Is it possible to find love by dating a nudist person (sometimes the synonym for this word, “naturist” is also used) and not sharing this lifestyle? Although you have different ideas and think that on the beach it is better to be in a bathing suit, you can meet your partner halfway.
Instead of looking at the situation from just one point of view (you think showing yourself naked in public is embarrassing, your partner thinks it's great), open your mind and embrace the differences so you can cultivate this relationship without prejudice. Regardless of her lifestyle (she can be a full-time or part-time nudist), you can find a middle ground for a healthy relationship, provided you're willing to try.

Step 1. Get informed
Before you get your opinion on nudism or naturism, do some research to find out more about this lifestyle. For most nudists, showing off like mom made them in a public (or private) place doesn't have any sexual connotations. They practice this lifestyle because it helps them feel free, one with nature. Special clubs, private beaches and even conventions have been dedicated to naturism, in fact there are entire families who come together to celebrate the human being and to embrace nature.

Step 2. Clarify what you think about this topic
Your partner certainly has personal opinions and claims that this lifestyle is the right choice, but you must first understand what you feel about this issue.
- You have no opinion. Since your partner can't be naked 24/7 and probably has a job, interacts with others on a daily basis, and lives in a modern society, you may not have any specific opinion regarding her nudism, because you don't get exposed (or it happens in). a limited way). In some cases, it may be possible to date a nudist without having to be involved in her lifestyle. You will be able to see her in public places and at traditional social gatherings, while what she does in her personal time has nothing to do with you.
- Nudism makes you deeply uncomfortable. It may be far from easy to be with a nudist person, especially if you are not comfortable with your nudity. Try to understand if you always feel embarrassed when you are with your partner or if the feelings of agitation arise when she wants to be naked, while you do not.
- This lifestyle intrigues you. You may not want to participate in this revolution, but you are intrigued by naturism. You could do some thorough research on your own and then, when the time comes for you and your partner, ask her questions.

Step 3. Have an honest discussion about the future
If this relationship goes beyond a few simple dates, you will have to ask yourself questions and put all the cards on the table.
- Choose an appropriate situation in which to discuss, such as at dinner or while having a coffee. Better to do this at a time when the other person is not naked, so that you can focus on the subject rather than their lack of clothes.
- Determine if this is an important discussion. If you've only dated a couple of times and you like each other, try to figure out which aspects of naturism you can work out and accept by thinking about it for yourself. You don't want to open up a serious conversation about your worries on the first date and run the risk of frightening the other person.
- Get to the root of the real problem. Before you get overwhelmed by worries, determine which aspects of nudism are bothering you the most. Do you hate that your partner likes to practice nudism in inappropriate places and times or do you have no problems with her lifestyle in general? If their way of being makes you uncomfortable, it may have more to do with your personal inhibitions and experiences than with what this person is doing. Maybe you confuse nudism with exhibitionism (and this mistake is unfortunately made all too often by the media and by the champions of moralism of society). If so, your understanding of nudism is erroneous, and talking about the foundations of this lifestyle with your partner should help you.

Step 4. Decide what aspects you can live with
If you really like this person so much and want to continue dating, you will need to determine if you can cope with their way of being. In many cases, you can agree on when and where to practice nudism.
- Set the times when nudism will be off limits. If you're not a huge fan of naturism, but feel it will do you good to nurture this relationship, decide on some ground rules so that you are both happy. For example, if this person likes to be naked at home but it makes you uncomfortable, propose that they only do it when you are not around, at least for now. Try to keep an open mind anyway and explain to her that you will work hard to learn more about nudism, maybe one day you will think differently.
- Identify those situations where you don't have any problems with naturism, so you don't just make decisions based on your needs and inhibitions. This context includes private nudist beaches, clubs or other places dedicated to naturists. Your partner needs to know when you are comfortable with the idea of showing up naked in public.

Step 5. You are in no rush:
for now, you don't have to make a decision. Explain that you are willing to inform yourself further on the subject. If this is your first experience with a nudist, try to be open-minded and favorably embrace your partner's interests. This certainly does not mean that you have to become a nudist; however, as you mature in how you feel about the other person, you may find that you feel more comfortable with naturism, and may even begin to consider it a healthy lifestyle.
Accepting another point of view does not at all mean that you are willing to participate enthusiastically. Different hobbies and opinions can make a relationship dynamic and exciting, provided they both accept each other's passions, without prejudice and without feeling obligated to participate. What matters is to accept yourself, not to be disheartened
- There is nothing shocking or vulgar about the human body. If you don't see it that way, it's important to talk to someone about your self-esteem and your body image.
- Explore the different branches of nudist culture, such as being only topless or going to the beaches and nudist clubs open to families.
- Understand that being nudist does not mean that you are perverted or have sexual problems. Do some research to understand the ideas behind this movement and avoid confusing nudism with exhibitionism or predatory behavior.
- You can give nudism a try if this lifestyle has piqued your curiosity. While not having to adapt to you, your partner will appreciate the effort.
- When your partner goes out in the sun naked, remind her to apply plenty of sunscreen. A bad sunburn in certain areas of the body could harm both you and the couple.