How to Grow Carnivorous Plants: 9 Steps

How to Grow Carnivorous Plants: 9 Steps
How to Grow Carnivorous Plants: 9 Steps

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Sarracenias are carnivorous plants that can use their tube-shaped leaves to trap and digest insects. Insects are drowned with sweet nectar and eye-catchers. The inside of the tube is often too slippery for the insect to climb. When the insects fall into the pool inside, they are digested by enzymes or bacteria. The reason why these plants feed with the described method is because the soil in which they grow is lacking in minerals or is very acidic, and in this way they are able to compensate by taking the nutrients they need from the insects. It is possible to grow these fascinating plants at home, just follow the steps below.


Grow Pitcher Plants Step 1
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 1

Step 1. Research the requirements for each species

Sarracenie are found everywhere, so the requirements for growing them vary according to the region of origin. Read some quality books on the subject to gain a solid understanding of these plants and their needs. Below is a brief overview of the various types of Sarracenie:

  • Nepente, are tropical carnivorous plants, known as monkey cups - There are about 120 species belonging to the Nepente genus and they grow in the tropics of the old world (mainly in the Malay archipelago). Most of these species require high humidity, lots of water, and medium to high light levels (similar to those required by orchids). These are not ideal plants for "beginners".
  • Sarraceniaceae - this carnivorous plant family grows in the New World and can be divided into three genera (species groups):

    • Sarracenia - all these species grow in North America. They require marked seasons, strong direct sunlight, and a lot of water.
    • Darlingtonia - these species are found almost exclusively in Oregon and Northern California and are difficult to grow. The roots must be kept cooler than the rest of the plant, because they grow in environments with cold running water.
    • Heliamphora - all of these species are native to South America. They too are difficult to cultivate.
  • Cephalotus - there is only one species belonging to this genus (Cephalotus folicularis) and it can be grown like any subtropical plant.
  • Bromeliaceae - this is the same family to which the pineapple belongs. One or two species of this family are believed to be carnivorous. They do not form the characteristic ascidia.
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 2
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 2

Step 2. Get the plants

Once you have decided which species you want to grow, start looking for a source of supply. Your best bet is to find a reliable greenhouse to purchase a healthy carnivorous plant. Ask your sales assistants for advice on growing the species you buy.

  • Carnivorous plants can also be ordered online, but they can be easily damaged and die in transit.
  • While it is possible to grow carnivorous plants from seeds or cuttings, this is not recommended for beginners.
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 3
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 3

Step 3. Place the plant in a sunny spot so it gets at least six hours of direct sunlight

Ideal temperatures are between 15.5º C and 29.6º C). The carnivorous plant's beautiful coloration will be much more intense if the plant receives at least a couple of hours of full sun each day, but it will also grow quite well in partially shaded areas. Most people grow carnivorous plants in a greenhouse or glass container to raise small animals or plants. You can make an inexpensive version by using a saucer and a bottle of soda; cut off the top of the bottle and place it upside down over the plant on a saucer. The garden will only be suitable if you replicate the precise environment where carnivorous plants grow naturally.

  • Inadequate lighting is a common cause that kills carnivorous plants in the home environment. If you don't have a greenhouse or a humid, sunny space for plants, consider using artificial lighting. Lighting with several cool or warm white fluorescent bulbs placed 30 cm from the plant will help.
  • Place only the hardiest carnivorous plants on a window sill, and even then, only if you have adequate humidity and sunshine. While bathrooms are wonderfully humid, their windows are usually too dark to provide the amount of light the carnivorous plant requires. The hardiest carnivorous plants include sundew, otricolariae and pinguiculae. A Venus dionea will probably not like being placed on a windowsill.
  • Air conditioning makes the air too dry for carnivorous plants.
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 4
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 4

Step 4. After arranging the plant appropriately, fill the ascidia with water for about 1.5 cm to keep the humidity inside

During the journey, the liquid already present in the ascidia sometimes falls off, and if the ascidia dry out, the plant could die.

