Do you want to train your body but you don't know how to do it or do you want some advice to do it? Here are some tips and exercises you can try (consult a doctor before doing this).

Step 1. Make sure you have enough time to train

Step 2. Make sure you drink while exercising
Don't drink too much water, you may have a cramp.

Step 3. Always warm up for 5-10 minutes with light exercises, for example using the "rope"
If you want you can train outdoors, do some jogging. Jogging is the simplest and most effective thing you can do. It doesn't work your torso muscles, but it strengthens your legs, increases endurance and improves overall health! So it's a great idea for people who want to start exercising to jog for a week or two before starting any other exercise. You can jog every day or occasionally but for fast results you need to do it at least 3 times a week. Jogging is free.

Step 4. Do push-ups
Push-ups, like jogging, is a simple but effective exercise that you can do without tools. It is used to train the muscles of the chest, abdominals and torso according to the variants.

Step 5. Add abs to your workout
The sit-up is a basic exercise for developing the abs. There are many variations. Do 3-5 sets until failure every two days for some results (when you can do more than 20 sit-ups per set, I will do more difficult core exercises and / or add weight by holding a dumbbell while doing the sit-up.

Step 6. Your legs are the foundation of your body so it's important to train them properly
The simplest option for training your legs is jogging. If you can't do this because there is too much traffic, you can jump up and down. There is a good technique on YouTube that you can search for, it's called "monkey jump" (kung fu), if you have a spinbike use it to train your legs.

Step 7. Also, it is important to train your back
The "superman" exercise is very useful for the back, as is the "cat and camel" exercise.

Step 8. If you want bigger biceps, do bicep pushups
They are very useful for the arms.

Step 9. You need to know what to train
Here are the most important areas of the body to train: legs, abs, chest, back, shoulders and arms. Use YouTube to look for exercises to work on the areas listed above.

Step 10. Take a break
Rest is as important as training, in fact when you rest your muscles grow.

Step 11. Remember to stretch after exercising
Maintain a stretch position for 15 seconds and if you want to be more flexible for 1 1/2 minutes
- Train regularly. The results don't happen in just one day, but over time.
- Don't overdo it in the beginning; learn the techniques well.
- train with others or while listening to music, it is more motivating.
- Don't compare yourself to others. We were all beginners at one time!
- To burn fat, start with a 15-30 minute cardiovascular exercise.
- Determine if you want to get stronger, faster, have more stamina, if you train for a specific sport or just want to lose weight while staying fit, and set your training based on this.
- Eat healthy food like fish, fruit, and vegetables, not pills or smoothies. Eat less candy and snacks.
- You can use YouTube to search for exercises you like and are comfortable for YOU.
- Train every day if you want to get results!
- Try to build your muscles little by little, start with 50 push-ups, then 55, 60, 65 until it becomes a daily routine, move on to jogging to train your lower body.