School is a necessary and very important part of our life. In this context, a binder is a necessary and indeed very useful object. Follow the simple steps below to keep it organized and always tidy.
Part 1 of 2: Understanding What It Takes

Step 1. Understand what you need
If your school provides you with a list of the materials you need, be sure to get all the items listed. As far as possible, try to have the type of binder, folder, notebook, calculator, etc. that the teacher requires.

Step 2. Collect the material
Make sure you have the necessary materials to use in conjunction with the binder: pencils, erasers, highlighters, post-its, colored pens, etc. Many prefer to put these items in the backpack, but perhaps it is better to keep them in the binder, so as to always have them at hand and not forget them in the backpack.

Step 3. Make sure you buy a binder that fits your needs
Some are made to contain what is needed for a single subject, while others can contain more. There are different types, so choose the one that's right for you!
Part 2 of 2: Choose the Binder

Step 1. Choose the option that suits you best
Basically, there are three possibilities: 1 large binder (with a thickness of about 7 cm) for all subjects, many small binders (about 1 or 2 cm thick, one for each subject), or 3 or 4 medium binders dimensions (about 3 to 5 cm thick). Some people prefer to bring a small binder to school and transfer from time to time to a larger one that they keep at home. In this way, they do not weigh down the backpack with books and notebooks. Choose the type of binder they recommend at school, or whatever you want.

Step 2. Buy a good quality binder
It is an object that must last for the whole school year, although unfortunately many last much less. Remember, sometimes it is better to spend a few dollars more and buy a more durable item.

Step 3. Buy some dividers, so you don't need the folders
They don't cost that much. They are usually sold in packs of 5 or 8. Get pocket dividers. Choose those in plastic or paper but plasticized: those in plain paper tear or crease easily.

Step 4. Clearly identify each divider by labeling it according to the subject matter
It may be helpful to arrange the dividers in the order of your schedule. For example, if you have a math lesson in the first hour of Monday, the first divider of the binder will obviously be the one relating to that subject.

Step 5. Get something to take notes
It's easier to get high marks if you take notes. As the years go by, you will have to take more and more, so make sure you have a notepad or paper on which to write. Get a simple notebook and put it in the pocket of the divider of the relevant subject.

Step 6. Keep lined papers, pencil case, and diary in front of the binder:
are the items you will surely need to use most often. Keep the time in a plastic folder at the beginning, or put it in the clear front of the binder.

Step 7. Organize the binder in the order of your timetable or a color scale
If you follow the order of lessons, colors or any other order, you will have no problems of any kind during the school year. It will be much easier to find what you need!

Step 8. Try to have a binder for each subject
Some teachers require a specific binder for their subject.

Step 9. Get a divider for each subject
Organize the material into categories: notes, grades, homework.

Step 10. Try marking subjects with different colors
For example, let's say that the color that characterizes the sciences is blue. Buy a blue binder about 1 cm thick, blue dividers (you shouldn't have any trouble finding them - they usually come in packs that contain different colors), a blue folder, a blue highlighter, and so on. All science material will be blue. All. That way, when you pack your science materials, you'll know that the binder and blue folder on the shelf are just what you need for that day.

Step 11. Try to keep everything you need in the binder
For some subjects you need specific items: everything will be easier if you keep them inside the binder. Another very useful object is the paper presser, which allows you to keep together all the sheets relating to a certain topic. If you don't use this trick, your binder won't be perfectly tidy.
- In order not to forget what tasks you have to do at home, mark it in a diary and keep it in the binder.
- Treat the binder well. Avoid throwing it or ruining it.
- Always keep the sheets in order and check that they do not tear. It is something that happens often and unfortunately it is difficult to remedy.
- Remember: your binder reflects your personality. Always keep it in order.
- Keep some lined paper at the end of the binder so you don't waste time tearing pages out of notebooks and being able to easily remove them from the rings when you need them.
- Get a folder to keep in the binder for each subject; write "homework" on one side and "miscellaneous" on the other.
- Before buying a binder, make sure you know what your teacher wants. Some require a separate binder for their subject.
- Try not to buy "themed" backpacks and binders: you may not like the subject before school is over.
- If the paper with holes tears, you can fix the solution by buying some snaps.
- If you are in middle school or high school and have tests at the end of each term, get a binder divided into several parts so that you can dedicate each part to each time of the year.
- Try to use a binder with a fabric case, zipper, folders, and rings.
- If the school provides you with a paper copy of the timetable, try gluing or tape it to decorated paper; carefully cut it out, embellish it, and cleverly insert it into the binder so you always have it close at hand.
- You can separate each subject with a divider marked with a label, so you can recognize them.
- Buy reinforced sheets to prevent them from tearing.
- Keep the paper without holes in the plastic folders.
- Check your homework and grades at the end of each term or when you finish a class. Keep only what you think will come in handy in the future.
- If you're the type of person who tears paper easily, get some snaps.
- Even if you keep the binder neatly tidy, it is advisable to use one with a zipper. Be careful. If you don't use a zippered binder, the paper you keep inside may fall out.