The American coffee maker is now an integral part of the lives of millions of people. In the United States alone, millions of coffees are consumed every day. If you have never used one of these machines before, the procedure may not be intuitive. Read on to make a good cup of your favorite blend.
Part 1 of 3: Basic Procedure
Step 1. Add a filter to the dedicated trash
Natural filters are fine but it is always better to opt for specific ones; the generic ones, in fact, do not offer a good result.
Many coffee makers are sold with their specific wire mesh filter. If you find one of this type, you will make the best choice to respect the environment. Use a filter designed for coffee machines rather than a paper one
Step 2. Measure the amount of coffee
The more coffee you have to prepare, the more ground you have to put in the filter. Depending on the coffee maker you are using, the water / coffee ratio may vary. Usually about 2 teaspoons of coffee are used for 180 ml of water, but it is advisable to check the instruction manual of your specific machine before deciding.
- Some blends are designed for a specific ground / water ratio, you will find the instructions on the coffee packaging.
- Make sure you use a teaspoon. Many coffee makers are equipped with a dispenser, read the instructions to know the amount of coffee you need to put in the filter.
Step 3. Measure the amount of water
Use a graduated container or check if the inside of the coffee maker has marks for the water level. Take a cup to pour the water; there is usually an open space behind or above the filter housing.
Those who use the American coffee maker for the first time may be tempted to pour the water directly onto the filter. Do not do it. Put it in its compartment where it will stay until it's time to make coffee. Finally, put the cup back on the hot plate
Step 4. Plug the coffee maker into the electrical outlet and turn it on
Some models automatically start making coffee, others need to be set manually.
Step 5. Wait until all the coffee is ready before pouring it
Some coffee makers have a setting to be put on "pause"; this allows you to get yourself a cup of coffee before the whole brewing process is finished.
Step 6. If you use a paper filter, throw it away immediately
If you don't get rid of the coffee grounds right away, the cup will have a bitter aftertaste due to the flavors that are released later.
If you are using a wire mesh filter, simply throw the coffee grounds in the trash (or recycle them) and wash the filter
Part 2 of 3: Optimizing the Outcome

Step 1. Use freshly ground coffee beans that have been stored properly
If you want a coffee with a fresher and more intense aroma, you should buy the blend in beans and grind it every time you want the drink. The flavor of the coffee comes from the delicate components within the cells of the beans; when it is ground, the inside of each grain is exposed to the air which, over time, deteriorates its quality and causes it to lose its aroma.
- Store the coffee beans in an airtight container. This product is able to absorb odors (and this is why it can be used as a substitute for baking soda to deodorize the fridge). Unfortunately this means that if you don't keep it in an airtight container, you could end up with a coffee with a garlicky aftertaste.
- Coffee lovers disagree on storing beans at a low temperature. Some recommend storing them in the refrigerator if they are consumed within a week and transferring the surplus to the freezer for a couple of weeks. Others prefer to keep them in a dark and cold place.
Step 2. Clean the coffee maker
Like all appliances that use a lot of hot water, coffee machines can accumulate mineral sediments. These residues give your coffee a bad, almost rancid taste. Periodically clean your American coffee maker if you always want to drink great coffee. Follow the How to Clean a Coffee Machine guide
If your appliance has visible sediments, strong smells or you simply don't remember when you last washed it, then it's time to clean it

Step 3. Use the right grind for your preparation technique
Different brewing methods require a different grain of ground to optimize the flavor. Since ground beans change their flavor with water, changing the degree of grinding (and therefore the contact surface between water and coffee) changes the final result. In general, the longer the brewing time, the coarser the grind should be.
Normal "filter" coffee makers, such as the one described in the first part, usually need a medium ground coffee. If you are using an alternative method, such as a French coffee maker or a pressure filter, consider searching online to find the ideal grind

