How To Make Wavy Hair (with Pictures)

How To Make Wavy Hair (with Pictures)
How To Make Wavy Hair (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Is your hair straight as if it were melted? Do they get choppy occasionally, but only after a full day on the beach? Do not worry! There are various options to choose from to give your hair some movement. Just decide whether to use heat or not and you will find yourself with wavy and seductive curls, easy to create in the comfort of your home!


Part 1 of 5: Plate and Cotoning

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 1
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 1

Step 1. Brush your hair to untangle the knots and then divide them into sections for easier work

Depending on how thick your hair is, you can divide your hair into any number of sections. Two is probably enough. Then divide the hair into two parts (usually useful one on the top and one on the bottom), tie one and leave the other free.

If you prefer, you can divide them into two side sections. One on the right and one on the left, but the separation described above is the one that allows you to work more easily

Step 2. Roll a section of hair around the iron, holding the tool in the other hand

The section should be at least 2 to 3 centimeters thick. As you wrap, be sure to keep your hair straight - avoid tangling as you wrap it.

Leave about an inch of hair so it stays straight while the rest becomes wavy. This allows you to create the hairstyle without much effort

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 3
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 3

Step 3. Change the angle of the iron to orient the curls in different directions

Depending on the final hairstyle, you will probably want to correct the firmness of the curls. How you hold the iron will determine how wavy or curly your hair becomes. You could try two or three different methods so that the final hairstyle is as natural as possible. For instance:

  • Tilting the iron forward while winding allows you to get more relaxed curls;
  • Tilting the iron downwards allows you to obtain firmer curls;
  • An even tighter angle, almost vertically, allows you to get even tighter curls;
  • Twisting the strand of hair slightly as you curl it and pulling firmly allows you to curl the curls even more.

Step 4. Brush the curls lightly to make your curls more wavy

Brush the lower part of the hair, thus loosening the curls to create more delicate waves. This step isn't strictly necessary, but it will result in wavy rather than curly hair.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 5
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 5

Step 5. Spray the spray on a backcombing brush, then move it up and down on the hair

This adds texture and lifts the curls, thus turning them into beautiful waves. Work in small sections, teasing up and down and adding a little spray as needed.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 6
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 6

Step 6. Spray some hairspray to fix the hair

Keep experimenting with ironing and backcombing to find your favorite hairstyle.

Part 2 of 5: Wrinkling

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 7
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 7

Step 1. Get the diffuser accessory suitable for your hairdryer

Most hairdryers have their own diffuser attachment, which you can attach to the barrel of the appliance. The diffuser disperses the heat over a larger area of the scalp instead of concentrating the hot air in one direction: this way your hair will become wavy and not frizzy.

The best speakers have a round, concave shape in the center, not a flat "duck bill". This shape will cause your curls to dry in their natural shape since they can stay inside the diffuser and dry according to their natural curves

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 8
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 8

Step 2. Wash your hair before wrinkling it

You have to wash your hair before doing this method as you need to dry damp hair with a diffuser to make it wavy. People with wavy hair usually also have dry hair. You can wash your hair with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, or use whatever shampoo suits your hair type.

  • Consider using no-poo, low-poo, or cowash methods to wash your hair without using shampoo. No-poo and low-poo are treatments in which the product used does not contain detergents: since the detergents and sulphates contained in a normal shampoo can dry the cuticles and produce frizzy hair, many people with naturally wavy hair have begun to wash them without using shampoo.
  • If you decide to use a shampoo, get one that doesn't contain sulfates. Sulphates are cleaning agents that dry the hair and damage a lot of wavy hair.
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 9
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 9

Step 3. Moisten your hair by letting it air dry or with the help of a towel

Your hair must be damp to begin the process. If you want to avoid frizz, use a soft microfiber towel or a light t-shirt to wipe the moisture out of your hair.

  • Use a soft towel and first pat your hair at the roots.
  • Then divide them into sections and dry them between the folds of the towel.
  • Air dry your hair for about half an hour so that, when styling, your hair is more damp than wet. You can also wrap your head with a soft towel for 15 - 20 minutes to remove moisture from your hair.
  • Do not squeeze your hair too hard and do not stress it too much with the towel to prevent it from getting damaged. Wet hair is more prone to breaking, so be careful when handling it and don't put too much pressure on the curls.
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 10
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 10

Step 4. Apply a product to your hair

Depending on your preferences, apply foam, gel or cream to set the hairstyle. You can also use a spray or cream to protect them from heat damage. If your hair is naturally wavy, it's likely dry too, so a thick, moisturizing cream will do just that.

  • To apply the cream or foam, massage it into the palm of your hands and, instead of distributing it from roots to ends, lightly rub the sections of hair with your hands with movements from the bottom upwards in order to gently distribute the cream following the strands of your hair. If you have short hair, do the same thing and cover the curls, or future curls, from above, rubbing them with the product on your hands. This technique will ensure that the curls remain supple and that they do not stretch heavily downwards.
  • If your hair is naturally dry, avoid products that contain alcohol, as they tend to dry it out more.

