The median is exactly the middle number in a sequence or group of numbers. When looking for the median in a sequence that has an odd total amount of numbers it is very easy. Finding the median of a sequence that has an even total amount of numbers is a little more difficult. To find the median easily read on.
Method 1 of 2: Method One: Find the Median in an Odd Group of Numbers

Step 1. Arrange your group of numbers in ascending order
If they are not in order, line them up, starting with the smallest number up to the largest.

Step 2. Find the number that is exactly in the middle
It means that the median has the same amount of numbers both before it and after. Count them to be sure.
There are two numbers before the 3 and two numbers after it. This tells you that the number 3 is exactly in the middle

Step 3. Finished
The median of an odd amount of numbers is always a number present in the sequence. It is never a number that is not present in the sequence.
Method 2 of 2: Method Two: Find the Median in an Even Group of Numbers

Step 1. Arrange your group of numbers in ascending order
Again, repeat the first step of the previous method. An even group of numbers will have two numbers in the middle.

Step 2. Find the average of the two numbers in the middle. 2
Step 3. they're both in the middle, so you'll need to add 2 and 3 and then divide the result by 2. The formula for finding the average of two numbers is (the sum of the two numbers) ÷ 2.

Step 3. Finished
The median of a sequence with an even amount of numbers is not necessarily a number in the sequence.