Education & Communication 2024, October

How to Give a Success Speech: 13 Steps

How to Give a Success Speech: 13 Steps

"Ah, it hurts me to the depths of my soul when I listen to a stout young man wearing a haircut who reduces a love speech to passages …" William Shakespeare: Hamlet - Act 3, Scene 2 Having a presentation in front of an audience, large or small, can lead to very high levels of anxiety and stress.

How to Make a Project: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Project: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

The projects are easy and simple to do, they are fun, and you can make your own! Steps Step 1. Choose a topic, or discuss one that has been assigned to you Read any relevant sources. Step 2. Search For example, if your project is about black holes, Google them or read related books in the library.

How to Narrate: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Narrate: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Whether you want to tell a story professionally or read a poem aloud in class, there are methods of exposure and ways to avoid. You will have to learn to get comfortable with the things to be told, with what needs to be left out and what needs to be expressed to the audience.

How to Find Planets in the Night Sky: 9 Steps

How to Find Planets in the Night Sky: 9 Steps

The night sky is an ever-changing showcase that allows you to observe many types of celestial objects. You can see the stars, the constellations, the Moon, the meteors and sometimes even the planets. With the naked eye you can see five planets thanks to their brightness:

3 Ways to Find the North Star

3 Ways to Find the North Star

The North Star, also called Polaris, is often used by campers to find their way back when they get lost. You can spot it for fun while observing the starry sky, relying on the position of the various constellations. Since most of these systems are visible in the northern sector of the sky, you first need to figure out which direction north is.

How to Observe Jupiter: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Observe Jupiter: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is one of the gas giants and occupies the fifth position from the Sun. To get a perspective of its size, know that it takes almost 12 years to make a revolution around the Sun. It is known for its Great Red Spot and bands of clear clouds.

How to Buy a Star: 4 Steps

How to Buy a Star: 4 Steps

Would you like to "buy" a flaming ball of gas suspended in the cosmos? The International Astronomical Union is the only institution authorized to name the stars, but you too can buy one and give it a name that is special to you. You will receive a certificate stating the name of the star and an astronomical chart to identify its position.

How to determine if the moon is waxing or waning

How to determine if the moon is waxing or waning

If you can understand when the moon is waning or waxing, you can determine which phase it is in, what its position is relative to the Earth and the Sun and how it affects the tides. It is also important to know where it will arise according to the different phases, in case you want to observe it on a particular night.

3 Ways to Go to the Moon

3 Ways to Go to the Moon

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth, from which it is on average 384,403 km away. The first probe sent to the Moon was the Soviet Luna 1, launched on January 2, 1959. Ten years and six months later, the Apollo 11 space mission took Neil Armstrong and Edwin "

How to Distinguish Planets from Stars: 12 Steps

How to Distinguish Planets from Stars: 12 Steps

Whichever way you look, the night sky is full of lights. Some of these are generated by the stars that glow in the dark; other celestial bodies, such as planets, reflect the light of the Sun by appearing "bright" in the night sky. If you can't tell if a celestial object is a star or a planet, you can learn to recognize its different physical characteristics.

How to Become an Astronomer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Become an Astronomer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

A passion for the stars, planets, galaxies and the universe and a thirst for knowledge about everything out there can lead you to consider astronomy as a career and not just a hobby. It is a choice that can take you around the world and possibly lead you to great and surprising discoveries about space and what we can learn about its mysteries.

How to Make a Model of the Solar System: 15 Steps

How to Make a Model of the Solar System: 15 Steps

Making a model of the solar system is an educational and fun project at the same time. Science teachers sometimes ask students to prepare one during the school year. You can make your own from simple materials that you can buy at a fine arts or craft store.

3 Ways to Locate the Planet Saturn

3 Ways to Locate the Planet Saturn

Many amateur astronomers - but also veterans - agree that Saturn is the most beautiful bright spot on our celestial sphere. After watching its reproduction through various images, watching it live is an incredible sight. This is not the easiest planet to observe in a night sky filled with beautiful stars, but learning more about Saturn's orbit will help you find good vantage points, pinpoint its location, and make it easier for you to find it.

