How to Flirt Without Being Annoying: 10 Steps

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How to Flirt Without Being Annoying: 10 Steps
How to Flirt Without Being Annoying: 10 Steps

Flirting is the best way to make your intentions known and attract the person you are dating or like. However, overdoing it can be annoying, especially for those who find flirting to be inappropriate or nerdy behavior. Don't risk losing the person you're after through inappropriate courtship, over-the-top courtship, or by ignoring the frustration you cause.


Method 1 of 2: Conversations via Chat or SMS

Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 01
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 01

Step 1. Use words that don't appear cheeky or flirtatious

Try to be polite and respectful towards the other person, showing an interest in getting to know them better. Here are some ways to strike up a polite conversation without sounding over the top:

  • "Hello! How is it going?"
  • “Today the weather was just [insert information about the weather], right?
  • ”I heard you managed to [study / work / commercial / etc] this week. Congratulations, well done!"
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 02
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 02

Step 2. Be less open

Don't talk too much about yourself. Talk about topics where there are shared interests. Discussions can encourage the partner to have a conversation.

  • Ask general questions. This means that you don't have to ask for anything too personal or inquisitive. At first it can be annoying for your partner to answer too personal questions. They might leave the chat or hang up the phone. Take it easy and take it easy. There is no reason to run.
  • If you are having a hard time finding something to talk about, encourage your partner to start a conversation with questions. You can use some of these:

    • "How did it go today?"
    • "So what's your favorite hobby"?
  • When you understand that your partner is happy to answer the questions you ask him, ask for something else. If your partner answers and freely gives you more information, you have the opportunity to ask more personal questions. Try to pick up on the signs.
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 03
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 03

Step 3. Avoid excessive compliments

Compliments are a key element in recognizing the merits of another person, but it can happen that you overdo it. Overdoing compliments can cause your partner to think that you are saying those things simply to please you. It can also lead to him losing faith in you, which could destroy any chance of pleasing you. Try to give compliments genuinely, honestly, and only from time to time. Just say what you think is good, without inventing anything. Here are some examples where some appropriate compliments are given:

  • "Yesterday's dress looked great on you"
  • ”However, you don't need to put your makeup on. You are beautiful so natural."
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 04
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 04

Step 4. Avoid flirting as a joke

When chatting or texting, it's hard to tell if you're joking or serious. If you've already written something flirtatious as a joke, quickly add a “Joke: P!”.

Avoid making jokes about your partner's family. Some people may take these motorcycle jokes seriously and not see anything funny in them

Method 2 of 2: Flirting in person

This section only deals with flirting that happens in person. While many of the sections above apply to respect in conversation, there are some additional things you need to know when you come into contact with a person.

Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 05
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 05

Step 1. Focus on the other person

Listen carefully, avoid letting your feelings run wild and try to get to know this person better in a genuine way. When you focus on learning more, you have less chance of flirting just out of lust.

Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 06
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 06

Step 2. Maintain eye contact

Maintaining eye contact shows interest, courage to show your feelings and reciprocity. Make sure you do it correctly. Here are some ways to maintain eye contact:

  • Avoid staring at the other person's body. It can be considered sexual behavior, which may not please everyone.
  • Decide if it's time to take eye contact to the next level. When you are sure that the person you have a crush on likes you, try to wink at her. If you're not sure, keep it for later.
  • If you see her while talking to other people, smile, and try to make eye contact with her.
  • Avoid staring people in the eye without pausing. It's creepy! Try to speak normally, like a normal person, on the same level as you.
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 07
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 07

Step 3. Talk to your partner

Do it whenever there is a chance. Compliment her attitude, clothes, etc. (see the previous section to learn not to overdo the compliments). Here are some suggestions:

  • Don't say “This dress looks good on you!”, Say “Nice dress!” Instead. And, “I really like this [piece of clothing]. It really fits you.”Is another nice compliment.
  • "Sorry I'm standing in front of you, but your eyes are really beautiful."
  • "Good job!". You can use this compliment if you are playing some board game or some video game.
  • ”I highly value your [punctuality / introspection / kindness / generosity]. You made my day better."
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 08
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 08

Step 4. Have simple conversations

There is no need to be the first to start, and it doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to make your partner uncomfortable. Here are some suggestions:

  • Don't put "yourself" as a topic of conversation. Your partner will think that you are arrogant and boring.
  • Ask questions. As we have already stated previously, do not get too involved in intimate matters until you know each other well and are comfortable with each other. You can ask some nice questions, like: “What is your hobby / color / sport / etc. favorite?". When your partner gives you the answer, try saying “Nice, it's mine too!”, But don't lie. Answer positively only if you really agree with what he says, otherwise in the long run it will be seen that you lied.
  • Avoid talking about anything personal or private, especially money, faith, and politics. Money is a topic that makes you want to pass (especially if you are proud of it or if you seem desperate), although beliefs can be taken up further, when you trust each other more.
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 09
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 09

Step 5. Don't overdo it

At this point in the relationship, there is no need for you to tell the person you have a crush on all the extraordinary things you have done in your life. Keep the conversation simple and short, show only some of your interests, and try to stay on topics that you really enjoy.

  • Don't make your partner think you're desperate. Make it clear that you are a busy and interesting person who doesn't make flirting their reason for living.
  • Always do new things. Always try to find new ways to flirt, surprise her with two tickets to her favorite movie.
  • At first try to avoid talking to your partner every day. This way things will always be new and interesting. If you are still at the beginning of a relationship, talking every two or three days will keep the excitement intact.
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 10
Flirt Without Being Annoying Step 10

Step 6. Remember that flirting is a fun thing

It's not about feeling good about yourself or manipulating people. Don't get angry or sulky just because the person you have a crush on doesn't accept your dates. Be positive, and look for someone else you like and match your attraction.
