Memorizing a song can seem like a difficult task, but if you follow the directions in this article, it will be easier!

Step 1. Listen to the song
Sing the songs you know. This is the first step. If you can't find a copy of the text, create it. Record it on the radio if necessary. If it's an unreleased and original song, find someone who knows it, ask their permission, and use a regular tape recorder. If you are the author, record while you sing it (read the text while singing).

Step 2. Make sure you sing correctly
Find a copy of the text (on the Internet, at a record store, or ask the author if it is an unreleased or original song) and transcribe it yourself, word for word. Check it carefully, just in case. If it's your own song, you shouldn't have much trouble with this step.

Step 3. Listen to the song several times
Sing as it plays, using the copied text if necessary. If you make a mistake, bring the track back, start with the first verse or useful chorus and try again. If you forget the part following a certain verse, start over.

Step 4. Try singing the song by yourself, without recording, but using the transcribed text

Step 5. Put several copies in the places you frequent, so that you can read the text as soon as you have a free moment
Keep one in your bag or pocket and review the passage when you queue at the grocery store or dentist's waiting room. Keep a copy in the bathroom too.

Step 6. Repeat the fourth step, without using the transcribed text

Step 7. Check your progress by listening to the song again and singing at the same time
At this point, you should know her well.

Step 8. Try writing the text yourself, without any help
- If you are reading the lyrics trying to memorize it, it would be a great idea to listen to the song at the same time. You will become familiar with the rhythm and meaning of the song, but also with your voice.
- Listen to the song over and over and it will eventually enter your head.
- If you have trouble remembering the sequence of verses, try writing a short summary of the verse order on a piece of paper. Find a pattern or development of the story described in the song.
- If you have time, try to write the text yourself. You will need to equip yourself with a recorder and use the "pause" and "rewind" keys. Play the song one or two staves at a time, write them, rewind the song to double check them, then move on to the next staff. Repeat the operation until you have transcribed all the words, then compare the text with the official version.
- If you're having trouble, use a copy of the song to keep the beat.
- It might also be useful to use a site like YouTube, in order to play a video of the song or a performance of the singer.
- Get a speech synthesizer program and enter the text inside. Consult this page for guidance on the choice. Maybe you will be able to memorize the words more easily without the music.
- The steps, except the first and last, don't have to be done in the exact order, but you still have to finish one to move on to the next.
- If you want to perform in a singing contest, it may be useful to add a ninth passage: try singing only part of the song, starting, for example, from the third verse.