How to Quickly Cure a Cold (with Pictures)

How to Quickly Cure a Cold (with Pictures)
How to Quickly Cure a Cold (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


While not caused by a particularly aggressive virus, the common cold can still make you feel very uncomfortable. If you want to cure it quickly, the important thing is to diagnose it early. If you fear that you are cold, you must immediately take all precautionary measures: increase the intake of vitamins, soothe the throat, clear the nasal passages. All this allows you to strengthen the immune defenses to fight the malaise and reduce its duration. In addition to these measures, try to rest and relax as much as possible. Do not take antibiotics, because it is a viral and not a bacterial disorder, so they are completely useless.


Part 1 of 4: Cure the Cold Quickly

Cold Fast Cure Step 1
Cold Fast Cure Step 1

Step 1. Recognize it early

Symptoms appear immediately after contracting the virus and the main ones are rhinorrhea, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, mild muscle aches, slightly higher temperature and a slight sense of exhaustion. If you want to have hope that you can quickly cure a cold, you also need to act quickly. After the first 12 hours, the cold has spread through the body to the point of lasting several days; therefore it is important to strengthen the immune system.

Cold Fast Cure Step 2
Cold Fast Cure Step 2

Step 2. Get a cough suppressant

However, only take it if you have a dry cough. Among the main antitussives you find in pharmacies are dextromethorphan and codeine, although the latter requires a prescription. Side effects include sleepiness and constipation. Dextromethorphan is available as tablets or syrup and can be taken in combination with an expectorant. If you have a thick or "chesty" cough and are expelling mucus, you should not take this type of medication, as it increases the risk of developing a chest infection. Instead, ask your pharmacist to give you an expectorant cough syrup.

Cold Fast Cure Step 3
Cold Fast Cure Step 3

Step 3. Take a decongestant

A nasal decongestant, whether in liquid or tablet form, helps narrow the blood vessels in the nasal passages, making it easier for them to open. Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are two over the counter drugs with proven efficacy against colds.

  • You can also take over-the-counter decongestants in the form of a nasal spray. All you have to do is one or two quick puffs in your nostrils and you will start feeling better right away. These nasal sprays contain oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, xylometazoline or naphazoline. Use them strictly following the dosage; if you take them more than 3-5 times a day, you can increase the feeling of a stuffy nose.
  • Side effects of decongestants include insomnia (sleep disturbances), dizziness and increased blood pressure. Do not take them orally if you have heart problems or suffer from high blood pressure. Only take them under medical supervision if you have diabetes, have thyroid problems, glaucoma or prostate disease.
Cold Fast Cure Step 4
Cold Fast Cure Step 4

Step 4. Take an expectorant

It is a free-for-sale drug that helps to free the sinuses of thick mucus and to dissolve the phlegm that has lodged in the lungs. In addition, it also allows you to breathe more easily and makes you feel better.

  • It is a medicine that you can easily find in pharmacies. You can find it in liquid form, as well as tablets or powder in sachets. To date, the over-the-counter expectorant available is guaifenesin. Look for a drug that contains this active ingredient when you go to the pharmacy, Bronchenolo Sedativo Fluidificante is an example.
  • Keep in mind that expectorants, like all drugs, also have side effects. The most common that have been encountered with this medicine are nausea, vomiting and sleepiness. If you also experience these symptoms, stop taking them immediately.
Cold Fast Cure Step 5
Cold Fast Cure Step 5

Step 5. Increase your vitamin C intake

Its cold prevention properties have been widely recognized, but it is also able to reduce the duration of the ailment.

  • Increase your consumption by drinking orange juice and eating foods such as strawberries, kiwis, and green leafy vegetables, which are high in vitamin C.
  • You can also decide to take supplements, which you can find in tablets at health food stores. The recommended daily dose is 90 mg per day for men and 75 mg per day for women.
Cold Fast Cure Step 6
Cold Fast Cure Step 6

Step 6. Go to the doctor

The body generally has the ability to fight most colds, but it can provide you with better treatments to relieve the symptoms. However, do not ask them to prescribe antibiotics, as these medications cannot soothe the symptoms or speed up the recovery time from a cold.

  • If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, you should contact your doctor immediately:
  • Ear pain / hearing loss;
  • Fever over 39 ° C;
  • Fever over 38 ° C lasting more than 3 days;
  • Shortness of breath / shortness of breath;
  • Traces of blood in the mucus;
  • General malaise symptoms lasting more than 7 or 10 days
  • Sore throat with fever, but no cough or runny nose. This can be a sign of strep infection, which requires immediate treatment with antibiotics to prevent possible heart complications.
  • Cough with fever, but no runny nose or sore throat. These symptoms may indicate pneumonia that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Part 2 of 4: Decongest the Nasal Sinuses

Cure a Cold Fast Step 11
Cure a Cold Fast Step 11

Step 1. Blow your nose properly

It is natural to want to blow it when you feel it closed, but you need to be cautious and not overdo it. While blowing your nose actually helps clear passages and expel excess mucus, doing it too aggressively or too often can cause the opposite effect.

