High school is a really pivotal time in anyone's life. The transition from middle school to high school, in fact, can be a rather difficult experience. You will have to work hard from day one to get through these years of school and prepare yourself in the right way for university. The choices you make in high school, in fact, can affect you for the rest of your life, so being successful in these years is essential.
Method 1 of 5: Develop Effective Study Techniques

Step 1. Objectively evaluate your current study habits
Being honest with yourself can be difficult but, in order to be successful, it is important to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. Understanding your study habits can help you build your strengths and work the right way to improve your weaknesses, which may be helpful if you're having trouble in a particular subject.
Start asking yourself questions about your study habits. Are you good at taking notes? Do you have a very good memory? Do you have a knack for writing short essays? Do you have excellent reading skills but math isn't your forte? Having trouble with multiple choice quizzes?

Step 2. Get to know your learning style
Each person learns differently. Some people are happy to learn by reading, while for others, a little practice is the best choice. Your learning style will affect how you will be able to learn and remember the information you have learned. Understanding your typology can help you make the most of your time spent in class. There are different learning styles:
- Visual (spatial): If you have a visual memory, you prefer to learn with images and photographs and you prefer a type of spatial understanding.
- Aural (auditory-musical): you prefer to learn with sounds and music.
- Verbal (linguistic): You prefer to learn through words, both oral and written.
- Physical (kinesthetic): you learn with practice. You are able to learn best through your body, using your hands or the sense of touch.
- Logical (mathematician): You prefer to learn through logic and reasoning.
- Social (interpersonal): You learn best with other people.
- Solitaire (Intrapersonal): You prefer to learn on your own.
- To find out what your learning style is, try taking an online test, such as this or this one. Once you understand what your individual learning style is, you can start modifying and adapting your academic habits to enhance your study skills.

Step 3. Be organized
Organization is a concept that encompasses several aspects. Go to class prepared: bring a textbook, a writing pad, pens or pencils, highlighters, and note cards with you. Having all the necessary materials available will not only make your life easier, but it will help you make a good impression on your teachers.
Use a different folder for each subject. You will have to use the folders in question to collect homework, tests, quizzes, notes, photocopies and all school materials related to the subject. Use dividers to separate the material by type, so you can more easily find what you are looking for

Step 4. Take notes
Even if your teacher doesn't force you to take notes, jotting down the main ideas, formulas, keywords, and definitions given by the teacher throughout the lesson can help you improve your learning ability. Take note of the questions you want to ask the teacher, so you don't forget to ask them later.
- Take clear and legible notes. Messy notes can be very confusing and leave you feeling deeply frustrated when studying. Also make sure they are accurate.
- Do not write down everything the teacher says word for word. Write down key concepts, words and phrases. If you are having trouble keeping up with the lesson, take note of the most important terms and search for them later when you get home. Develop your own personal writing system to make taking notes easier and more efficient.
- Keep your notes in order. Divide them by date and keep them organized in a notebook. Use a different notebook for each subject or use a divider to keep them separate.
- Review your notes every night. Taking notes without ever re-reading them is useless. Set aside a few minutes each night to reread what you wrote. Prepare questions about points you don't understand so you can ask your teacher in the next lesson. Consult the textbook to learn more about any topics. Use this time to start assimilating information - it's never too early to start studying!
- Students who are able to take notes in the classroom in the right way are likely to be better prepared and less distracted during class.

Step 5. Set timelines
One of the keys to being successful in school or work is learning to meet deadlines. Make sure you turn in all your homework on time. Depending on the teacher's way of proceeding, you may have homework to do between lessons, or from week to week.
- Get an agenda to take into account all homework, the topics to be submitted and the dates of the tests. Many mobile phones have apps with a calendar function available, where you can write down your weekly and monthly deadlines. These applications also offer a function to add comments to the various deadlines entered and will also allow you to associate notes with sound reminders, so as not to forget anything.
- Don't just write down the tasks to be done in your diary. High school is a very demanding phase of life, full of part-time jobs, extra curricular activities and social commitments. Enter all your commitments in the agenda, so you can get a precise overview of how many things you will have to do during the week.

