Holding hands. Does the mere thought make your hands sweat and your heart beat madly? So, know that you can touch the sky with your finger, if you find the courage to ask him.

Step 1. Make sure your girlfriend likes holding hands
If you don't know, ask him.

Step 2. You can find out by asking one of her best friends

Step 3. If you think she likes you to woo her, you can do it just as you are walking, grabbing her hand and asking her to hold yours tightly
You can simply say to her "Would you like to hold my hand?". By asking her, you'll show that you respect her and don't want to make her uncomfortable. Therefore, the only answer it can give you will be "Sure! Why not!". Otherwise, if you want to be brilliant, you could:
- Touch it gently. On the leg, for example. Not too over the top, of course, so as not to seem inappropriate. Touch her with your open hand to get her attention. If not, continue until he gives you a stop signal or looks at you.
- Offer your hand with your eyes downcast. He should grab it. But don't get mad if he doesn't. Accepting or rejecting is your decision.

Step 4. You could also make eye contact and place your hands in hers, smiling
Some girls find it so sweet!

Step 5. If you think it's embarrassing to ask him, you don't have to
If you're dating a girl and can't tell her, then you can look down at her hands (it's not hard) and grab them. Then look at her and, if she reacts positively, then it means she likes it. Don't forget to smile at her after! You will make her relax. Is very important.

Step 6. Finished
- Try to make your first hand match easy for both of you.
- Don't wait for her to hold your hand the first time. It is completely normal (if she is the one who takes the initiative, it means that she is really involved). It is also recommended to have clean hands before attempting to take his. Dirty hands are absolutely no pleasure.
- Make the first move, don't wait for her to make it.
- Make sure your hands are not sticky, sweaty, or smelly.
- Always make sure it's the right time to hold her hand, for example, at the cinema or at a school event.
- Don't tell anyone that you held hands.
- Don't be rushed!
- Don't get impatient if he doesn't want to hold your hand. Give it time!
- Let her feel in control of the situation and don't push her to do anything she doesn't feel comfortable with. As soon as he holds your hand, it will be an incredible experience!
- In winter, you could wear a pair of gloves to avoid the embarrassment of both of you having sweaty hands.
- It is normal for your hands to start sweating if you don't feel completely comfortable at the mercy of emotion. Remove the sweat and everything is as before.
- Try touching your hand to hers, perhaps tickling it slightly. Be gentle, not aggressive.
- If he refuses the hand, do not grab it. This is not the right time for her.
- Never say you want to hold her hand just because you've seen your ex pass by. She'll think you're just exploiting her.
- Make eye contact and let your hand move freely.
- Tell her something nice and wait a bit. Then gently touch their hands.
- If you want to go further, tickle her palm with your fingertips.
- Just ask her if you can, and then offer her your hand.
- Never take her hand abruptly. The girls judge this behavior as selfish and typical of those who are not careful to respect their will.
- When you say "grab", you don't mean to grab the girl literally. So, treat her with kindness. She doesn't want anything else.
- Make sure she wants it and doesn't feel forced to hold your hand.
- Make sure your hands are clean and you haven't touched dirty things.
- Be gentle.
- Some girls may not like being asked to hold hands. So, if you think she might like it, be brave!
- Don't try to force your hand into his or your fingers to intertwine with hers, as this behavior can cause negative feelings or make you seem impatient.
- Don't get overwhelmed if you don't want your hands to start sweating. You never know, but yours could do the same.
- Be sure you know what you are getting involved in.
- At first try to put your arm around her back and hold her waist. He will feel more comfortable. It is the best way to approach and overcome the anxiety of sweaty hands.