  • Some experts have found that blowing the nose can cause pressure to build up due to mucus getting trapped, thus causing further damage to the nasal passages. You must avoid this by blowing your nose only if absolutely necessary and using the correct method.
  • The right way to proceed is to close one nostril with one finger and then blow very gently to free the other. The same procedure must be repeated for the other side. Make sure you wash your hands with a germicidal soap after blowing your nose, so as not to spread the virus.
  • Avoid irritating your nose from excessive friction by using soft cotton handkerchiefs and applying petroleum jelly under the nostrils to moisturize and lubricate them.
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Cure a Cold Fast Step 12

Step 2. Try to use a saline irrigator to clear the nasal passages

Any type of bottle or container with a thin spout can be used with a saline solution to loosen the mucus and drain it out of the nose.

  • Make the solution yourself by adding half a teaspoon of pure salt to 240ml of water.
  • Fill the container with the solution, tilt your head to one side (over a sink), insert the spout into one nostril and pour the liquid. The solution should flow into one nostril before exiting the other. When no more water comes out, gently blow your nose and repeat the same procedure in the opposite nostril.
Cure a Cold Fast Step 13
Cure a Cold Fast Step 13

Step 3. Take advantage of the benefits of steam

It can be very helpful when it comes to clearing the airways, as the heat from the steam helps loosen mucus, while the moisture soothes dry nasal passages. You can use it by following the methods described here:

Take a "steam bath" on your face by boiling a pot of water. Pour some water into a separate bowl and then put your face on top of it while the steam builds. Place a towel over your head to retain the vapor and breathe it in. Add a couple of drops of essential oil suitable for nasal constipation (such as tea tree or mint) to maximize the benefits of this remedy

Cure a Cold Fast Step 14
Cure a Cold Fast Step 14

Step 4. Take a hot shower

Even if you're feeling low, don't neglect your daily shower, as it can actually help you recover from a cold faster. Set the water to a high temperature, but make sure it's tolerable on the skin and let the steam fill the bathroom as much as possible. If the heat makes you feel faint or dizzy, put a plastic chair or stool in the shower.

A hot, steamy bath can be great in case of a cold, not only for decongesting the airways, but also for relaxing and warming you up. So try to set the water at the highest temperature you can handle. If you decide to wash your hair too (whether it's a bath in the tub or a shower), remember to dry it very thoroughly at the end. If they stay wet they can cause loss of body heat and that is certainly not what you want in this situation

Cure a Cold Fast Step 15
Cure a Cold Fast Step 15

Step 5. Drink warm liquids

There is nothing more comforting than a hot drink when you have an annoying cold. But, aside from the emotional side of it, a hot drink actually helps clear the nasal passages and soothes a sore throat, making it a perfect remedy for airway congestion.

  • Herbal teas or teas, such as chamomile or mint tea, are excellent solutions, because they give relief and at the same time hydrate the body. Regular tea or coffee can give you some energy back if you're feeling a little groggy, but they don't hydrate.
  • A traditional cold remedy, which still proves very powerful, consists of a simple drink of hot water, lemon and honey. Hot water unblocks congestion, lemon strengthens the immune system, and honey soothes a sore throat. Simply put a fresh lemon wedge in a cup of hot water and add some honey to taste.
  • Chicken soup has long been a favorite remedy for people with colds and more, because it is soothing and easy to eat. There is scientific evidence that this food actually limits the production of certain white blood cells that promote cold symptoms.

Part 3 of 4: Give the Body a Break

Cold Fast Cure Step 7
Cold Fast Cure Step 7

Step 1. Take some time to do nothing

A surefire way to carry a cold and make it last for days or even weeks is to continue going about your normal daily activities and not give your body time to heal. The best way to quickly overcome a cold is to take a few days off, stay in a warm, welcoming place and give your body a break.

  • Even if you're reluctant to take a break, think of your co-workers - they don't want you spreading germs all over the office! If you stay home for a while, you are definitely doing them a favor.
  • Aside from that, the common cold is caused by a virus that attacks and weakens the immune system, making it more susceptible to disease or aggravating the existing situation. Therefore, staying safe at home is the healthiest solution, at least until you start to feel better.
Cold Fast Cure Step 8
Cold Fast Cure Step 8

Step 2. Get plenty of rest

Remember that the body is doing its best to fight the virus and it needs all the energy in this endeavor. If you overload it with housework, training, travel, or other activities that require physical exertion, you are only prolonging the cold and making it worse. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep a night and try to get plenty of naps throughout the day.

  • Even if you can't sleep, lie on the sofa with a blanket and a hot drink. Take advantage of this time to watch all "Friends" episodes or read the entire Harry Potter series.
  • When you sleep, rest your head on an extra pillow. It might seem strange to you if you're not used to it, but with your head a little higher the fluids drain better from the nasal passages. However, if you find it very uncomfortable, try putting this second pillow under the sheet or under the mattress of the bed; in this way the head remains raised, but with a gentler slope.
Cure a Cold Fast Step 9
Cure a Cold Fast Step 9

Step 3. Keep warm

On the other hand, against the raf coldre the best thing is the heat. While it's not the freezing weather or catching cold that causes a cold (since a virus is responsible), staying warm while recovering certainly helps. Therefore, turn up the thermostat, light the fire in the fireplace and prepare a pile of blankets - you will see that soon you will be much better.

