How to Cure a Cold (with Pictures)

How to Cure a Cold (with Pictures)
How to Cure a Cold (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Unfortunately, there is no cure for colds. Most colds will go away in 3-7 days, but some will last longer. A cold can only be treated by relieving its symptoms, a measure that can help limit its duration and potential complications. The following steps will make colds less bothersome.


Part 1 of 3: Decongest the Nasal Sinuses

Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 9
Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 9

Step 1. Blow your nose in moderation

Your natural instinct may lead you to blow your nose whenever you feel it is blocked, but the medical jury still isn't sure if that's a good idea or not. Studies have shown that forceful blowing of the nose can create a build-up of pressure and mucus in the sinuses, which could become infected. On the other hand, some experts argue that it is important to blow your nose during a cold, in fact this gesture helps us to expel unnecessary mucus from the body and to decongest the nasal passages. Choose a compromise, try to blow your nose only when absolutely necessary.

  • Whatever your beliefs, be sure to blow your nose gently to avoid excessive pressure and use the recommended methods: close one nostril with your fingers and blow gently to release the free one, then repeat on the other side.
  • You should avoid "sniffling" as much as possible; this gesture only pulls the mucus back towards the head. When you have to leave the house, do not get caught unprepared and bring plenty of handkerchiefs with you.
  • Washing your hands after blowing your nose will help reduce the chance of passing the virus to someone else.
  • Blowing your nose frequently can irritate the skin; prefer handkerchiefs in soft and quality fabric to avoid irritating the skin. Use a nose moisturizer if needed.
  • Avoid using paper tissues; they irritate the skin more than cloth handkerchiefs.
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 8
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 8

Step 2. Drink honey and lemon tea

It is a simple but effective remedy that has long been used in the treatment of colds. Boil some water, pour it into a cup, add one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice and mix two teaspoons of honey. Take a seat in a soft armchair and enjoy your drink. The effect should last a couple of hours and almost completely relieve the sore throat and clear the nose.

  • The hot drink should have an almost immediate effect and relieve cold symptoms for at least a couple of hours.
  • To further elevate the degree of well-being, curl up in a comfortable armchair in front of a lit fireplace and enjoy your hot drink. You will soon feel much better.
Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 5
Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 5

Step 3. Use a nasal decongestant

Nasal decongestants immediately reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, reducing inflammation of the nasal passages and slowing the production of mucus. Nasal decongestants are available in the form of sprays or tablets, and sold in all pharmacies.

However, keep in mind that excessive use of nasal decongestants (for more than 3 - 5 days) can worsen mucus production, potentially trapping bacteria

Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 2
Get Rid of a Runny Nose Step 2

Step 4. Free the sinuses

In recent years, the practice of washing the nasal cavities with the "Neti lota" has gained great popularity. The neti lota contains a saline solution which is poured through one nostril and then comes out of the other. During a nasal congestion this practice dilutes the mucus present in the nasal passages allowing it to escape. The saline solution can be purchased ready-made or prepared with a DIY recipe.

  • When using the neti lota, lean over a sink and tilt your head to one side. Insert the spout of the container into the upper nostril and let the saline solution flow through the nose. The water should go through the first nostril and come out through the second.
  • When all the water has been expelled, blow your nose gently, then repeat on the other side.
Cope with Claustrophobia Step 10
Cope with Claustrophobia Step 10

Step 5. Try an expectorant

Consider taking an expectorant medication that will help clear nasal congestion by diluting mucus and loosening phlegm, clearing the airways and allowing you to breathe more easily.

  • Expectorants are available in liquid, powder and tablet form; you can buy them at the pharmacy.
  • Side effects of expectorants include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and vomiting. Contact your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms.
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 15
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 15

Step 6. Use essential oils

Essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, clove, and tea tree oils can help clear the nasal passages allowing you to breathe more easily. Essential oils can be used in several ways. For example, adding a drop or two to a bowl of hot water. Soak a clean cloth in hot water, wring it out and place it on your face and then let it sit for a couple of minutes. Try to inhale deeply, in a few minutes you should feel an improvement in your breathing ability.

  • You can also mix a drop or two of essential oil with a small amount of petroleum jelly, use the mixture to massage your chest or feet before falling asleep.
  • Alternatively, you can pour a drop or two of oil on the fabric of your pajamas or in a tub filled with hot water, this will make it easier to inhale the vapors.
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 4
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 4

Step 7. Take a warm bath or shower

The steam produced by the hot water will help clear the nasal passages, and will encourage relaxation of the mind and body. If you feel a little dizzy from the heat, consider putting a plastic chair or stool in the shower.

If you have long hair, use a blow dryer to minimize loss of body heat

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of yourself

Cope with Claustrophobia Step 3
Cope with Claustrophobia Step 3

Step 1. Take two days off from work or school

This will help keep the disease from spreading to others, and will help you save energy to fight the infection. It will save you the inconvenience of being in a place where you need to be productive in sick conditions and will allow you to have blankets and hot drinks, as well as any other kind of comfort that can help you feel better soon. Also, you will be less likely to get sick more severely, which could happen when your immune system is already compromised.

Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 18
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 18

Step 2. Go to the doctor

Talk to him about your problem and get him to suggest some solutions. If he prescribes you medication, be sure to follow his directions (usually once or twice a day). A cold usually lasts up to a week. If it doesn't pass within a week, see your family doctor.

Calm an Overactive Mind Step 13
Calm an Overactive Mind Step 13

Step 3. Drink plenty of fluids

Staying hydrated will reduce the effects of many symptoms, such as headaches and sore throats, as well as of course preventing dehydration. Hot soups and tea are another great way to drink fluids as we help relieve congested nasal passages and reduce inflammation of the nose and throat.

  • Quench your thirst by ingesting enough fluids. Although it is important to ingest a sufficient amount of fluids when sick, it is essential not to overload the liver and kidneys, forcing them to work continuously. During your illness, drink a little more than normal, but don't think you need to drink 12 - 15 glasses of water a day.
  • A good indication that you are drinking enough fluids is that your urine becomes almost transparent. A darker yellow will indicate more waste that is not dissolved and diluted enough, so increase your fluid consumption.
  • Avoid coffee at all costs. Contains caffeine, which can make symptoms worse.
Calm Down when You're Upset Step 17
Calm Down when You're Upset Step 17

Step 4. Get plenty of rest

Your body needs all of its resources to fight the cold virus. If you don't give your body the rest it needs, you will feel worse. Take frequent naps and don't overwork yourself with physical activity. While sleeping, try to keep your head elevated, it will help drain the nasal passages.

Try supporting your head with an extra pillow, even if it may feel uncomfortable. If necessary, place the extra pillow between the sheet and the mattress or under the mattress to make sleeping more comfortable

Stop a Burning Throat Step 12
Stop a Burning Throat Step 12

Step 5. Gargle with warm salt water and baking soda

Gargling with salt water helps moisturize the throat and fight infection, as salt is a natural antiseptic. Try adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of hot water and stir to dissolve it. If you want, you can dampen the energy of the salt by adding a small amount of baking soda. Gargle up to four times a day to relieve a sore throat temporarily.

Make sure the water isn't TOO salty and you don't overdo it or you could dry out your throat and make your symptoms worse

Stop a Burning Throat Step 7
Stop a Burning Throat Step 7

Step 6. Turn on a humidifier or vaporizer in the room where you rest to keep the air moist

This will especially help if your nasal passages and throat are dry or sore. Keep in mind that while humidifiers can help relieve sore throats, they probably can't reduce cold symptoms or shorten their duration.

However, new evidence suggests that, for some people, humidifiers and vaporizers are more harmful than beneficial. This happens because humidifiers can spread pathogens, mold and toxins, as well as cause severe burns. Use your common sense to figure out if a humidifier is right for your needs

Be Quietly Confident Step 3
Be Quietly Confident Step 3

Step 7. Stay warm

It is important to stay warm during illness, as a cold can make you feel faint and give you chills. Cover yourself with several layers of clothing throughout the day and add a blanket to the bed before going to sleep or rest. If you take a nap on the sofa cover yourself with a blanket, the heat will not free you from a cold but will make you feel better.

The idea is widespread that sweating can eliminate a cold, but scientific evidence to support this thesis is scarce

Stop a Burning Throat Step 1
Stop a Burning Throat Step 1

Step 8. Take over-the-counter cold medications

While these treatments can't cure it, they can definitely help you relieve major symptoms, such as headaches, congestion, fever, and sore throat. All of these drugs have common side effects, such as nausea, stomach agitation, and dizziness. Ask your doctor for advice about the risks of these drugs and their use in combination with others.

  • Pain relievers, including acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen, can help you if your cold is accompanied by body aches, headaches, and fever. Do not give aspirin to children or teenagers, as it has been linked to Reye's syndrome.
  • Antihistamines are a common ingredient in cold and allergy medications, and they help control watery eyes and a stuffy nose.
  • Cough inhibitors, known as antitussive drugs, disrupt the body's cough reflex. Take them only in case of a dry cough. You shouldn't try to stop a fat cough, as it will help clear mucus from your body. Do not let children under 4 take cough medications.
  • Take nasal decongestants only if the swollen mucous membranes make it difficult for you to breathe. These drugs open your airways by tightening the blood vessels in your nose.
  • Loosen the mucus with an expectorant so you can cough it up if it's too thick or heavy to move.
Live a Fuller Life After Middle Age Step 13
Live a Fuller Life After Middle Age Step 13

Step 9. Avoid smoking

Tobacco can temporarily weaken the immune system and make cold symptoms worse. You should also avoid caffeinated coffee, tea, and sodas.

Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 8
Cure a Viral Infection with Home Remedies Step 8

Step 10. Drink some chicken broth

There are some scientific studies that chicken broth slows the movement of certain white blood cells that cause cold symptoms, and warm liquid can help clear sinuses and relieve sore throats. Finally, some believe that the broth's combination of liquid, salt, and heat helps fight infections.

