How to Handle an Annoying Friend: 5 Steps

How to Handle an Annoying Friend: 5 Steps
How to Handle an Annoying Friend: 5 Steps

Table of contents:


You love your friend, but sometimes it's a little hard to take. Learn to manage it.


Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 01
Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 01

Step 1. Discourage gossip

When your friend talks about others behind his back, don't get involved. Just ignore his comments completely. It's easy to get sucked into this kind of attitude, but it could put yourself in a very delicate situation. If he says something about another friend, reply with something nice about that person.

Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 02
Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 02

Step 2. Discourage cruel jokes

When he uses humor to denigrate, don't laugh, and when he makes a bad joke about you, don't sulk. Tell him to stop. Be serious so that you don't think you're joking too. Tell him that he is hurting you and that if he keeps acting this way, he will lose your friendship. Let him know that he can find someone else to make fun of.

Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 03
Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 03

Step 3. Don't let them talk about you

If he says bad things about you, tell him to stop. Tell him to go get his friends and stop insulting your boyfriend or girlfriend. Tell him that you don't care about his faults, because in any case you love the person you are with and that no one, least of all him, can interfere.

Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 04
Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 04

Step 4. Don't go along with her first woman behavior

If he complains when the coffee at the bar is slow to arrive, take your time and explain that he is not the most important person in the world.

Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 05
Cope With an Annoying Friend Step 05

Step 5. Do not accept phone calls more than a certain number of times per day

If this friend is clingy and calls you constantly without ever hanging up the phone, tell him firmly that you won't be able to get more than one call a day. If he calls twice, try not to answer the second time, or answer and explain politely and concisely that you need to hang up immediately. There is no need to explain why.


  • Ignore it if it bothers you, because it doesn't have an audience that can give it the attention it wants.
  • Don't be friends with him if he's always mean to you and other friends.
  • Don't start hating him by spreading rumors about him.
  • Show some sympathy, but not too much if it's sticky. Make sure it doesn't become dependent on you.
  • Don't be mean if it's just a little annoying. Be nice to him.
  • If you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome, remember that you can't help but behave this way. Try to help him as a good friend.
  • Try to explain to him why you consider him an annoying person so that he can change his behavior. If you decide to confront him, be direct, but kind at the same time.
