Prevent theft in your home. Increase the security of your home without spending anything.

Step 1. Think like a thief
Pretend to be a thief and try to think of ways you might sneak into your home. Study your home and look for any weaknesses in its security.

Step 2. Close the doors
Even if you grew up in a place where it was normal to leave the door open, the world is different now.

Step 3. Close the windows
The windows and sliding doors on the ground floor are easy to open from the outside. A slightly motivated thief will check.

Step 4. Close the balcony door
Never leave the balcony door open during the night or when you are outside. Balconies can provide easy access for thieves.

Step 5. Close the garage doors
Garage doors can provide access to your home, so treat them like any other door; make sure they are closed properly, as is the door leading from the garage to your home.

Step 6. New house, new locks
When you move to a new residence, change all the locks, because you never know who has a copy of your keys.

Step 7. Leave the lights, TV, and stereo on
When you're out, leave a light on in any room in the house, or invest in a timer to automatically turn the light on anytime you want. Let the thief hesitate to intrude.

Step 8. Don't leave notes on the door
For example: "Hello delivery company, I'm not home all day, leave my packages on the back porch." For a thief, it's like saying, "Hi thief, I'm not home all day, so you can rob my house." Not only will the thief look on the porch, but he will also know for sure that you will not be home all day.

Step 9. Keep the curtains closed
Keep the curtains closed in rooms with expensive equipment that burglars might see from the windows.

Step 10. Notify the police if you notice any oddities
If you see a strange car passing through the neighborhood several times a day, report it! If someone is sitting in their car parked in your street for a long time, report it! If there is a van moving near the neighbors' homes with no commercial advertising, report it!

Step 11. Install safety lights in your garden
It is more difficult for a thief to break in if there are lights placed at the entry points to your home.
Step 12. Get an alarm system
If a burglar has managed to break into your home, an alarm system may dissuade him from continuing.

Step 13. Change the lock if you lose the key
Someone might have taken it.

Step 14. Make sure the hedges are cut below the window sill level

Step 15. Get a dog
The dog's bark can serve as a warning and attract attention, something thieves try to avoid.

Step 16. Never leave a spare key
It is not recommended to leave a spare key anywhere around your home, especially in obvious places, such as under the entrance mat.

Step 17. Get security bars on the windows
Especially if your home is in a bad area. These will prevent thieves from breaking through the windows.

Step 18. Get a safe
A safe can help protect not only valuables but also important documents, your checkbook, bank and financial statements.
- When buying an appliance such as a computer or TV, do you throw the box outside? Anyone who passes by can see a plasma TV box in the trash and know you have a new TV. The same is true for a computer, stereo, video games, and any other easy-to-carry items that can be expensive. If the average thief sees that you have newly purchased items, why would he try to steal from the neighbor's house?
- If someone calls and says they are doing a home security investigation, always reply that you have a security system connected to the fire department and the police department, as well as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, because you never really know who is. calling. It's easy for a potential thief to pretend to be a phone salesman.
- When replacing or repairing your locks be sure to go to a reputable company with qualified technicians. Ensure that the technicians are serious people and that the dealers of the locks are authorized by the manufacturer.
- The bad guys often qualify with reduced rates to repair or replace the locks, always contact local craftsmen and technicians.
- Mow the lawn. If a potential thief arrives and sees that the grass is not cut and the newspapers or mail are still on the porch, he realizes an opportunity. There is no one at home or no one cares. This is especially important when you sell your home or go on vacation. Ask your neighbors if they can collect the mail, or ask the post office to hold the mail, and mow the lawn to make the house safe by making it appear inhabited. The presence of people at home means that the thief will seek easier earnings. Thieves are generally lazy and try to make easy money easily. Don't give them a chance.
- Don't post on Facebook or other social networking sites that you're going on vacation. Others will see that you will not be home for a while and will consider stealing from your home.
- Simple and effective protection is mostly common sense. You wouldn't leave your house with the keys in the door, would you? So why leave the keys in the car with the engine running while you are inside the house. Get another door key or a remote starting system. Don't make it easy to get your car stolen. Keep your wallet in one pocket and some cash in another pocket.