How to Stop Being Annoying: 11 Steps

How to Stop Being Annoying: 11 Steps
How to Stop Being Annoying: 11 Steps

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Most of the time, the annoying person doesn't notice how their behavior is being received by others. If you suspect that you're annoying people, then you need to learn how to avoid the little things that often get on your nerves. If it bothers you, then it probably bothers those around you as well. However, you should remember that people who love you will accept you for who you are, so don't change - just improve your attitude and habits so you don't make those around you uncomfortable.


Not Be Annoying Step 1
Not Be Annoying Step 1

Step 1. Work on your self-esteem

Sometimes you can be annoying because you are doing something that the person in question associates with a negative character trait, such as anxiety, stereotypes or sloppiness. You shouldn't change a part of you just because someone misunderstands your behavior (assuming they are actually giving a hasty judgment). But on other occasions, we can become annoying because we are insecure and desperately want to be accepted. In this case, you can try to understand why you do certain things and perhaps realize that the only reason you do them is because you want to make a good impression, but it is backfiring!

Not Be Annoying Step 2
Not Be Annoying Step 2

Step 2. You lose counterproductive habits

Let's say you've found that you laugh too hard at other people's jokes, even if they're not that funny. or maybe you have a bad habit of laughing at the wrong times. Maybe you started doing it subconsciously because you think that laughing often makes you a pleasant person, but now it just annoys the people you spend your time with. Try a different approach - be authentic and be yourself. If people find you annoying when you are yourself, then you need to find new people who accept you for who you are.

Not Be Annoying Step 3
Not Be Annoying Step 3

Step 3. Respect the limits of others

We all have limits - you have to learn to understand what they are and try not to overcome them. The limits vary from culture to culture and even from person to person.

  • Don't touch people all the time. In fact, don't touch them at all if they don't like it. Of course, if they are your friends and it suits him, you don't have to ask yourself the problem. Otherwise, keep your hands to yourself.
  • Don't talk behind people's backs; especially if you haven't clarified the matter with that person yet. This is especially true for your family members, friends or partner.
  • Don't care, or don't post. Try to control your emotions and not be too clingy. Give people space when they need it. Don't call every day. Remember, the most annoying thing in the world is pedantry.
  • Don't rummage through other people's things. Even if they are not private, they may still feel their intimacy violated if you touch things that are in their personal space. If you want to borrow something, ask the person's permission first and have them give it to you.
  • Mind your own business. Avoid getting into a conversation by saying (for example), What were you talking about? If you hear someone talking to another person, and you can only understand the last sentence, don't intrude.
Not Be Annoying Step 4
Not Be Annoying Step 4

Step 4. Be humble

Just because you are confident doesn't mean you have to act like you are better than others. Don't say or do things that might make you appear arrogant, such as bragging about your wealth and success.

  • Don't correct other people's grammar or pronunciation errors, because most people don't like being correct.
  • Don't tell other people that what they believe is wrong. Kindly and gently express your disagreement. Try to have a clear moral line and stay consistent. For example, everything is lawful, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Your idea may be different, but make sure you stay within bounds.
  • Don't complain all the time. Remember that the world doesn't revolve around you. If you complain too much, others will find it depressing and avoid you. This is also true when you denigrate yourself, it is not a form of humility but of self-centeredness. It is normal to feel down once in a while, and also to express your discontent. But you also need to understand when it's time to put it all behind you and move on. Read this article on how to be optimistic.
  • Think carefully about how what you say might be perceived by others. Even if your words are thoughtful and important, your tone of voice could communicate frustration, petulance or condescension, or frivolity or arrogance, or a whole other set of things that could give the wrong impression and make you hate.
Not Be Annoying Step 5
Not Be Annoying Step 5

Step 5. Learn to listen

Conversation is a two-way street. If you talk all the time, others will get angry and will no longer try to communicate with you. As a general rule, try to listen more than you talk. Think about what to say before you say it. Avoid interrupting someone in the middle of a sentence, even if you've just come up with something to say. Remember this old quote: It is better to remain silent and appear stupid than to talk and dispel any doubts.

