Do you want to go to a party or go out with friends, but your mother keeps telling you no? Do not give up! If you keep calm and follow these steps, your mom will say yes sooner than you think.
Method 1 of 3: Prove that you are trustworthy

Step 1. You must be honest about your plan
A mom's worst fear is that you might hurt yourself - this is the main reason many mothers tend to say no when their children want something. But if you want your mother to pass the fear away, what you need to do is tell her everything about your plan and convince her that she has nothing to fear. Explain in detail that there is no risk and let her know that you have already planned all the details. As soon as he realizes it's not dangerous, he'll probably say yes!
It is important that you know very well what you are talking about. If, for example, it is a movie, you should know at what age it is forbidden. If you haven't reached the right age to see him, don't talk about it unless he asks you. He only mentions typology, that is, saying whether it is a comedy or a thriller

Step 2. Show enthusiasm for what you want
Tell her what you really want is to make your life better. If you feel like going to a concert, trust her that it will be an important life lesson. If you want to be late at night, tell her that time will be for something productive. If you want to spend more time with friends, explain that your social life needs a boost. If you want a new pair of shoes, tell her that the old ones are worn and worn.

Step 3. Don't lie about what you are about to do
It might work the first time, but when your mom finds out you lied, she'll decide not to let you do what you want next time. You don't always have to tell the whole truth - there are details your mother doesn't have to know - but what will you get by lying shamelessly? If you lie, when you happen to want something again, don't even bother asking!

Step 4. Reassure her that you will be back on time
How you will get home is a key aspect. Tell her how you intend to do it and tell her the exact time. Remind her of the times you got home on time, no problem.

Step 5. Make a plan for anything that can go wrong
Mothers like to know that their children can be far-sighted. Think about what might happen and tell her you already have solutions. For example, if your friends leave without you, find another way home.

Step 6. Mention the occasions when you have earned their trust
If you've already done things to deserve their trust, remind them. Tell her that you do well in school, that you help around the house, that you always come back on time, and that you don't complain much about the tasks you have to do. If you have lost her confidence, try to win her back by doing what she tells you for at least a week before asking her about something.

Step 7. Remind her that you only have one life
Tell her "Mom, do you remember the concert you went to that changed your life? You were my age". Tell her that youth flies and you won't have as many opportunities to enjoy yourself when you grow up and leave home. She will start to feel nostalgic, things will move on an emotional level, and she will answer you with a yes in no time.
Method 2 of 3: Show her you deserve it

Step 1. Try to do well in school
If you always do your homework, you have good grades, what excuse will your mother have for saying no? That's right, none. Do your best in school and in extracurricular activities to make sure your mother feels she deserves the privileges you want.

Step 2. Complete your assignments
Lighten up your mom's schedule a bit by helping her clean the house, wash the dishes, mow the lawn, walk the dog, and do all the little things she does to keep the house going. If you ask for something important, doing some extra chores won't be a bad idea. Start a few weeks before making your request.

Step 3. Get home on time
Being reliable is essential. If you disappoint your mother and always arrive late, it won't be easy for her to give in when you want something. Do your best to get home at the appointed time, and prove trustworthy in other respects as well. If you say your room will be tidy and clean by Saturday, stick to the commitment. If you promise to feed the cat, do it without being told. Your mother will notice your efforts to be credible.

Step 4. Get to the stove
Your mom will love the idea of you taking care of the kitchen, making special dishes for her and the rest of the family. Get up early and cook scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast, or use your free time to bake a cake or some cookies for everyone. It may sound strange but it works. Just remember to clean the kitchen and any utensils you use after you're done.

Step 5. Be kind
Ask her how her day went. She probably always asks you about yourself, so why not do the same? Your mother will be moved and more likely to say yes. Then bring the talk about the direction your life is taking and tell her your thoughts. You will be amazed by how much more willing he will become to let you make decisions about your life.
Method 3 of 3: Show her you are Mature

Step 1. Earn money to pay for what you want
If you want to go to the movies or buy yourself a new game, offer to do some chores in exchange for the money to pay for what you want. Your mother may appreciate the offer so much that she says yes.

Step 2. If necessary, compromise
Tell her you really want to go to the party, but since she insists on saying no to you because she doesn't want her to come back late, you might be home an hour earlier. If it works, maybe next time it will let you stay until your scheduled time.

Step 3. Don't tell her "Everyone else can do this"
Guys always say it, but does it work? Mothers don't care much about what everyone else is doing. Just tell him if you're asking for something that literally everyone is doing, and you also have a list of people to lead as an example that your mom respects. Be prepared to be backed up by your friends if your mom calls them or gets in touch with their parents.

Step 4. Don't beg
It would only make you appear immature, confirming to her that she is making the right decision in saying no. You have to give her a good reason to say yes, and begging is just annoying instead. If you can't get her to say yes, guilt can help. Use phrases like "No, ok. I love you mom" and walk away. Later she will come, to tell you that you can go, because you have known how to behave like a mature person.

Step 5. Make her laugh
Lighten things up by joking or teasing your mom a little to make her laugh. Even if you're upset about the denial, saying something funny can turn things around. You will let her know that you realize that this is not the end of the world and that you will not throw tantrums like a little child. Then, who knows? As her mood improves, your mother may also change her mind.

Step 6. Don't forget to tell her "I love you"
It works better than a spell to make mothers feel happy. Your statement doesn't have to sound false, tell them with feeling even if you're angry. The power of these words shouldn't be underestimated!

Step 7. If that doesn't work, ask your dad
- Don't lie, it never works because the truth will come out sooner or later.
- Try to do whatever they ask of you.
- If you go to school, try to get high grades or improve your performance, it will make your mother happy.
- Don't go too far. If you did, your mom and dad could lose their trust and respect for you, and they won't let you go anywhere. Be cautious.
- Tell her that she is exactly the mother you wanted because she is kind, fair and good.
- If your mother is fussy about grades, she brings home excellent results, and even if it's not important, you make the grade look like a huge success.
- Understand that your mother may know what is best for you; don't have a disproportionate reaction if she says no to something you shouldn't do.
- Try to spend time with her and get to know her better.
- If all attempts fail, forget it. Take your mind off that specific project and don't ask for permission anymore, it may always change your mind, but don't obsess about it.
- Know how to defend your arguments.
- Always tell her what are the things you appreciate most about her, it is right that she knows how much you care.
- Choose a time when her mood is positive.
- Don't interrupt her, you will make her angry.
- Keep your promises.
- Never beg, especially in front of a friend, because many parents feel put "in the spotlight" in such a situation.
- Don't try to argue, it will only make things worse.
- Agree to make a deal with her in exchange for her consent.
- Never lie to her, you will lose her trust.