How to Gaze at the Stars: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Gaze at the Stars: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Have you ever wanted to lie down and look at the stars? Here's how to do it best. Steps Step 1. Prepare in advance Check the weather to find an evening with clear skies and not too cold or hot. Make sure no storms are coming. You can also go to the library first and consult astronomy or stargazing books to get an idea of what to look for.

How to Find the Little Dipper: 7 Steps

How to Find the Little Dipper: 7 Steps

Little Dipper stars give off very dim light and can therefore be very difficult to find in a starry night sky that isn't perfectly dark. If you are in front of an ideal starry sky, you can find the Little Dipper by locating the North Star, which is part of the asterism itself.

How to Find the Pleiades Cluster: 7 Steps

How to Find the Pleiades Cluster: 7 Steps

The Pleiades are a beautiful cluster of stars in the constellation of Taurus. It is one of the closest star clusters to Earth, being around 400 light years away. Plus, it's very photogenic! Steps Step 1. Identify the constellation of Auriga, which is a large pentagon Locating the Auriga is just a matter of finding its brightest star, Capella.

How to See the Milky Way (with Pictures)

How to See the Milky Way (with Pictures)

The Milky Way fills the night sky with thousands of stars; it is so big that you can see it with the naked eye. Go to a dark and isolated place. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, look south; if you are in the southern hemisphere, look straight over your head.

3 Ways to Find the Andromeda Galaxy

3 Ways to Find the Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 or "Great Andromeda Nebula", is one of the most distant celestial objects that man can see with the naked eye; you can take advantage of the constellations that surround it to locate it in the starry sky.

How to Find a Meteorite: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Find a Meteorite: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

In our solar system there are many meteoroids, which sometimes collide with other celestial bodies, including the Earth. Many of the meteoroids that hit our planet never reach the earth's surface, as they burn through the atmosphere (becoming "

How to See an Eclipse: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to See an Eclipse: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

The solar eclipse is a magnificent event and there are people who invest a lot of time and effort to chase this phenomenon around the world. Described in a very simple way, the eclipse occurs when an object passes in the shadow cone cast by another.

How to Write the Electronic Configuration of Any Element

How to Write the Electronic Configuration of Any Element

The electron configuration of an atom is a numerical representation of its orbitals. Orbitals have different shapes and positions with respect to the nucleus, and represent the area in which you have the greatest chance of detecting an electron.

3 Ways to Calculate pH

3 Ways to Calculate pH

PH is a scale that measures the acidity or basicity of a solution or compound. Scientifically, pH measures the ions present in a chemical solution. If you are attending a science or chemistry class, you need to know how to calculate pH based on the molar concentration of the chemical solution in question.

3 ways to separate alcohol from water

3 ways to separate alcohol from water

It is possible to separate alcohol from water in many different ways. The most common method involves heating the mixture; since alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, it rapidly transforms into vapor and then condenses in another vessel.

How To Separate Sand From Salt: 11 Steps

How To Separate Sand From Salt: 11 Steps

Separating sand from salt is a fun science experiment you can do at home. If you've always been interested in the scientific concept of solubility, separating these two elements is an easy way to prove it. Whether you are at home or in the classroom, know that it is a procedure that does not involve any difficulties and gives you the opportunity to see a scientific phenomenon with your own eyes.

How to calculate the number of neutrons in an atom

How to calculate the number of neutrons in an atom

Calculating the number of neutrons in an atom or an isotope is quite simple and does not require any kind of experimentation: just follow the instructions in this guide. Steps Method 1 of 2: Finding the Number of Neutrons in a Regular Atom Step 1.

How to Perform the Serial Dilution Method

How to Perform the Serial Dilution Method

A dilution, in chemistry, is a process that reduces the concentration of a substance in a solution. It is defined "serial" when the procedure is repeated several times to rapidly increase the dilution factor. This is quite a common practice during experiments that need very diluted solutions with maximum precision;

How to Titrate (with Images)

How to Titrate (with Images)

Titration is a technique used in chemistry to determine the concentration of a reagent mixed with an unknown substance. If done correctly and carefully, a titration will give very accurate results. Steps Step 1. Get the items listed in the "

How to Synthesize Potassium Nitrate: 8 Steps

How to Synthesize Potassium Nitrate: 8 Steps

In the past, the most common way to get potassium nitrate - also known as saltpetre - was to harvest bat guano. Today, however, there is an easier way to source the ingredients needed to synthesize this basic component of many scientific experiments, fertilizers and gunpowder.