Step 4. Use the correct temperature
The water should reach 90-95 ° C or a slightly lower temperature than boiling. If the water is colder, it is unable to extract all the flavor from the coffee beans, while a hotter one burns the blend, ruining the final result.
- If you boil the water separately, bring it to a boil, remove it from the heat and wait about a minute before pouring it over the coffee.
- If you store coffee beans in the refrigerator, don't worry, as most brewing techniques aren't affected by the coldest beans. However, if you are making espresso, let the ground coffee reach room temperature. This procedure uses a relatively small amount of water that comes into contact with the ground for a short time, so cold beans affect the flavor of your espresso.
Part 3 of 3: Troubleshooting
Step 1. Find the problem
Like all household appliances, the coffee machine can also malfunction even if you use it regularly. Below you will find the most common problems faced by users of American coffee makers, as well as some tips to solve them. '' Before attempting any repairs, make sure that the coffee maker is disconnected from the electricity supply and that there is no boiling water in the tank.

Step 2. "The coffee tastes strange
As already explained in the second part of the article, boiling water leaves mineral deposits in the coffee maker which, if not removed, affect the taste of the coffee. It is advisable to clean the machine on a monthly basis (also the internal components) if the use every day Read the guide How to Clean a Coffee Machine.
Also consider the possibility of having made mistakes in storing / managing the coffee. Make sure that the package has not been left open or that the ground has not come into contact with other contaminating ingredients, as coffee has the ability to absorb odors
Step 3. "The water does not flow through the coffee maker
If only very little water flows (or not at all), there could be a blockage in one of the pipes inside the machine (the aluminum heating one seems particularly prone to this problem). Turn on the machine with water and vinegar in the tank (do not put the filter or coffee.) Repeat the process several times until the block is resolved, then activate the coffee maker twice with pure water to rinse.

Step 4. "The coffee maker produces too much or too little coffee
Many modern machines have a control system to determine how much coffee to make, so that it adjusts to the capacity of the cup or thermos. Make sure these settings are configured correctly and that there is an adequate amount of water in the tank; it may be necessary. consult the instruction manual to change these parameters.

Step 5. "The coffee is not hot
This problem is usually caused by the heating elements or internal electrical connections. Since spare parts for these parts are difficult to find and the repair involves accessing potentially dangerous parts (electrical connections), it is best to replace the entire coffee maker.
If you still want to try to solve the electrical problem of your coffee machine, first make sure you have unplugged it from the socket before proceeding. With a quick internet search you can find guides for these craft projects
- After measuring the coffee, close the package tightly, to prevent it from spoiling due to excessive exposure to air.
- Sprinkling finely ground cinnamon on the coffee before preparation is equally useful for reducing its sourness. However, be careful: in this type of coffee machine, adding more than a tablespoon of a spice that is too finely ground could clog the filter causing the water to overflow.
- If the coffee is too often more bitter than you would like, sprinkle a few pinches of salt on it once in the filter. This technique helps to eliminate the bitter taste that is created in the preparation process (especially if the coffee you use is not of excellent quality). Even adding a few egg shells can give the coffee a more rounded taste. This method, in fact, is commonly practiced by the US Marines.
- If you want to learn "advanced" coffee preparation techniques, read how to make a good coffee.
Although the instructions in this article apply to most American coffee machines, remember that some models may require very different procedures, for which other guidance is required. Here are some examples:
- Pod coffee machine.
- Pressure filter
- French coffee maker
- Consider reusing your coffee grounds. In the kitchen they are very useful for absorbing odors in the refrigerator or as an abrasive substance for washing pots. Since they contain phosphorus and hydrogen, they can also make an excellent fertilizer for some plants.
- Be careful when opening a coffee maker that is still making coffee. Boiling water could splash from the heating system.
- Always remember to turn off the coffee maker when finished. Although rarely, it is still possible that a fire is caused by a short circuit, especially if the appliance is not equipped with an automatic extinguishing system.
- Never turn it on if it does not contain water, you risk breaking it.