The great dorsal is the largest of the three back muscles. Thanks to specific exercises that target it, you can burn calories and increase your overall strength. Powerful lats also improve upper body symmetry and help you maintain proper posture.
Part 1 of 3: Training without Equipment

Step 1. Perform "Inverted Snow Angel" and "Dolphin Kick"
If you prefer not to use equipment, or want to integrate the exercises you can do at home into your normal training program, there are many bodyweight movements that can strengthen the lats. The two simplest are those described below.
- For "the inverted snow angel", lie prone with your arms and legs on either side of your body. Your palms should be facing down. Raise your hands and shoulders a few inches from the floor and move your arms over your shoulders until your thumbs meet. Slowly return to the starting position. Keep your arms straight and your elbows locked throughout the movement. Try to complete 3-5 repetitions, resting for about 30 seconds between each.
- You need a bench to perform the dolphin kick. Lie prone on it, with your hips aligned with the bottom. You should grip the underside of the bench with your hands to support yourself. Pointing your feet away from your body and keeping your hips straight, raise your legs and hold the position for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position, then repeat. Try to complete 3-5 repetitions, resting for about 30 seconds between each.

Step 2. Try the "superman" exercise
This is a great activity for the lats. To begin, lie down with your chin pointing to the ground, ankles together, arms extended forward, and feet pointing outward.
- By contracting your back and shoulder muscles, raise your arms and legs a few inches off the ground. Try raising your hands and feet to about the same height. Try to hold the position for 15-30 seconds.
- Complete 3 sets of this exercise, with 30-60 seconds of rest between repetitions.

Step 3. Incorporate standing exercises into your training program to improve your posture
These movements can help you build your lats.
- Lean forward slowly, with your hips and shoulders aligned. Continue until your chest is parallel to the floor, forming a 90 ° angle with your body.
- Return to starting position and repeat. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps, with a 30 second break between sets.
Part 2 of 3: Training with Equipment

Step 1. Use a weight machine
One of the most effective ways to train your lats is to use a specific machine at a local gym.
- The machine you need to use has weights attached to a bar that you can pull down and up to build muscle. If you have never lifted weights before, using a machine is often the best choice to approach this type of training.
- Usually, the exercise is done by sitting on a moving surface, pulling the bar down from the squat position. You can adjust the weight and seat according to your size and shape. Talk to one of the trainers at the gym if you don't know how to adjust the machine.
- To work your lats, do an exercise called a lats pull. Sit on the bench and keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly pull the bar to your chest, keeping your shoulder blades straight behind you. Gradually return to the starting position. Aim to complete 12-15 reps per set.
- Start with light weights and gradually build them up over the weeks.

Step 2. Use a resistance band
This is an elastic band, with handles on both ends, used in many exercises. You can buy it at many sporting goods stores or on the internet. You can do many exercises to train the lats thanks to this tool.
- Try the lean forward row. For this exercise, you need to place your feet slightly apart over the center of the band. Lean forward slightly, lower your knees and grasp both ends of the tool, making a 90 ° angle with it. Pull your heads towards your hips, squeezing your shoulders, then return to the starting position. Repeat for 10-12 times.
- You can also try a lying pull. Tie the sling to a low, firm object, such as a bed leg. Lie on your back, bend your knees and grasp one end of the band with your arms above your head. Now, pull the band towards your chest and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
- Tractions with the lats work mainly on the upper back. Tie the band to an object high up, such as a tree or a horizontal bar in the gym. Kneel, turn your torso towards the band and hold one of the garments with your arms stretched over your head. Bend your elbows to pull the tool towards the floor. Contract your back muscles during the exercise, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times.

Step 3. Do some pull-ups
You can also work your lats by including pull-ups in your training program. You can do these exercises with a bar in the gym.
- Hold the pull-up bar with your palms facing your chest. Keep the grip close to your shoulders.
- Keep your back straight and your lower back curved. The chest should protrude slightly forward.
- Exhale and pull yourself up until you reach the bar with your head. Inhale and bring your body back to the starting position.
- If you've never tried a pull before, you may need to practice before you can successfully integrate this exercise into your workout. The number of repetitions to be done depends on your general fitness. Start by trying to do as many pull-ups as possible before you feel too tired, then gradually increase the number over time.

Step 4. Use dumbbells
To use these tools to train the lats, you need an incline bench at a 30 ° angle. Choose the weight of the dumbbells according to your fitness, but you should start with the lightest tools possible if you are a beginner.
- Lie down on the bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
- Bending your elbows, pull the dumbbells towards your chest, then slowly return to the starting position. Try to complete 10-12 repetitions.
Part 3 of 3: Improving Your Performance

Step 1. Warm up before exercising
For weightlifting, starting with a warm-up is essential. You shouldn't go straight to lats training right away. Before you begin, try 10 minutes of aerobic activity, such as a light walk.

Step 2. Make sure your lats are working
During specific exercises for those muscles, make sure they are always contracted. If you did not move your hands and elbows correctly, you could strain your biceps.
- When working your lats, make sure you don't keep your elbows too tight. This works the arms, contracting the biceps more than the back muscles.
- Keep your wrists facing away from your body during your back exercises. This helps work the back muscles and not the biceps.

Step 3. Use the correct technique and form
You should always make sure you are doing the right movements for each exercise.
- Proper form is key, especially for weightlifting, as you work a lot of muscle groups. If you're not sure which technique is right, ask a personal trainer or a fitness-savvy friend for advice. If your muscles hurt a lot after workouts, even after a day of rest, you probably don't do the exercises correctly and your body warns you that way.
- You should never do weight lifting or use gym equipment without knowing the correct techniques. Unfortunately, it's not easy to learn by simple observation, because what works for a person may not be safe for you and your build. You should always speak to a personal trainer, physical therapist, or other fitness professional before adding weight lifting exercises to your training program.

Step 4. Rest between workouts
Strengthening the lats is a form of gaining muscle mass, so it is essential to rest between sessions. You should never train the same muscles for 2 days in a row and it is not recommended to do it for more than 2-3 days a week. Spend the other days on aerobic activity.