifts to keep your seat in line, so you can go to the bathroom and buy food and drinks while you wait

Step 2. Decide what you want
An autograph? A photo? You may be able to get both, but, if the celebrity comes in late, is rushed by her manager, or just spends a few minutes with fans, it's best to know exactly what to ask for.
- Ask for a personalized autograph. The celebrity will not suspect you will sell it, so you will have a better chance of getting her to sign it and stop and chat with you.
- Be prepared. Have a pen or marker and a photograph or poster available. If the celebrity is generous and willing to give you an autograph, it must be easy to fulfill your request.

Step 3. Prepare what you will say
The celebrity is unlikely to have much time, so prepare a short presentation. Tell her your name and express your appreciation for her work in a few words. Clearly and politely articulate your request: it should be in the form of a question ("Can we take a picture of each other?"), Not an affirmation ("I want to take a picture with you").
If you want to say a lot of things to this person, you could write them a letter and give it to them at the event. He will be able to read it when he has more time

Step 4. Stay calm
Sure, your idol's music changed your life. You think you are soulmates who have not yet had a chance to know each other. However, don't let these ideas make you act creepy. Be friendly and courteous, avoid being too cheesy or over the top. Excessive flattery, yelling, and adoration could make the celebrity uncomfortable.

Step 5. Smile and be friendly
Celebrities are busy people who attend many press conferences and public events every month. Don't be demanding or aggressive. Friendliness and sincere appreciation are generally reciprocated with generosity.
Before taking a photograph, always ask for permission. Taking out your cell phone and starting shooting without permission could be arrogant or rude

Step 6. Step away
If you are attending an event or waiting in the stage access area, there will likely be many other people. Once you get a photo, a handshake, or an autograph, let others get to know the celebrity as well. They are probably at least as enthusiastic as you are.
If you can't get a handshake or the meeting is too fast, don't feel disappointed. There will always be other opportunities
- Celebrities are also human beings. You may encounter them while they are sick, right after they are left by their partner or grappling with deep regret of not enrolling in veterinary school. Just like ordinary mortals, famous people also have bad days and can make a bad first impression. If you meet a celebrity who is less friendly than you hoped or expected, be understanding. You may have caught it at just a bad time.
- Never be sure that a famous person will grant you a photo or autograph. Maybe she doesn't have time because she is full of commitments. If it declines, smile and let it go its own way.
- Respect this person's privacy and use common sense. If you see your favorite celebrity having ice cream with her children, consider whether it would be polite to interrupt her when she is in the company of her family. Remember that she is also a human being.
- There are people who fail to understand that celebrities are people too. Some put them on a pedestal, at the center of their lives. Stars are human beings and should be treated as such. Don't get too excited about meeting one - they are people just like you.
- Remember that celebrities are normal people, just with a different lifestyle.
- Lingering in public places such as hotels and shops is sometimes prohibited and often frowned upon by those in charge. If you decide to wait in a hotel or store, be a good customer and buy something, otherwise you risk being invited to leave.
- Stalking is punishable by law. Never try to enter a celebrity's home, hotel room, or private space. If you want to get in touch with her, send her a letter to the official address or call the number indicated for fans, never use private contact details.