Step 6. Find a place to study that is free of distractions
Think about where and when you study best. Are you better off in a quiet library or in a noisy bar? Do you like to study sitting at your desk or can you safely stay in bed without risking falling asleep? Do you like studying alone or in a group? Do you study better listening to some music? Answering these questions will allow you to find a study space that is right for you.
Make sure your study space is comfortable. Your study area doesn't have to consist of a hard chair in front of an empty table in a deserted room. The space you choose to study, however, must necessarily be free of distractions and different from the areas where you generally enjoy or relax

Step 7. Manage your time
The ability to manage your time effectively is a key part of any successful academic career. Set aside time each day to do your homework and study. In fact, at this moment in life, school will have to come first if you want to be successful in the future.
- Review your notes every day. Several studies have shown that rereading the study material within 24 hours allows you to remember it better than 60%.
- Plan your study week by week. View your weekly schedule and schedule various times to study throughout the week. Try to set your study slots at the same times every day and every week. Doing so will make them become a habit that is difficult to forget.
- Do not postpone the study. The worst choice you can make is to postpone your academic work. Everyone's life is full of fun sources of distraction than studying, from video games to hanging out with friends, but remember to keep your duties in mind. Remember to study on weekends too. Spending a couple of minutes re-reading your notes will make a big difference on the day of verification.
- Study hard. One of the secrets to successfully passing high school is not just aiming for it, but actually learning. Studying is essential for success.

Step 8. Set goals
Setting goals and completing them will help you feel fulfilled. Reward yourself every time you reach a milestone or a small goal. While some goals may take more time or effort than you thought, always reward yourself when your efforts pay off.
- Start with important goals. What do you want to achieve in high school? What do you want to accomplish before the end of the school year? After making a list of your goals, try to think of strategies for achieving them.
- Set smaller goals. Once you've set your main goals, start thinking about the minor ones. What do you want to do this week? This evening? Also ask yourself, before doing your homework, "What do I want to achieve during this study session?" it can help you stay focused and succeed.
Method 2 of 5: Prepare for Audits

Step 1. Take good notes
Before starting to study for a test, it is important to take good notes during the lessons. Listen carefully to what your teacher is saying. Many times, in fact, the professors will give you some clues as to what they will ask during the tests. This information can vary, for example, from repeating a certain concept several times using words such as "important" or "fundamental" to underline it, to openly declaring "This topic will be asked in the verification".
- Write down everything you think is important. The more notes you take, the better prepared you will be for verification.
- Review your notes daily. Don't postpone. Cutting you down the night before an audit won't do any good. Studying everything at the last minute will sometimes allow you to get a pass, but it is not an effective and reliable study method. Students who study regularly, even for shorter periods of time, generally perform better. To avoid reducing yourself to the last, read your notes daily, in order to learn the information as it is provided to you.

Step 2. Design your own study guide
Even if the teacher will provide you with instructions, outline your own study plan for verification. Include any major concepts and ideas that you think can be tested. Remember to study examples, definitions, formulas, and other relevant information.
- Try to think about the questions that might be asked during the test. If you are going to write a short essay, for example, imagine possible topics and draw a lineup. Study with your classmate and ask each other questions about the study material.
- Prepare educational cards. Write down definitions, concepts, topics, data and formulas on some cards and use them to ask yourself questions.
- Try paraphrasing the various concepts that you think are important. Many teachers, in fact, will ask you to reformulate the information learned in a different way, to see how effectively you are able to summarize what you have studied. Think about the different ways a question might be asked or a different way a concept might be presented during testing.

Step 3. Take some time to study
Do not ignore the information provided to you up to the date of the exam. Review the various concepts daily and weekly to start memorizing them and to fully understand the subject matter.
As the exam date approaches, take a few more moments to study a given topic. You may need a little extra time to work on certain ideas or delve into the material

Step 4. Start reviewing one week before verification
Do not wait for the last moment to study. When you know that a test is imminent, start studying at least a week before the date in question.
Do not wait for the teacher to give you specific instructions to start studying. Reread the chapters, review your notes, start learning the definitions and formulas

Step 5. Get adequate rest
Don't stay up all night the day before an exam. If you are too tired, you will not be able to do it well. Get a good night's sleep, have a good breakfast or lunch, and show up for classes on time.
Arriving on time for the lesson will allow you not to be late for verification. In fact, if the teacher gives any advice or information useful for testing before starting, you will be there to hear it

Step 6. Read the questions carefully
A frequent mistake on the part of students is not to read the instructions or questions carefully, thus ending up making mistakes in the verification. Take the time to complete the test. See the instructions in each section, then read all the questions. If something is not clear to you, ask your teacher.