Consider adding some red cayenne pepper to your broth or soup to help clear your nose

Part 3 of 3: Strengthen Your Immune System

Make Cramps Go Away Step 4
Make Cramps Go Away Step 4

Step 1. Take supplements

Choose a supplement that contains essential vitamins and nutrients; it is a simple and effective way to strengthen your immune system. You may prefer single supplements such as vitamin C or zinc tablets, or purchase a complete multivitamin. If you are not a fish lover, you can still enjoy the benefits of the essential fatty acids contained in fish through Omega-3 supplements; in fact, it has been proven that they strengthen the immune system.

  • A wide range of supplements is available in supermarkets, pharmacies and health food stores.
  • Taking a supplement to strengthen your immune system will likely not get rid of a cold any faster, but will prevent a possible relapse.
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 14
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 14

Step 2. Eat garlic

Garlic promotes heart and immune system health, has antioxidant properties, and helps keep the circulatory system healthy. One of the powerful benefits of garlic is strengthening the body's immune defenses.

Try crushing a clove of garlic in a tablespoon of honey and then chewing it quickly and swallowing it

Treat Hand Eczema Step 9
Treat Hand Eczema Step 9

Step 3. Try zinc

The latest research suggests that taking zinc within one day of the onset of symptoms allows you to heal one day faster and suffer less intense symptoms.

Stop a Burning Throat Step 11
Stop a Burning Throat Step 11

Step 4. Eat honey

Honey is a natural supplement capable of strengthening your immune system, as well as having good antiviral properties. In addition, it is able to relieve the annoying symptoms of a sore throat, making it a really great remedy for those suffering from a cold. You can eat a teaspoon of natural honey, or dissolve it in a hot drink to make it even more emollient.

Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 13
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 13

Step 5. Fill up on Vitamin C

You can take vitamin C supplements, drink fruit juice, and eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, kiwis, and strawberries. Although the true effectiveness of vitamin C is widely debated, many of its advocates recommend its daily use to reduce the duration of colds.

Recover from Typhoid Fever Step 11
Recover from Typhoid Fever Step 11

Step 6. Try echinacea

It is a herb considered by many to be an antiviral, capable of effectively strengthening the immune system. Although its anti-cold properties are discussed by experts, some studies claim that echinacea can both reduce the propensity to cold and shorten its duration.

Stop Vomiting Step 12
Stop Vomiting Step 12

Step 7. Try elderberry syrup

Elderberries are also able to strengthen the immune system in a natural way, so try to take a spoonful of them every morning in the form of syrup, available in herbalists, or add a few drops of elderberry essence to your breakfast drink.

Prevent Skin Fungus Step 4
Prevent Skin Fungus Step 4

Step 8. Stop the spread of germs

Don't allow others to drink and eat anything you've come in contact with, and change your pillow cases every day or two when you feel sick. This will limit the possibility of spreading the infection, as well as removing germs from your environment.

  • Wash your hands after blowing your nose. While it won't help you, it will reduce the chance of the virus being passed on to someone else.
  • Avoid contact with other people as much as possible. During all stages of a cold, the cold virus (rhinovirus or coronavirus) can be easily passed on to other people. Staying home from work or school is the polite thing to do. If you have to work, limit physical contact with people, try not to touch things, and wash your hands often. These steps will reduce the chance of getting sick.


  • Get enough sleep.
  • Get as much fluids as you can.
  • If you have a runny nose, taking a hot bath or shower will temporarily relieve the symptom.
  • Try to keep your head elevated and not lie down completely.
  • Blow your nose regularly. Blowing it too often will make your nose skin dry and inflamed.
  • Drink hot tea with honey. It will relieve the symptoms of your sore throat.
  • Disinfect the surfaces you touch so as not to spread the virus.
  • To relieve cold symptoms, try taking a teaspoon of honey with four drops of lemon.
  • Sleep with multiple pillows to raise your chest and tilt your head to 45 degrees if you can't sleep because you have a stuffy or runny nose.
  • If you use a shared computer during a cold, clean your mouse and keyboard when you go away for an extended period of time.
  • Bring the water to a boil and make fumenti by placing your head over the hot water. Cover your head and shoulders with a towel to retain the steam.
  • Add some ginger to green tea.
  • Stay lying down for as long as possible, it will relax you.
  • Infuse mint leaves in hot water and make fumenti.
  • Try not to take medications. Otherwise, your next cold may be immune to medication.
  • If possible, breathe through your mouth.
  • There is no firm evidence that echinacea or vitamin C can prevent colds. Nor is there any evidence that you are more likely to get a cold from cold or too hot. There are no drugs to cure colds. The drugs only relieve the symptoms.


  • If cold symptoms last for more than seven days see your doctor, you may be suffering from a more serious condition.
  • The Food and Medicines Agency (FDA) warns that Zicam, in the form of Cold Remedy and Nasal Gel, nasal cold remedies, can cause loss or reduction of the sense of smell. These products have been voluntarily withdrawn. This warning does not apply to other Zicam products.
  • If you have a fever above 38 ° C, consult your doctor. A high fever could be a symptom of the flu.
  • As with any home remedy, consult your doctor before ingesting more than the recommended amount of vitamin C.
