It is much easier to become a celebrity these days, because the internet makes it easier and faster to connect with larger and larger groups of people. Becoming famous, however, takes time and dedication. It won't happen overnight, but there are some ways to increase the likelihood of it happening. See step one to start gaining popularity.
Part 1 of 3: The basics

Step 1. Choose your popularity genre
There are various types of celebrities, from singers to actors to bloggers, fiction writers, philanthropists, models or even cooks and architects. To become a celebrity, you have to choose an area in which to become famous. Simply 'being a celebrity' won't get you very far, being too vague an ambition to strive for.
It's also good to choose whether to look for those 15 minutes of fame or the longest lasting popularity. The former is easier to obtain, but it won't last long. The second takes time and effort, but it will potentially be eternal

Step 2. Practice
If you intend to become famous in any field, you will have to work hard to get people to invest in you. While it's true that celebrities aren't always good at what they do, they still tend to be, whether it's acting, singing, writing or cooking.
Invest an hour a day in the chosen activity. It will help you focus on your creative endeavor and will keep you on the right path to your goal, which is to make your work and person known to as many people as possible

Step 3. Be creative
There are a lot of similar people out there, and it's true that clones can become very famous (think all the plagiarism of books like Twilight or Harry Potter), but it will be the original product that makes history.
- It means that you can use the work of others as a springboard. You will need to add your own touch, or the uniqueness of what you are presenting to the world. For example: if you wanted to write a vampire novel, that would be great! But instead of copying the formula of Anne Rice or Twilight (meaning cute and immortal vampires), invent something unusual for your vampires, something that will interest and impress readers.
- Being creative basically means having something that the audience will remember, because it is out of the chorus. Of course, it could backfire if you focus on absolute originality (there is no such thing), but you should highlight how special and original you have to offer, because it will be useful when you try to sell your project.

Step 4. Study the celebrities of your chosen field
You have to find out the definition of "popular" in your field and know how to sell yourself so that the public sees you, and you will get an idea of what you want to avoid and what you want to imitate.
- Find out how those celebrities rose to fame. Chances are, however, you won't see all the behind-the-scenes work that went into their fame, but you can find out how they started.
- For example: many celebrities talk about the early years of their careers and what they did in the beginning. Study how and where they had the opportunity that allowed them to become famous and how much they had to work hard just to get to where they are now.

Step 5. Look for people who can help you
Part of becoming famous is about who you know and who is helping you reach your milestone. It doesn't necessarily mean making friends with a celebrity, but it's good to find someone in the field to mentor you, to help you avoid the pitfalls.
- You will want to hire, or at least consult, a marketing professional, since much of the process involves selling yourself and you will want, if possible, an expert opinion on how to best sell yourself.
- You're really going to want to find some kind of mentor, someone with experience in the field you want to be famous for. For example: if you want to become a published (and famous) author, ask other writers for advice.
- Look around your city and find out if others are pursuing the same goal as you, and maybe help each other.
Part 2 of 3: Becoming a Celebrity

Step 1. Develop your image
It's a version of you, as you don't want to pretend to be someone else, but an idealized version of you. He is the person that you will be publicly and that you will use when you have to propose yourself to the public.
- Basically, there are 2 types of people in this equation. There is the real "you", fallible and imperfect, and then there is the idealized "you" (that is, the one you will try to sell). Your idealized version is perfect, fantastic and gorgeous.
- You need to use this image when you are selling yourself and your product (book, song, plate, etc.) to others, whether it is the general public or a publisher or music producers. But remember, your idealized version should only be used for a short time, and then you can go back to being yourself.

Step 2. Sell yourself
That's the crux of the matter, because if you can't sell yourself, you won't be famous. Those who build an image and then know how to effectively sell it to any industry they want to be part of, as well as to the general public, manage to become famous.
- Explain what makes you unique. Part of selling yourself is showing why people should care about you - the elements of your work and presence that the audience should appreciate.
- Be persistent. Selling yourself is to be visible and to be visible is to insist. For example: if your book continues to be rejected by publishers, submit things (like short novels) to literary magazines to gain experience that will help your image as a writer.
- Before you can land on TV or major circuits, you will need to make your way into the local media, so that people have a chance to see that you are interesting to interview and that you are providing an interesting and unique product. When you have started to gain experience in any field that interests you, contact the local news and tell them what you are doing. Again, be persistent. In case they are not interested immediately, continue to do what you are doing and communicate it.

Step 3. Use the internet
The web has helped many people to acquire celebrity (or notoriety) and therefore it is certainly a way to consider to try to become famous. While it's probably not ideal to rely solely on the web, it can certainly be useful.
- One of the most important aspects of the web is having a constant virtual presence. Prepare a site that displays your talents. Go to YouTube and keep a vlog. Join the Tumblr and Twitter communities. You can talk about anything (and it's best not to just talk about your work, otherwise the audience will lose interest). You want to arouse curiosity, so be sure to use your idealized version, because you are still selling yourself in these interactions.
- See who achieved fame via the web (especially YouTube) and think about what they did to get there, and how. Justin Bieber is perhaps the most obvious example, having been discovered thanks to his YouTube videos, but it was perseverance that solidified what he created by exposing his talent.

Step 4. Engage with other celebrities
A good way to get into a field is to get to know someone who is already successful. It is not easy to 'make friends' with a celebrity, as thousands of people try to do the same thing.
- Approach them on public occasions if you can. As for the actors or writers, there are courses or conferences where you can meet them. You can also interact with tons of celebrities via social networks, where you can ask for advice.
- Sometimes the ideal is to ask him for advice on how they got to where they are now. Many people are happy to share their advice and experiences with someone interested.
Part 3 of 3: Staying famous

Step 1. Keep innovating your ideas
Once you reach notoriety, you will want to hold on to it. A good way to do this is to change things. Experiment with new ideas and opportunities.
Do more than one thing. If you are a singer, for example, try dancing or parading or acting. Get into comedy. Use these elements in your music

Step 2. Maintain a good relationship with your fans
The fans are the only ones to thank for where you are now, they've helped you with their devotion and word of mouth. Treat them with respect. Thank them in interviews and in person.
- Consider providing something free for them from time to time (a free download, a story, an event…).
- If someone (especially a fan) criticizes some part of your work, don't be angry. Rather, in case of offense, respond appropriately by blocking it or reporting it to the authorities (it can also be just Twitter administrators, etc.; it doesn't have to be the police), and in the event of a civil confrontation, respond to the person to understand his or her point of view.

Step 3. Use your status in a positive way
If you have become famous, it means that a lot of people are following you and are learning from you and giving credit to what you say. That kind of effect on so many people carries a high level of responsibility.
- It organizes and participates in fundraising for good causes (hunger in the world, guaranteeing access to healthcare and clean water for all, eliminating slavery and sex trafficking). Contribute financially to these causes.
- Raise awareness of these issues through the web and your work.
- Get to know as many people as possible, including other celebrities.
- Start a web series or create a magazine for your city or community.
- Despite appearances, stardom isn't all plain sailing. When you are famous, your privacy is very limited. Try to keep the public and private sides as separate as possible.
- Watch out for scams. Agencies shouldn't be paid. If someone asks you for a lot of money to make you famous, don't trust them.