Do you often spend your holidays doing nothing and getting bored? Don't waste your days off - there are tons of things you can do, even if you only have a week's vacation or so. Read the first step and let's get started.

Step 1. Go out into the fresh air
Spending time outside is an often underestimated pleasure. Going out of the house is a quick and easy way to boost morale, and an opportunity to do some physical activity. If you want to improve your physical and mental health, go out and jog, go for a walk or indulge in any physical activity you like.
If the weather is bad or you don't want to go out, go to the gym or do some abdominal exercises at home

Step 2. Do something you've never done before
If you've thought about doing something but never had any free time, do it while on vacation. Don't waste your time in front of the television watching a program you've already seen, but rather broaden your horizons with a totally new experience. Here are some ideas:
- Try a new food
- Go to a new public place
- Play a sport you've never tried before
- Explore a new place surrounded by nature

Step 3. Expand your language skills
Knowing foreign languages is certainly one of the most useful and important skills there are. Spend your free time learning a new language, or using online or PC programs for beginners. If you are really bored try creating your own code..

Step 4. Spend time with your friends
If you can't think of anything to do, your friends may have ideas. If you can't find something to do then take a picnic or go to the mall. A sleepover is another great idea.

Step 5. Do something artistic
Spend your free time doing something creative. If you love music try to compose a new piece. If you love to write write an article on WikiHow! The possibilities are truly endless.
Step 6. Do some house cleaning or work to do
Holidays are that time of year when most people have free time. If you don't have to spend your time with friends and family then complete all those chores you have been putting off for a long time. If you haven't cleaned your room in years, for example, spend an afternoon tidying it up. Other ideas include arranging taxes, running errands, paying bills, rearranging the closet, checking the car.

Step 7. Read a book
Any book can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your writing skills. Pick a book that's good - cheap novels are fun and easy, but not very enlightening.

Step 8. Learn more about something that interests you
Expand your knowledge by studying something new. Choose any sector you are interested in, from astronomy to zoology!

Step 9. Go on an adventure with a friend
With a friend, go to a new place and explore it. Visit a new city or take a walk through the woods. When exploring a new environment, remember the safety rules and always carry a charged phone with you.

Step 10. Learn something new
Holidays are an excellent opportunity to improve. Spend your time practicing something new, like dancing, playing the piano, swimming, etc. The more talents you have the more opportunities you will have in your life.

Step 11. Help someone
If you have nothing to do for yourself, then help someone else. Ask friends and family if they need your help and put yourself at their service!

Step 12. Spend time with loved ones
Holidays are a rare and beautiful opportunity to spend time with family members you don't see frequently. Visit your grandparents, for example, and spend an afternoon chatting with them. You may even realize that some of your family members are really funny and wise!

Step 13. Spend time with your pet
Spending time with your pet is often underestimated, especially if you haven't seen them for a long time. Most likely your pet (or pets) wants to see you, so go for a walk with your dog or play with the cat. The love of an animal is unconditional and can really cheer you up if you are particularly bored.

Step 14. Meet new people
If you don't want to spend time with the people next to you, remember that there is "always" the opportunity to meet new people. You can do this in public places such as a nightclub or a concert. Don't be afraid to talk to new people - a new friendship has to start somewhere!
You'll never make new friends while staying at home, so get out there! Leaving the house is the most crucial and decisive step to take to turn a boring vacation into a fun and productive one
- Remember to spend your time wisely! The next time you have some days off it might be a long way off!
- Avoid getting into a routine cycle; don't do the same things every day!
- Don't get in trouble during the holidays.