You may know your ficus tree as a weeping fig. These common tropical plants are often sold for home use because they can tolerate relatively low light conditions, although they need full light for optimal growth. Ficus trees don't resist climate changes well, so unless you live in a temperate climate zone all year round, it's best to keep your plant indoors. Once you have found the right spot for your ficus tree, leave it there, as moving a ficus tree is one of the primary causes of leaf drop. Ficuses always shed their leaves when they need to acclimate to a new environment.

Step 1. Place your ficus tree in a bright spot
Ideally, he should receive 12-13 hours of sunshine per day.
Ficus trees don't thrive in normal home light. If you can't get enough natural light to get there, or if you need an extra light source during the winter, buy a plant lamp and use it, with a timer, to make sure the ficus gets enough light

Step 2. Remove the yellowing and dead leaves from the ficus tree as soon as you notice them
This way the remaining leaves will receive enough light.
- Remove dry and dead twigs for the same reason.
- Ficus trees are notorious for shedding their leaves, sometimes within months, when taking them to a new environment. All you can do is give your ficus constant and proper care and harvest the fallen leaves to discourage pests. If your ficus is getting the right light and temperatures, and you are giving it the right amount of water, leaf fall will eventually stop and the tree will generate new, green ones.
- Pruning a ficus tree is not strictly necessary. However, if it starts growing out of control, prune each weak twig right from the intersection with a thriving one (instead of leaving stumps). Looking for latex loss from cuts is normal; if you suspect you may be allergic to runny latex, wear gloves to protect yourself.

Step 3. Water the ficus meticulously, and then wait for the first 5 cm of the soil to dry before watering it again
Put your finger in the soil to check the state of dryness / humidity before wetting it. If you let the ficus land dry out completely, it will start shedding its leaves
- Your ficus doesn't need a lot of fertilizer. Use a standard for house plants, following the instructions on the package, every other month during the growing season (summer).
- Constant care, the right amount of water, appropriate levels of temperature and light, are the best ways to keep your ficus healthy and prevent it from shedding large quantities of leaves.
- You may see ornamental ficus trees for sale, with trunks or even branches woven into decorative shapes. You can create a similar effect too if you start with young, flexible trees or branches. Cut off any branches that emerge if necessary, then weave the trunk or branches into the desired pattern; as they grow, they will blend together.