How to get your parents to let you change schools

How to get your parents to let you change schools
How to get your parents to let you change schools

Table of contents:


Do you completely hate the school you attend and would like to change it, but your parents aren't convinced? Read this article to find out how to persuade them.


Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 1
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 1

Step 1. Think about all the reasons why you don't want to go there anymore; for example, you are bullied, you have problems with teachers, nobody understands you, you have no friends or you always fight with them and so on

Analyze these factors in detail and remember them. If you want, write them. Do not use these reasons if they are not true.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 2
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 2

Step 2. Think about what you will tell your parents

If you haven't talked about it yet, you can directly explain the situation by saying “I want to change schools”. At this point, don't list the reasons, see how they react. If they seem to understand, then make a list of the reasons that prompted you to make this decision. If they seem angry, then forget it for now and try it later.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 3

Step 3. If you have already pitted the issue but are stubborn, you should aim for empathy

Make them feel sorry for you. Don't invent problems you don't have, but exaggerate existing ones. For example, when you come home, you start to cry, even if you have to pretend. Can't you? Try to look upset and depressed. If they ask you what's wrong, explain "I've already told you, but you didn't listen to me." Then, remind them what the real problem is.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 4
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 4

Step 4. Explain in detail all the reasons that led you to consider this solution, and then state that they are preventing you from concentrating on studying; try to get bad grades on some test if you absolutely want to leave, unless it's a big test

Tell them you can't sleep well anymore. Don't lie though, based on real facts. Remember, you are not telling lies, just magnifying reality.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 5
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 5

Step 5. Find out about other schools you would like to attend

Talk to your parents about it, perhaps provide them with concrete materials to better explain why you want to change and to show that it is not a whim. Make other institutions look better than the one you go to now.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 6
Convince Your Parents to Let You Switch Schools Step 6

Step 6. If you have already tried to talk to your parents about it but they have not listened to you, then you need to use a different approach

They obviously don't think it's a problem, so push them to change their minds. Use some of the suggestions outlined in Steps 3 and 4. You could also name people who attend other schools, emphasizing the validity of the education they offer and the benefits of enrolling.


If you are shy or afraid to talk to your parents about the situation, write a letter explaining why you want to change schools


  • Tell them the truth. If you hate the school you go to, don't lie, and go into detail as to why you arouse it. They will only allow you to change it if you have real problems.
  • If it's a serious problem that needs to be addressed or eradicated right away, explain it to your parents, however embarrassing it is.
  • You should have a legitimate reason, don't be vague when you say you want to change schools. In addition to providing valid reasons, propose alternatives. Only then will your parents take you seriously.
  • Don't lie too much and don't get into the habit of lying and manipulating people, no matter what the situation is. It is wrong and no one appreciates it.
  • Don't tell anyone else until you're sure you can change.
  • If they don't allow you to change schools for financial reasons, don't insist.