How to Calculate the Half Life of a Substance: 5 Steps

How to Calculate the Half Life of a Substance: 5 Steps

The half-life of a substance that undergoes decay is the time it takes for a substance to shrink by half. It was initially used to describe the decay process of radioactive elements, such as uranium or plutonium. However, it can be used for any substance that undergoes a decay, according to a certain index, or exponential.

How to Perform a Spectrophotometric Analysis

How to Perform a Spectrophotometric Analysis

Spectroscopy is an experimental technique used to measure the concentration of solutes in a specific solution by calculating the amount of light absorbed by the solutes themselves. This is a very effective procedure because certain compounds absorb different wavelengths of light at different intensities.

3 Ways to Dispose of Acids Safely

3 Ways to Dispose of Acids Safely

It is important to dispose of acids with a very low pH (below 2) safely. If there are no heavy metals or other toxic substances inside the substance, by neutralizing the pH by bringing it to a higher level (6, 6-7, 4) you can eliminate the product in a normal sewer pipe.

How to Calculate Electronegativity: 12 Steps

How to Calculate Electronegativity: 12 Steps

Electronegativity, in chemistry, is the measure of the force with which an atom attracts bonding electrons to itself. An atom with high electronegativity attracts electrons to itself with a lot of force, while an atom with low electronegativity has less force.

How to subcool water (supercooling)

How to subcool water (supercooling)

Have you ever wished you could subcool the water under your eyes? Read this super coolant article to find out how! Steps Step 1. Get a bottle of water, preferably purified or distilled Step 2. If you live in a place where the outside temperature is below freezing, leave the water bottle outside for about three hours Otherwise, place it in the freezer for about two and a half hours (the time required varies according to both the size of the freezer and the tempe

How To Make Activated Charcoal (with Pictures)

How To Make Activated Charcoal (with Pictures)

Activated carbon is useful for purifying contaminated water or polluted air. In emergencies, you can use it to remove dangerous toxins and poisons from your body. Before you can activate charcoal, you need to make it at home by burning wood or other fibrous plant materials.

How to Calculate Bond Enthalpy: 12 Steps

How to Calculate Bond Enthalpy: 12 Steps

Bond enthalpy is an important chemical concept that defines the amount of energy needed to break the covalent bond between two gases. This type of energy does not apply to ionic bonds. When two atoms join together to form a new molecule, it is possible to calculate the strength of their bond by measuring the amount of energy it takes to separate them.

How To Make Elephant Toothpaste (with Pictures)

How To Make Elephant Toothpaste (with Pictures)

Elephant toothpaste is actually the product of a fun science experiment that you can do at home with your kids or with students in the lab. It is the result of a chemical reaction that generates a large amount of foam. The movement of the foam is similar to that of toothpaste when squeezed out of the tube and the quantity is so abundant that it can brush an elephant's teeth.

How to Make Dry Ice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Dry Ice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), just like normal ice is the solid state of water (H. 2 OR). It is a material extremely cold (-78.5 ° C), so it is used in many industrial fields when you need to cool or freeze something.

How to Explain Acids and Bases to Children: 10 Steps

How to Explain Acids and Bases to Children: 10 Steps

If you have a little chemist at home, teaching him what acids and bases are is a fascinating and fun project. Since acids and bases are part of the substances we use every day, it is easy to simplify these concepts to expose them to a child.

How To Make Liquid Nitrogen: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Make Liquid Nitrogen: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Have you ever wanted to experiment with liquid nitrogen? We have good news and bad news: the bad news is that liquid nitrogen cannot be created from objects commonly found in the home. The good thing is that you can create cryogenic alcohol, specifically isopropyl alcohol, which is very similar to liquid nitrogen, especially in its ability to reach very low temperatures.

How to Calculate the Order of Bonding in Chemistry

How to Calculate the Order of Bonding in Chemistry

At the atomic level, the bond order corresponds to the number of electron pairs of two atoms that are joined together. For example, the diatomic nitrogen molecule (N≡N) has a bond order of 3 because there are three chemical bonds joining the two atoms.