Grow Pitcher Plants Step 5
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 5

Step 5. Get soil with good drainage

A good soil is one made up of a one-to-one acidic peat mixture of sphagnum and perlite or a mixture of sphagnum, charcoal, and bark. The type of soil and its composition, however, should be studied very carefully based on the type of carnivorous plant you have. If your carnivorous plant doesn't like the soil, it won't thrive and die. Do not use a regular soil mix or fertilizers - carnivorous plants are prepared for poor soils and rich soil will be an overload.

Grow Pitcher Plants Step 6
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 6

Step 6. Keep the soil very moist during the growing season, May through October

A draining pot must remain in 2.5 cm of standing water. Do not let the plants dry out completely. Make sure the water you use is rainwater or distilled water, with low levels of salts. Aerating the water before watering the plant can help it grow. To aerate the water, fill a half-filled container with water, seal it, and shake it vigorously.

Grow Pitcher Plants Step 7
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 7

Step 7. Keep the habitat moist

Carnivorous plants can tolerate low humidity, but usually stop forming ascidia if the humidity is inadequate. About 35 percent humidity is fine for plants. Greenhouses and terrariums can provide the necessary humidity, but be sure to provide proper ventilation so the air doesn't overheat or become stagnant.

Grow Pitcher Plants Step 8
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 8

Step 8. Feed the plant

If carnivorous plants grow somewhere where there are no insects for an extended period of time, add a few small insects, such as a fly, or beetle, to an adult plant. However, this is usually not necessary. Many types benefit from the addition of a small amount of balanced soluble fertilizer for sea squirts (e.g. Miracid - 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water). Add this solution only for the ascidia until they are 3/4 full.

Grow Pitcher Plants Step 9
Grow Pitcher Plants Step 9

Step 9. Concern for the well-being of the carnivorous plant

In addition to watering, maintaining humidity and feeding it, keeping it in good shape requires that space to grow is guaranteed and that it is protected:

  • Cut off all dead leaves with scissors when the winter hibernation period begins. Their dormant period varies by species, but is normally around 3-5 months during the winter. During this time, they should be kept cool and in drier conditions than normal.
  • Protect carnivorous plants outdoors. Leave them in pots or guarantee them a thick mulch of leaves and cover with plastic or a container in climatic zones six to eight during the winter months, if they are outdoors.
  • Divide and re-pot the carnivorous plant when it comes out of dormancy, before the rapid growth of new plants and the start of a new cycle. Carnivorous plants can live for several years if cared for properly.


  • Do not touch them because the oil on the skin of the hands will be a slow death for the plants.
  • Tropical carnivorous plants, such as Nepentas or monkey cups need a greenhouse to grow properly. A greenhouse in which orchids grow successfully produces the right environment for the Nepentas.
  • Carnivorous plants can be divided and repotted when winter hibernation ceases, but this must be done before vigorous new growth begins.
  • Buy only nursery grown plants for best results. Contact your local nursery for availability or order online from carnivorous plant suppliers.
  • When the plant grows indoors, place it in a south-facing window or provide it with 12 to 14 hours of artificial light.
  • Move the potted plant to the basement or other cold area during the hibernating months in the colder areas and keep the soil moist. The most suitable temperatures are around 4 or 5 degrees during this three to four month period.


  • Do not use garden soil - it kills the plant.
  • Never let the soil dry out, even during dormancy keep water in the drain saucer.
  • Carnivorous plants grow in height from about 10cm (the parrot carnivore) to more than 1m (the yellow carnivore). Be careful to choose a variety that suits your needs.
  • Carnivorous plants can be grown outdoors during the growing season. They hibernate during the winter. Tropical carnivorous plants cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Carnivorous plants from North America can be left outside according to the USDA growing zone.
  • Never fertilize a carnivorous plant; the plant gets its nutrients from the insects it catches. If you feed it with insects, don't overdo it because excess can cause it to wilt and die.
  • You must use only distilled water or rainwater to water carnivorous plants.
