Beating your opponents in a video game is a skill. But do you know what another ability is? Annoy your opponents and play the role of the heckler. If you can be so annoyed that your opponents "go haywire", or make them use a worse strategy because of their frustration, you will have won on two different levels. Here's how to become a master heckler.
Method 1 of 2: Annoy Your Opponents

Step 1. Use weapons that don't require skills
In most games, there is at least one skill-free weapon that allows you to kill opponents easily without having to be good or experienced. This annoys purists tremendously, because you get results with brute force and not with technical prowess. In Counter Strike Source for example, this weapon is the P90 with its 50 ammo that you can fire in bursts. In Team Fortress 2 they are the Sidney Sleeper or Machina, who are capable of inflicting heavy years without hitting opponents in the head. Each shooter game has an easy to use weapon for killing or exploiting a bug. If anyone complains about these weapons, even better: use that weapon and slaughter enemies illegally.

Step 2. Behave like a '' scrub ''
On the flip side, if you can't find a weapon that doesn't require skill, you can make fun of people who use this tactic. These people are in some cases called scrubs. A scrub is a player with a bad attitude who has forgotten how to have fun and can't lose. These people complain a lot - practically all the time. They complain that they have created their own fair play rules and believe that anyone who does not follow them is cheating.
As most people know, complaining about why something is unfair quickly annoys you. If you can best interpret a scrub and complain about too strong a skill, for example, you will certainly be very annoying

Step 3. Tease the enemy after each kill
Whether it's an in-game animated tease or words into the microphone, this tactic always works. After each kill, do a single finger gesture. Have you seen that "excellent" blow to the body? Make sure you point this out to your opponent. If of course, if you are not a fan of irony or discretion, you can always use the microphone and shout annoying teasing.

Step 4. Eliminate enemies as soon as they are reborn without remorse
When a player is born without weapons or armor, it is sometimes considered polite to give him time to find weapons or armor to make the fight more fair. If you meet someone who has just entered the map, take them out. Nobody ever said that video games have to be fair.

Step 5. Never be a gentleman
If you want to be really annoying, you will need to know the limit before you get offensive. Let's take the example that you see a standing companion in a multiplayer shooter. Vote now to expel him for inactivity. Afterward, his friend complains that his mom was calling him and he wasn't in fact inactive. You may already feel like a pain in the ass, so why not get the job done? "Oh, I'm sorry … I'm talking to your mom, I have her phone number!"

Step 6. Always keep the microphone on and scream
The easiest way to annoy others is to keep talking. You can distract other players, and if you say offensive things you can be even more annoying. Here are some of the best strategies you can use when speaking into the microphone.
- Go pum pum when you shoot. Bonus points if the weapon is huge.
- Scream into the microphone in very intense moments of the match, when others are concentrating.
- Turn on the microphone and keep it on all the time to make your background noises heard.
- React unexpectedly to insults. If someone says to you, "Shut up. Everyone hates you", an excellent response is "Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate it very much. I will try to improve myself."
- Keep repeating the same things in chat or into the microphone. Again and again.

Step 7. Camp and keep killing the enemies
Always stay in the same spot and wait for the enemies to come to you. Many people complain about those who camp instead of ignoring them and avoiding the area. Anyone who uses this tactic is considered by all to be a person who violates the spirit of the game.

Step 8. Focus your anger on a random person
Traditionally, first person shooters are all against all. Shoot all opponents and whoever gets the most kills wins. If you want to make the game more particular - and annoying - you can follow only one (preferably poor) player and try to kill only him. It doesn't make sense, and that's why it's particularly annoying.
Method 2 of 2: Annoying Your "Teammates"

Step 1. Show that cooperative mode doesn't always involve teamwork
Your friend is flying through a portal at maximum speed when suddenly the portal becomes a burning pit. Ops. This tactic involves playing as a team to gain the trust of your teammates, then blatantly betraying them. You can shoot the boomer next to your mate in Left 4 Dead, walk on the button that closes a bridge your mate is walking on in Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, or use your creativity to betray your mates in a thousand ways.

Step 2. Leave games or join in the middle
This does not mean that you will actually have to leave the game. Just let go of the controller and get up. Nothing will bother your teammates more than having dead weight that enemies can keep killing.

Step 3. Crash the games you are hosting
When you have high latency and are hosting a multiplayer game, log out and start another game. Other players are sure to hate you.

Step 4. Play the role of backstabber
You walk into the forest where two other people are holding you at gunpoint. You drop to your knees. You say "Hey guys, I'm friendly." They say, "How can we be sure? Here's a gun. There are bandits over there; take them out and you can stay." They give you a gun. Two shots later, four bandits run towards you as you escape with all the food, potions and ammo you can carry. In addition, two players have been neutralized and are considering quitting.
- Try playing poison ball in Halo: Reach. Let's say your team is one point away from victory. Play poison ball with a plasma grenade, knowing full well that there is a treason penalty (-10). Your plasma grenade takes out any comrades. If your team is 8 people, you have just lost 80 points. This is one of the most diabolical examples of trolling.
- This tactic only applies to survival games. You'll have to earn someone's trust, and as soon as they let their guard down, take them out. It is similar to the tactic of team play, but much more sadistic. Of course, you can also decide to eliminate the other players on sight. Just make sure you can win the fight.
- Don't overdo this tactic. If you take too much advantage, you will probably be kicked off the server. Use it in moderation; make sure enough people find you funny and don't vote to kick you out.

Step 5. Do nothing and take full credit
This tactic is very annoying because it offends the sense of justice. It works very well in Mass Effect 3 for example. In multiplayer against Cerberus, the atlas goes down and you wait behind a wall, waiting for your friends to get busy and reduce their armor and health. Then, you get to the last moment and take it out, taking the kill, the points and the glory. This is annoying.

Step 6. Use the Leeroy Jenkins method
Leeroy Jenkins is a famous World of Warcraft meme: ignoring his guild's intricate plan of attack, Leeroy ran desperately and had all his guild members die. You can do the same too. Particularly in shooter games, this method will cause your team to lose the game and annoy them tremendously.

Step 7. Get help when you don't need it
Use the "wolf, wolf" story. If your comrades rush to your aid but find no danger, you can say, "Why did you come? I killed those rookies myself. I'm offended you thought I needed help."