Accidentally sitting on chewing gum that someone else has thrown away carelessly could cause the gum to stick to your clothes. Read on for ways to successfully remove chewing gum from cotton clothing.

Step 1. Carefully fold the cotton garment
Make sure the area where the gum is facing outward.

Step 2. Put the dress in a plastic bag, or in a large resealable bag

Step 3. Put the bag with the dress in the freezer for a few hours
The goal is to harden and freeze the chewing gum so that it is easier to remove.

Step 4. Remove the bag from the freezer and remove the dress from the bag

Step 5. Lay the dress on a solid work area
Use a plastic knife to remove one side of the gum. Continue to peel off the rest with the knife or your fingers, until it all comes off.

Step 6. If any residue remains on the cotton garment, soak it in boiling water with some laundry detergent

Step 7. Wash the garment as you normally would
- You can heat vinegar on the stove or in the microwave, take a toothbrush and scrub it off with that.
- Other products you can use to remove chewing gum are peanut butter or baby oil, although the latter may leave stains on the cotton garment.
- Instead of putting the garment in the freezer, you can also choose to rub an ice cube on the chewing gum to freeze it.