Step 7. Give yourself some timing
During a test it is best not to go too fast, but not too slow either. Think about the time you have available, the number of questions to be completed and their types.
It may be best to tackle the longer or more difficult questions right away. If open-ended questions are worth half the total score, it may be advisable to ask them first. Another strategy, on the other hand, consists in answering the easiest questions right away, keeping the ones you are in doubt about last

Step 8. Trust your instincts
Many times our initial impressions are right, but we end up doubting ourselves and writing the wrong answer. If the answer to a question comes naturally to you, trust your instincts.
Method 3 of 5: Be a Good Student in Class

Step 1. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses
In fact, in high school, you begin to discover new things about yourself. During the first years of school, try to understand what your interests are, what your aspirations are, and what you would like to do in the future as a profession.

Step 2. Engage in all subjects
Being active in class will help you in several ways. By participating, you will learn more and build better relationships with your teachers, which can be beneficial in the long run.
- During class, stay awake and pay attention. Don't sleep or text your friends, even if you get bored.
- Try to take a seat in the center of the classroom or in the front rows. Sitting close to the blackboard and the teacher will help you concentrate and prevent you from falling prey to distractions such as your cell phone, your classmates or daydreaming.

Step 3. Ask questions
Don't worry about looking stupid in front of the rest of your class; raise your hand and ask any necessary questions. If you have difficulty with the teacher's explanation or with homework, do not be blocked by confusion.
- Answer the teacher's questions. Don't be afraid to give the wrong answer, no one can always be right.
- Participate in class discussions. Use the main ideas, keywords and concepts you have discovered in your reading or class. Offer your opinion when the teacher asks students to participate.

Step 4. Find out about the requirements to pass the year
In many schools, in fact, there is a maximum number of insufficiencies, after which one is automatically rejected. Moreover, sometimes the grade of insufficiency in question is also very important: a 3 in mathematics will certainly weigh more than a 5 in English. He also tries to remember that failure in one of the main subjects (for example Italian, Latin and Greek for those who attend classical high school) can lead to a failure even in the face of good grades in the other subjects.

Step 5. Don't skip school
Presence is very important. Not going to school, in fact, you will risk falling behind in various subjects. A regular presence is essential to ensure constant commitment in the various subjects.
- Most schools negatively rate too many absences from a student. Skipping an excessive number of school days, in fact, could affect your grades for the worse or even make you lose the year.
- Don't worry about staying home if you're sick, have a fever, vomit, or other health problems.
- If you often find yourself late for school due to lack of sleep, try adjusting your rest times. A good sleep rhythm will not only improve your presence in the classroom, but will allow you to be more awake and to work harder, making learning easier.
Method 4 of 5: Finding the Help You Need

Step 1. Build a good relationship with your class representative
In fact, of all teachers, the class representative will be the one you will have to deal with most often throughout your school career. It can offer you valuable information that will facilitate your schooling and allow you to take the right path from day one.
- If you are undecided about which university to enroll in, the class representative, more than any other teacher, will be able to offer you appropriate advice. Generally, in fact, he will be aware of your academic performance even in subjects other than his own and will know your strengths and weaknesses.
- For students with learning-related disabilities, Italian schools generally make support teachers available, who will work with you and your teachers to find the right solution to your problems. They will also be able to help you in choosing the university by providing you with all the information you need, including scholarships for students with disabilities.
- The teachers can help you when you are in difficulty with lessons, but remember that the help they can offer you is not just academic. If there is a teacher you particularly trust and you are experiencing a personal problem, if you feel depressed or if you are being bullied, confiding in a teacher could be the right solution.
- Start building a good relationship with your teachers in the first year. Let them know your interests and goals. If you are undecided about what you want to do next, let them share your doubts so they can help you. However, remember that it is never too late to open up to your teachers, even if you are in the final year.

