Have you got a crush on a girl but don't know how to make her know you like her? Keep reading this article and discover some simple tricks to communicate your interest to her.

Step 1. Talk to her
Say hello to her with a "hello" and smile at her every time you meet her is a good way to show interest. Ask her questions (for example "How are you?" Or "How did your math test go?"). Be friendly.

Step 2. Listen to it
Whenever he talks to you, show interest in what he is saying to you. Look her in the eye. Try to have a pleasant conversation with her.

Step 3. Laugh at his jokes
Even if sometimes they don't make you laugh.

Step 4. Compliment her
All girls like to receive compliments; show her your appreciation, for example tell her that the dress she is wearing is very cute, or that you like her hairstyle a lot.

Step 5. Sit next to her in class

Step 6. Show yourself willing to help her
If something falls out of your hand, pick it up. If he hasn't understood something about the math class, clarify his doubts.

Step 7. Listen to his problems
Sometimes girls need to talk to someone when they're feeling down. Offer her comfort and understanding. If she shares a problem with you, listen carefully and give her constructive advice (but don't overdo the advice).

Step 8. Stay close when you feel down
Stay by her side when she is sad. If you're already good friends, hug her (but don't if you think she doesn't like her).

Step 9. Look at it intensely
You don't have to stare at her all the time, just make sure she notices that every now and then you lay your eyes on her. When she surprises you, you can smile at her (or wink casually), or simply look away.

Step 10. Flirt with her for a while
Tease her a bit, give her a little push for fun, steal the pen from her hand … these are all ways to send her signals. An even clearer way to communicate your interest to her is to take her hand, for example after playing some other joke. But don't overdo it or you'll be irritating.

Step 11. Don't flirt with other girls
If you send out confusing signals, she won't be able to tell if you're really interested or not.

Step 12. Invite her out
Show your willingness to hang out more often. Ask her to come to the cinema with you, to go out with other friends, or invite her to your house.

Step 13. Contact her online and chat with her
Comment on the photos and his updates on Facebook or My Space, but don't overdo it.

Step 14. Call her
Give her a call every now and then, just to talk a bit and know what she's doing.

Step 15. Tell her how you feel about her (if you feel like it)
Of course, declaring yourself is the best way to express your feelings. Be sure of yourself, do not fear her rejection, even if you don't like her she will be nice to you; on the contrary, if he reciprocates your feelings but you don't come forward after a while he might get annoyed.