How to Know if a Girl You've Never Talked to Like You

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How to Know if a Girl You've Never Talked to Like You
How to Know if a Girl You've Never Talked to Like You

It can be hard to tell if a girl you've never talked to likes you. Maybe you get the feeling she's interested, but you want to be sure. To start getting a better idea, look at her body language, then try to get her attention. If she reacts positively, she may reciprocate, even if you've never spoken to each other before.


Part 1 of 3: Observe Your Body Language

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 1
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 1

Step 1. Be careful when you see her around

If you don't know each other and she likes you, she may start staring at you and smiling to get your attention. Make sure you reciprocate and see how she reacts. Shy girls may blush, while more self-confident girls may smile as well. Basically, this is a small courtship tactic.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 2
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 2

Step 2. See if she tends to giggle with her friends

If she likes you, she'll probably try to look happy and into the company of her friends when she sees you around, so she'll start laughing. He may also get nervous in your presence, and many people are known to giggle or laugh when agitated.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 3
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 3

Step 3. Watch her body language

Does he blush when he sees you? He may stare at you for a long time and then smile at you when your eyes meet, but it is also possible that he will immediately look away; these signals can all indicate interest. She may also seem nervous because when she sees you she feels butterflies in her stomach.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 4
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 4

Step 4. See if she becomes awkward in your presence

If you notice that when she sees you she drops something on time, it is possible that she is interested in you. She probably gets nervous, so she ends up getting ricotta hands or getting a little clumsier than usual.

Part 2 of 3: Observe Other Signs of Interest

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 5
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 5

Step 1. Ask your friends for their opinion

Maybe they have heard something and know more than you do. Even if they don't have any information to give you, they will probably be able to get a more concrete idea than yours. In fact, since this situation touches you closely, it may be difficult for you to step back and analyze it, not to mention that you may feel a little embarrassed when you think about the possibility of a girl being liked. As a result, reaching out to a good friend can help you better investigate the situation.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 6
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 6

Step 2. Look for any signs on social networks

To figure out if a girl likes you, it's helpful to examine her interaction with you online. Of course you have to ask her for friendship first! At this point, analyze your interactions: if she seems to be paying particular attention to you, she probably likes you. For example, maybe he likes everything you post or tags you in different posts.

For example, if you write "Cute!" on a selfie you posted, it might mean she's flirting with you

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 7
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 7

Step 3. Observe how often you see it

If she likes you, she will always try to have an excuse ready to approach you. Even though she has never spoken to her, you just need to turn your head and you will see her sitting a few steps away from you in the library or at a game. He's not stalking you, instead he is likely hoping to be noticed by you.

This approach can be applied in a number of ways, for example, it will try to enter your field of vision or talk to people who are close to you

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Step 4. Pay attention to what your instincts tell you

If you're trying to figure out if she likes you by analyzing her every move, it's possible that she isn't really interested that much. When someone likes you, you typically feel it internally, although this is more difficult with overly shy people.

In any case, if you are not sure, it is always best to give it a try by talking to the person concerned. The worst that could happen? Tell you no

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 9
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 9

Step 5. Watch out for her bouts of shyness

If you find that she talks freely to anyone except you, she may feel nervous just about approaching. In other words, the problem is not a lack of interest, it is a question of nervousness.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 10
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 10

Step 6. Let her friends help you

Talking to a friend of hers is another tactic you might try, especially if she is a classmate of yours. Just ask her a simple question: "I wanted to ask you something: do you think Maria is interested in me?".

You can also examine how her friends react when they are with her and they see you. For example, they may start whispering, teasing her, or even pushing her towards you

Part 3 of 3: Get Her Attention and Talk to Her

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 11
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 11

Step 1. Make eye contact

See if he wants to keep your attention alive or if he looks away. If she looks at you often and blushes sometimes, she may be interested. He may also try to sneak up on you when he thinks you are distracted.

  • Of course, don't just stare, you risk scaring her! Look in her direction, or try to make eye contact for a couple of seconds.
  • However, some girls are simply shy and prefer not to make eye contact. Try encouraging her in other ways.
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 12
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 12

Step 2. Smile at her

A smile will show her interest and convince her to reciprocate easily. Before you really feel ready to speak, you may need time to make eye contact and smile at each other. While being as taut as a violin string, a smile is effective in breaking the ice, because it represents a kind of gratification for people. In other words, when you smile at her, she'll feel fulfilled, so she'll enjoy your company more.

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 13
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 13

Step 3. Give her the opportunity to talk to you

Don't always hang out with other people. It's much easier to get close to a single person than a group, so if you make sure you're alone when she's a few steps away from you, she might take the initiative and talk to you. To show your willingness, you could also try going alone to a place where you know you will meet her. You never know what might happen.

For example, you may have noticed that he goes to the library every afternoon. Take heart and go too. Try sitting a few meters away from her, in a spot where she can see you

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 14
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 14

Step 4. Say hello

It's an easy first step to break the ice. If you're shy, you don't have to do much more than that initially. If she doesn't seem willing to answer, she may not be interested. Try it a couple more times, but forget it if the reaction doesn't change.

Taking the first step probably makes you nervous, but talking to her is the only way to really understand if she likes you or not

Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 15
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 15

Step 5. Consider how to attach a button

If he said hello to you, you can go further and start chatting. Think about the information you know of - it can help you strike up a conversation. Are you studying acting or playing a sport? Talking about school or hobbies is ideal for breaking the ice. You could also try making a joke, but it's not always easy.

  • You might ask her, "How are volleyball training going?" or "How did the last assembly of the institute seem to you?".
  • You might also say, "Don't you think vending snacks need to vary a bit?" or "Doesn't it seem to you that the math teacher looks like Yoda too?"
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 16
Know if a Girl You Have Never Talked to Before Likes You Step 16

Step 6. Engage her in the conversation

Now that you've prepared some possible questions, find the right time to ask them. Avoid talking to her when you are both in a hurry or late, and it is better to be alone. The first time can be really awkward, but then it will get easier and easier. If she answers you and starts asking questions, she probably interests you. If it is detached, it is possible that it will not reciprocate.