  • Despite the benefits of heat, however, keep in mind that dry heat actually irritates the already inflamed nasal passages and causes a sore throat. You can avoid this by using a humidifier to increase the humidity of the air. This makes breathing easier.
  • However, be aware that humidifiers can spread pathogenic microorganisms and mold.
Cure a Cold Fast Step 10
Cure a Cold Fast Step 10

Step 4. Drink plenty of fluids

Blowing your nose very often and sweating under heavy blankets can leave you dehydrated, thus worsening cold symptoms to headache, dry, sore throat.

  • Try to drink a little more than usual when you are sick, whether it is liquids in the form of hot teas, soups, fruit or vegetable juices (watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapples) or just water.
  • An easy way to check your hydration level is to check your urine. If it is pale yellow or very light in color, you are properly hydrated. But if it is dark yellow in color it means that there is a high concentration of toxins in the body that have not been diluted, so you need to drink more water.

Part 4 of 4: Treating Other Symptoms

Cure a Cold Fast Step 16
Cure a Cold Fast Step 16

Step 1. Take a pain reliever or antipyretic

If you are in pain or have a fever, your main options are acetaminophen (Tachipiricna) and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen). Avoid NSAIDs if you have gastric reflux or a peptic ulcer. However, if you are already taking these medications for other conditions, talk to your doctor before deciding to increase the dose. You must not take more than indicated in the leaflet, as it could poison the liver. You do not have to aggravate the situation while you are trying to cure other diseases.

Cure a Cold Fast Step 17
Cure a Cold Fast Step 17

Step 2. Gargle with a saline solution to soothe a sore throat

Congestion isn't the only annoying symptom you need to deal with during a cold, but itchy, dry, or sore throat is just as annoying. An easy and natural way to control this discomfort is to gargle with a salty solution. The water moisturizes the throat, while the antiseptic properties of the salt help fight the infection. To prepare the solution, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot water. If the taste is unpleasant for your taste, add a little baking soda to take away some of the flavor. Then gargle with this mixture 4 times a day; make sure you don't swallow it.

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Cure a Cold Fast Step 18

Step 3. Drink elderberry syrup

It is believed that this plant is excellent for strengthening the immune system and therefore is a very popular remedy for treating colds in a natural way. Elderberry contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties and help prevent cell damage. However, very little research has been done on its effects on people, so its true effectiveness is still unknown. You can take elderberry in several forms:

  • Take a spoonful of syrup every morning. You can find it in this form in major health food stores.
  • Add a few drops of elderberry extract (also available in health food stores) to a glass of water or juice.
  • Drink elderberry tea: a hot drink with elderflower and mint leaves.
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Cure a Cold Fast Step 19

Step 4. Eat a spoonful of raw honey

It is a very effective product in strengthening the immune system, moreover, its antiviral and soothing properties against sore throats make it the main element to cure colds in a natural way.

You can ingest a spoonful of pure raw honey, or dissolve it in a cup of hot water or tea. Another equally effective remedy for colds is to prepare a glass of milk with a tablespoon of turmeric powder and drink it quickly with a tablespoon of honey. Look for raw honey produced in your area to help your body develop tolerance to allergens in your region

Cure a Cold Fast Step 20
Cure a Cold Fast Step 20

Step 5. Eat garlic

This plant offers a multitude of health benefits, thanks to its antiviral, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties. Some research has shown that raw garlic can help relieve cold symptoms, shorten their duration, and strengthen the immune system, preventing future relapses.

  • You can take it as a supplement, but if you want to get good results, it's best to eat it raw. Crush a clove and leave it at room temperature for 15 minutes; this allows you to develop a compound known as allicin, a powerful antibacterial agent that gives garlic most of its health benefits.
  • It can be eaten alone (if you have a strong stomach) or mixed with some honey or olive oil spread on a cracker.
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Cure a Cold Fast Step 21

Step 6. Take natural supplements

Some supplements are believed to be particularly good for cold symptoms. While they don't necessarily cure this malaise or stop its course, they can help you heal faster. For instance:

  • Echinacea is an herb that is believed to have antiviral properties and aid in the treatment of respiratory infections. When taken in tablet form, it appears to reduce the effects of a cold, as long as it is taken as soon as possible, as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  • Zinc is another natural element that scientific research has shown can reduce the duration of colds, preventing the virus from reproducing. It can be taken as tablets, candies or syrup.
  • Ginseng is an ancient remedy that has been scientifically proven to be effective in reducing the duration of colds while strengthening the immune system. It can be taken in the form of supplements or you can boil the root in water and make an herbal tea.
