How to Memorize the Verses (Ayat) of the Quran

How to Memorize the Verses (Ayat) of the Quran
How to Memorize the Verses (Ayat) of the Quran

Table of contents:


The Quran is a beautiful book because it is the word of Allah. Memorizing even a few surahs of the Quran will bring you great rewards in the afterlife. That is why it is important to know exactly how to memorize the verses (ayat) of the Quran.


Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 1
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 1

Step 1. Do Wudu (minor ablution)

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 2
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 2

Step 2. Get a copy of the Quran and a translation in a language you know

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 3
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 3

Step 3. Write the verse you would like to memorize and its translation on a notepad

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 4
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 4

Step 4. Recite the verse 5 times, looking at the Quran

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 5
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 5

Step 5. Recite the verse 5 times, this time from memory

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 6
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 6

Step 6. Move on to the next verse following the steps just described

(Steps 2-4)

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 7
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 7

Step 7. Recite the first and second verses by heart

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 8
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 8

Step 8. Continue memorizing all the verses you want to learn, always following the procedure described

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 9
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 9

Step 9. Recite the verses you just memorized 3 times

Method 1 of 1: Quickly Memorize a Sura

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 10
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 10

Step 1. Read the verse 20 or 10 times

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 11
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 11

Step 2. Recite the verse from memory 5 times

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 12
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 12

Step 3. Write the verse on a notepad 5 times

Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 13
Memorize Ayahs from the Quran Step 13

Step 4. Recite it from memory


  • Get started today, because in a month's time your motivation won't be that strong anymore.
  • Practice the verses you have memorized in your Fard (mandatory) and Sunnah (optional) prayers.
  • This will stop Shaitan, the outcast, and allow you to continue memorizing.
  • Try to recite all the verses you have memorized even before going to bed.
  • Start slowly to avoid getting discouraged.
  • Recite أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
  • Moments of the day: The best time to memorize the Quran is after Fajr (Dawn Prayer), because your mind is still free of worries.
  • Always recite the verses you have memorized even after the Fard prayers (mandatory).
  • "Seeking Refuge with Allah Against Shaytan the Accursed"
  • You will soon be able to memorize an entire page in an hour.
  • Stop doing Google searches on how to memorize the Quran, and start memorizing right away.
  • Duration: Memorizing a verse should take you about 30 minutes. The ideal for beginners is to start with 5 verses a day. (3 verses if you start from Sura Al Baqarah)
  • Make a plea (du'aa) to Allah for His help, and your plea, insh'Allah, will be answered.
  • Venue: The best place to practice Koran memorization is the mosque (masjid), but if not possible, choose a quiet place with as few distractions as possible.
  • Above all, don't give up. Memorizing can seem difficult at times, but it isn't. It is Shaitan [Satan] who is telling you this. Don't listen to him. Allah himself says in the Qur'an "Indeed we have made the Quran easy, to serve as a warning to you"
  • You can download the verses from this site. (
  • Another trick is to download the verses you have learned and play them with your music player (Real-Player, Windows Media Player, etc.) in continuous mode. In this way, the words of the verse will penetrate your subconscious.
  • You can download Real-Player from this site (


  • Stay focused as you recite أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
  • Stay away from sin and practice sincere repentance for all your past sins.
  • Always carry a bottle of water with you, to avoid straying from the Quran.
  • Make memorization a routine, not something you do from time to time.
