How to Draw a Scroll of Parchment: 6 Steps

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How to Draw a Scroll of Parchment: 6 Steps
How to Draw a Scroll of Parchment: 6 Steps

In medieval times, people read parchment scrolls announcing information in front of a large crowd. Here's how to draw your own parchment scroll.


Draw a Scroll Step 1
Draw a Scroll Step 1

Step 1. Draw a large rectangular shape

It will be the unfolded sheet of parchment.

Draw a Scroll Step 2
Draw a Scroll Step 2

Step 2. Add two horizontal cylindrical shapes, one at the top and one at the bottom

It will be the two wooden sticks.

Draw a Scroll Step 3
Draw a Scroll Step 3

Step 3. Define the outline of the papyrus sheet

A few tears will give your parchment roll an even more worn and weathered look.

Draw a Scroll Step 4
Draw a Scroll Step 4

Step 4. Add side handles to the ends of both sticks

Look at the picture and use it as a guideline.

Draw a Scroll Step 5
Draw a Scroll Step 5

Step 5. Review your figure with black ink

Try to create an uneven line of different intensities, partly thinner and partly thicker. Your drawing will look more professional.

Draw a Scroll Step 6
Draw a Scroll Step 6

Step 6. Erase the pencil guidelines and start coloring your drawing

Use light and warm colors, such as beige and pale yellow.
