How To Use Purple Shampoo: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Use Purple Shampoo: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Use Purple Shampoo: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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Water or chemicals like bleach and chlorine can damage fair hair by darkening or yellowing it. If your hair is natural blonde, dyed a lighter shade, or if it has turned gray, purple shampoo can give you a more natural color and more shine. How often to use this type of product is up to you - you can apply it once a month to twice a week, but be careful as a high frequency can cause your hair to turn purple. If you use it carefully, you can keep your natural color and repair damaged hair.


Part 1 of 3: Choose a Purple Shampoo

Use Purple Shampoo Step 1
Use Purple Shampoo Step 1

Step 1. Find a shampoo of a dense color and texture

A high-quality purple shampoo should be opaque, not transparent. If possible, pour a small amount on your fingers before purchasing to make sure it has a solid color.

  • Among the best products are the Matrix So Silver shampoo and Paul Mitchell Platinum Blonde.
  • Purple shampoo is available online, at hair care stores or beauty salons that also sell retail products. If you choose the latter option, it is best to first call the salon to make sure the product is available.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 2
Use Purple Shampoo Step 2

Step 2. For gray, silver blonde or platinum hair, purchase a dark purple shampoo

Darker formulas (some of which tend to indigo or blue) work best on hair of these shades. Avoid a bright purple or violet shampoo and look for darker products specifically for very light hair.

Use Purple Shampoo Step 3
Use Purple Shampoo Step 3

Step 3. Choose a light purple shampoo if you have blonde hair

This type of hair needs a less intense color to remove the "brass effect". Avoid an intense color shampoo and choose a lighter one to avoid over-saturating your hair.

The lighter the color of the shampoo, the less it will be able to absorb brass reflections from the hair: remember this before purchasing the product

Use Purple Shampoo Step 4
Use Purple Shampoo Step 4

Step 4. Avoid using purple shampoo on dark hair

It is an ideal product for converting the "brass effect" of blonde hair to a more natural color, but it does not work as effectively on brown or black hair. If you have dark colored hair, try a treatment with another type of shampoo instead.

Part 2 of 3: Apply the Purple Shampoo

Use Purple Shampoo Step 5
Use Purple Shampoo Step 5

Step 1. Wet your hair with warm water

Wet them completely before applying the shampoo. Warm water has a relaxing and healing effect on the hair: the hot temperature allows the hair shaft to expand and better absorb the purple shampoo.

Use Purple Shampoo Step 6
Use Purple Shampoo Step 6

Step 2. Massage the shampoo into your hair

Apply it starting from the root and going to the ends, gently massaging the hair and lathering it as you go. Pay particular attention to the very problematic areas, i.e. the darkened or yellowed strands that you intend to treat with the shampoo.

  • If you are using it for your highlights, apply it only on these, as it has no effect on dark hair.
  • Prioritize the roots to prevent future damage.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 7
Use Purple Shampoo Step 7

Step 3. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes if your hair is natural blonde

If yours is a warm, natural color and the "brass effect" is not particularly pronounced, 2-3 minutes should be enough. Once the necessary time has elapsed, rinse your hair with cold water.

  • The roots will need more time to absorb the shampoo than the tips: this is why it is better to apply the product starting from the scalp, while the ends are more porous and change shades more easily.
  • The indicated time may vary depending on the brand: some shampoos may require a 5-minute exposure time.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 8
Use Purple Shampoo Step 8

Step 4. Leave it on for up to 15 minutes if your hair has a brass sheen or is dyed

If your hair has lost a lot of its color or you have recently dyed it blonde, leave it on for 5 to 15 minutes, as it may take longer to absorb the color. Finally, rinse with cold water.

  • If this is your first time using it, try leaving it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it off. If, after drying your hair, you don't notice much difference in color, try a shutter speed of 10-15 minutes next time.
  • If you leave it on for longer than 15 minutes, be prepared to notice a lilac shade on your hair. While it can be a nice effect on gray or silver blonde hair, it could ruin a natural blonde instead.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 9
Use Purple Shampoo Step 9

Step 5. Leave the shampoo on for 30 minutes if your hair is gray, silver blonde or platinum blonde

Those with dark hair may fear depriving them of their color, but those with silver or platinum hair will benefit from a longer shutter speed. Keep it on for up to 30 minutes before rinsing your hair, depending on how damaged it is.

  • Unlike dark blonde hair, the goal of purple shampoo on platinum or silver blonde hair is to completely remove the warm shades.
  • If you intend to keep the shampoo on for this long, it is preferable to place a plastic shower cap on your head during the waiting time.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 10
Use Purple Shampoo Step 10

Step 6. After rinsing off the shampoo apply the conditioner regularly

Complete the wash with conditioner to moisturize your hair. If you like, you can use a purple one to intensify the color.

Also applying a purple conditioner can result in an ash color: use it only if you want to get a very light color

Part 3 of 3: Maintain Hair Color with a Purple Shampoo

Use Purple Shampoo Step 11
Use Purple Shampoo Step 11

Step 1. Use the purple shampoo once a week or when you notice a "brass effect" on your hair

Alternate it with a colorless shampoo to keep the color clear and even. If your natural hair color is a warm blonde, you may only use purple shampoo when you see it turning yellow. Pay attention to the condition of your hair and based on this decide how to proceed.

If you don't notice any changes after a month, you can always increase the frequency to 2-3 times a week

Use Purple Shampoo Step 12
Use Purple Shampoo Step 12

Step 2. Dilute the purple shampoo if it is too strong for your hair

Although it is unable to dye them, you may notice some lilac undertones after washing if the shampoo is too strong. To avoid this problem, mix it with water in a 2: 1 ratio and pour it into a spray bottle.

  • If you find it necessary to dilute it further, add water.
  • This solution is suitable for those who already have warm hair color and just want to slightly touch up the color.
Use Purple Shampoo Step 13
Use Purple Shampoo Step 13

Step 3. Apply the purple shampoo to dry hair to add a touch of shine

Instead of using it in the shower, massage it into your hair before getting it wet; leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. In this way you will eliminate a persistent "brass effect" and give more brightness to the hair.

Try this method if your hair has very accentuated brass tones and you have not achieved noticeable results from washing with purple shampoo

Use Purple Shampoo Step 14
Use Purple Shampoo Step 14

Step 4. Deeply moisturize your hair a couple of times a month

Purple shampoo can dry out strands over time. To prevent brittle and damaged hair from forming, moisturize them deeply several times a month after using the purple shampoo or when they start to look dry.
