How to Read the Quran: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Read the Quran: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Read the Quran: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The Koran is the Holy Book of Islam that reveals the words of Allah. It was announced to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. At first Allah sent the angel Gabriel to Muhammad to let him know his message during the Laylatul-Qadr. It deals with everything that concerns humanity. But for the most part it emphasizes Allah's relationship with his creatures. Muslims believe that the Quran is a source of teaching, a guide and the right path for humanity. It always contains the right answer to your questions. Note that the Quran was broadcast in Arabic, which means that the translations into the other languages are not the real Quran but a mere interpretation.


Read the Qur'an Step 1
Read the Qur'an Step 1

Step 1. Purify yourself

Your clothes, your body and the environment must be pure. Make sure they are free of any dirt. To purify the body you have to do ghusl (shower), wudu (ablution) or tayammum.

Step 2. Say:

A'udhubillahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem, Seeking refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed one.

Read the Qur'an Step 2
Read the Qur'an Step 2
Read the Qur'an Step 3
Read the Qur'an Step 3

Step 3. Then say 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Read the Qur'an Step 4
Read the Qur'an Step 4

Step 4. Gently open the Quran book using your right hand

Read the Qur'an Step 5
Read the Qur'an Step 5

Step 5. As you read the Quran you must be present with your soul

This means that you are not only reading words but bringing them to your mind by understanding their meaning.

Read the Qur'an Step 6
Read the Qur'an Step 6

Step 6. Follow good manners

If you don't know how to read the Koran correctly, buy a book that explains it to you or take free lessons online.


  • In the Koran the names of Allah are reported. So read them correctly.
  • Try to read the original text in Arabic, it's a beautiful text.
  • When you read the Quran try to keep it off the ground.
  • Try to learn Arabic to better understand it in the original language.
  • When you have finished reading some parts, take a few minutes to meditate deeply on the words and try to read in a clean and quiet place. If you read aloud you will feel better than reading silently.


  • Brush your teeth before reading, so the words you speak will be pleasant (you certainly don't want to recite these beautiful words with bad breath!).
  • If you don't understand what you are reading, ask someone who knows the Quran for advice. Otherwise you could misinterpret it.
  • Remember, respect the Quran as you would any holy book!
  • If you touch the Koran without having done the Wudu, there is no problem. But if you touch the internal pages and words contained in it, that's no good at all. So you should always try to make an effort to purify yourself before reading.
  • When you are done, do not put other objects on top of the book, you must always have respect. Store it in a safe and clean place where it cannot fall or get dirty.
  • The Koran will testify against you on the Day of Judgment if you have mistreated it, if you have not read it or if you have not followed its teachings.