Not Be Annoying Step 6
Not Be Annoying Step 6

Step 6. Be aware of your surroundings

Be careful if you are blocking an entrance while chatting, if you are in the middle of a passage in an area where there are a lot of people passing by (shops, malls or airports), or if your children are behaving unbearably in a public place. Plus, don't sing out loud or listen to blaring music that might bother others. Consider how your actions affect the people around you, and you will earn their respect.

Not Be Annoying Step 7
Not Be Annoying Step 7

Step 7. Be polite and clean

Don't peek into girls' cleavage, don't fart, and don't talk about biological functions in public. Cover your mouth with your hand or elbow when you sneeze or cough. Brush your teeth and floss after meals so you don't plague others with bad breath. Take a shower every day and always wear clean clothes.

Not Be Annoying Step 8
Not Be Annoying Step 8

Step 8. Learn to read facial expressions and body language

Pay attention to the expressions and body language of the people around you and take immediate action to change whatever you are doing that is bothering you.

Not Be Annoying Step 9
Not Be Annoying Step 9

Step 9. Don't be heavy

When someone is having a bad day, don't be too much on them trying to make them feel better (unless asked, of course). If you're in the middle of a bad day, the last thing you want is to have someone around you bothering you trying to cheer you up without success. Ask if the other person wants company, but remember that no means no. Talk about what's wrong only if the other person brings up the topic.

Not Be Annoying Step 10
Not Be Annoying Step 10

Step 10. Avoid unnecessary repetitions

Repeating the same action over and over (like making inappropriate sounds or pulling someone's hair) is not the right way to "get attention". If a person says 'enough', it means 'enough'. If you continue despite everything, then you may lose a friend.

  • Don't imitate people. If you imitate someone, they might get annoyed and walk away. Don't even imitate your friends, because you run the risk of losing them.
  • Say it once. Don't say things twice, as the other person might say I heard you or "OKAY!" or something like that. It might annoy. He has already heard you; there is no need to repeat.
  • Don't make repetitive noises. If you find that you are tapping the pencil on the counter, chewing the butt with your mouth open, tapping your foot against something, you are clearing your throat too often, coughing, please stop.
Not Be Annoying Step 11
Not Be Annoying Step 11

Step 11. Don't argue

Most people hate fighting. Simply express your disagreement and refrain from impersonating an industry expert. A know-it-all gets on everyone's nerves. Of course, you can have an intelligent debate / discussion with people, provided the circumstances are appropriate and the other person wants to be involved. Never force anyone into an argument. If someone tells you they prefer not to talk about a certain thing in public, drop it.


  • Don't try too hard to be friends with someone who doesn't appreciate you.
  • A very annoying thing is to get attached to someone and never let go of them. Surround yourself with friends so that you can spend time with many people, without having to hang on to just one, it's very annoying.
  • Not sure if you are annoying? Ask someone you trust and who might give you an honest and constructive opinion. Be prepared for criticism and welcome it. This person may not be ready to tell you everything on the spot, so give them time by explaining your situation, thoughts, and feelings to make it clear that you can handle constructive criticism.
  • Don't repeat what someone just said, it's very annoying.
  • Remind friends and boyfriends that they can point out your mistakes. Encourage the people you know to say Leave me alone, or Stop sticking to the stamens or I love you, but calm down. Talk about problems before they become problems!
  • Try not to be loud or unbearable. Keep calm.
  • If friends and family are drifting away from you, then you may need to work on your social skills and personal limitations with a therapist. Creating appropriate limits is a skill that is acquired with the earliest social experiences, which we cannot control. Going through these experiences could help give you the confidence you need to create and stick to boundaries.
  • Don't be argumentative (you might sound arrogant) doesn't mean you don't have personality.
  • Keep practicing these skills until they are yours.
  • When someone tries to correct you and tells you how you could do something, or if it seems simple, don't say things like good or good-to-know, you will immediately annoy them.


  • Some people who have behavioral disorders can be boring, but that's because their brains are programmed that way. While some of them manage to improve their social skills over time, for others it is impossible. Don't criticize them and don't make fun of them; be a friend and show that you care about them.
  • We are all annoying at times, and some people have easy criticism. It's all too easy to annoy some people.
  • Don't be mad or arrogant if a friend tells you you're annoying. Learn to be humble.
  • If you like someone, and that person thinks you are annoying, try to befriend them first, and don't flirt until you get to know each other well. Talk to us online or in person, you will be amazed at how many things you find out about each other.