Step 2. Talk to your teachers
Getting to know your teachers can be beneficial in several ways. Talking to the professors will allow you to feel more comfortable during their lessons, which will lead you to be more successful in their subject.
- Contact your teacher if you have any school problems. Remember that professors do not wish for your failure, but hope for your success. They may offer you further explanation or information on the topics you are having trouble with, so that you can clear up your confusion.
- Furthermore, teachers can be an important resource in case of bullying. Don't be afraid to tell someone that you are being bullied or are having a hard time.
- If you are planning to go to university but are undecided on which way to go, ask your teachers for advice. If you have cultivated good relationships with them throughout your school career, you will have advice from people who know you, who believe in you, and who can give you good advice.

Step 3. Take reps
Sometimes no matter how hard you study, certain topics seem apparently impossible to understand. If you find yourself in this situation, look for someone to give you repetitions.
Method 5 of 5: Succeed Outside of Classes

Step 1. Commit
Discover the various workshops or extracurricular activities that your school offers to students. In fact, joining this kind of activity will help you gain experience for future jobs, will allow you to make new friends and will make you more open to new experiences.
- Try to take a responsible role in the activities you have chosen. It's always a good mess for the future.
- Find extracurricular activities that really interest you. Don't participate just because you feel compelled to. In high school it often happens that you have to untangle yourself among many commitments; make sure you really enjoy the activities you invest your time in.
- Try to be consistent. Think carefully before choosing to participate in a particular activity but, once you have decided, put your all into it. Don't start doing something just to let it go after a while and jump right into a new pastime. Also remember that joining fewer extracurricular activities will allow you to build closer relationships with others participating in it and deepen your commitment.

Step 2. Look for a job or volunteer opportunity within your community
Doing a job in an area that interests you can help you develop your passions and some skills that may also be useful in a future job or at university. Volunteering is not only rewarding on a personal level, but it will allow you to develop interests that you may never have thought you had before.
- If the commitments you have made during the school year are already too many for you, try to find a job during the summer. Many organizations offer short summer internship programs designed for high school students. Summer can also be the perfect time to find a part-time job.
- By volunteering, working part time or doing an internship you can gain valuable experience outside of school. Be careful, however, not to overdo it. Try to manage your time wisely and balance all your different commitments.

Step 3. Read and write
The key to a successful education is a good ability to read and write. The more you train outside of school, the better you will be as a student.
- Generally good students read for passion and are used to reading everything from newspapers to articles on the internet, from books to comics. The important thing is to read daily. Read what you prefer, what interests you. It doesn't have to be an obligation, but a completely personal moment reserved for reading.
- If you want to improve your reading skills, try reading more challenging newspaper articles or novels. Search the dictionary for words you don't know and try to memorize them.
- Writing is the most basic form of communication. You will not be obliged to write only in school, but in any job you will have to do in life. Try to do this on a daily basis. Keep a personal journal, write letters or emails to your friends, or try your hand at short stories. Focus on grammar rules and choosing the right words to improve yourself more and more.
- Review is one of the most important parts of any writing process. The first draft will rarely be perfect and ready to be delivered. Pause and reread what you have written after some time, when you are fresh again.

Step 4. Enjoy your high school experience
School cannot be just work and no fun. High school offers tons of fun and useful experiences to take part in. Participate in extracurricular activities and sporting events, and don't forget to nurture your friendships. Study hard, but enjoy life.
- Try to make a good impression on your teachers. It's never too early to start cultivating good relationships and building a good reputation.
- Don't let other people's words hurt you, just ignore them. Peer tensions are hard to ignore, but keep your goals in mind and get support from your friends - your high school experience will be positive.
- If you have a problem with a subject, talk to someone about it. Don't wait too long to contact a teacher if you have any questions about your grades or performance in their subject.
- Don't get in trouble. Successful students have no discipline problems. Do not get suspended, do not take drugs and do not get involved in activities that can distract you from your goal, which must be to successfully pass the maturity.