Step 5. Scrub your hair in sections

Stand upside down and dry the curls with the diffuser, helping you define them with your hands. Point the hair dryer straight up, instead of drying your hair from top to bottom. Take a section of hair and insert it into the concave part of the diffuser: in contact with the heat of the diffuser they should begin to form natural waves. Then remove the hair from the diffuser and, with your claw-shaped hand, take the section of hair and scrunch it starting from the bottom. While doing this, point the hair dryer into the spaces between your fingers.

Once it is almost completely dry, leave your hair loose and repeat the process with another section. Continue like this section by section, drying the hair evenly until it is 90% dry. Then, after a short blast of fresh air with the blow dryer, let the hair finish drying on its own

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 12
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 12

Step 6. Blow fresh air on the curls

Set the hair dryer on "fresh air" and dry the hair for 30 seconds to 1 minute to set the hairstyle. Most hairdryers have a fresh air setting or have a button to hold down to get a blast of fresh air - this will help set the hair cuticles in order to keep the curls in place.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 13
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 13

Step 7. Apply a light spray to wavy hair

Get upside down and spray all over with a spray to set the curls. With your claw-shaped hand, rub your hair in sections to help maintain the styling. You will need to use a spray for a light and flexible hold or medium hold, in order to avoid a stiff and too dry hairstyle. Raise your head again and style your hair however you like.

  • Keep the spray bottle at least 6 inches from your hair so you don't spray too close to your head.
  • There are sprays that give strength and shine without weighing it down. Dove and Garnier produce sprays that increase the shine of the hair, with an excellent soft hold and anti-humidity that can help you keep it in style.

Part 3 of 5: Braids

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 14
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 14

Step 1. Wash your hair before bed and apply conditioner

To do this, your hair needs to be damp, since you will sleep on the braids all night to make it wavy. Prepare your hair by washing it according to your normal habits.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 15
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 15

Step 2. Dry your hair until it is just damp

The hair will need to be damp before styling it with braids: it will dry overnight. Be careful not to dry them too much, otherwise they won't get well wavy.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 16
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 16

Step 3. Divide the hair into sections 5 - 7 cm wide and secure them with clips

Starting on one side of your head, left or right, use clips or rubber bands to divide your hair into sections 5 to 7cm wide. Once the outermost section is tied, continue with the next by moving from one side of the head to the other until all sections are tied, then start a new row immediately after the first. Continue until half the head is divided.

Step 4. Braid each section of hair

To get the most wavy effect possible, create some French braids; sleeping on normal braids will still allow you to get wavy hair. Start at the base of the head and divide the hair into three parts, then braid them to the end of the length. If you can, get someone to help you so you can braid your hair around your head. Braid to the end of the hair length, and if possible tie each braid with a non-rubber elastic.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 18
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 18

Step 5. Sleep with braids

For many it takes around 6 hours for the braids to dry. For a wavy hairstyle, you'll need to sleep with your hair braided all night, especially if you have thick hair. If the hair inside the braids is still damp the next morning, you can use the hair dryer to blow dry them, but be careful, as it could make it frizzy. It is best to let them dry on their own.

Step 6. In the morning, undo your braids

Loosen one braid at a time, starting on one side of the head and moving from time to time to the next. By combing the strands of hair lightly, make sure that they melt gently. Protect the wavy parts and do not coarsely rake the hair with your fingers.

Step 7. Dismiss and arrange your hair however you like

With your fingers smooth or puff your hair as you like. Gently remove each knot with your fingers, but don't brush your hair, otherwise you risk losing the wavy effect and getting frizzy.

Part 4 of 5: Mini Chignon

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 21
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 21

Step 1. Wash your hair before creating the mini buns

For this method, the hair will need to be damp since, to make it wavy, you will sleep with your hair styled throughout the night. You can also use a spray bottle and moisten them thoroughly instead of washing them.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 22
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 22

Step 2. Make sure your hair is damp

Remove excess water before forming mini buns. Before starting, your hair should be damp and not soaking wet: if it is too wet it will not dry well overnight.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 23
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 23

Step 3. Part your hair into sections of approximately 8 - 10 cm to form mini buns

A smaller section will form smaller buns with close-up waves, while wider sections will create softer waves. Choose your favorite style, or mix them up and create smaller waves in the front and bigger waves in the back. Work systematically and clip sections of hair 8 - 10 cm, creating rows from left to right, then start with a second row until you reach the back of the neck and your hair is divided into regular sections on one side. of the head.

  • Once you have finished the mini buns on one side of the head you can move on to the other side and systematically divide the hair as done previously.
  • If you part your hair this way, the waves will be smoother. If, on the other hand, you prefer a messy look, you can arrange the mini buns randomly all over your head.

Step 4. Twist each section of hair into a spiral and emboss it on the head

Just as if you were doing a regular bun, roll the section of hair all the way to the end, then create a small circular spiral on the scalp until it forms a small pile with the hair. Secure them with a rubber band or a pair of bobby pins on either side of the spiral so that they are well anchored.

Step 5. Continue repeating the previous step until all hair is fixed

Ask a friend or family member for help to style the mini bun at the nape of the neck. If you don't have anyone available, you can part the hair at the nape of the neck and bring it forward on both sides of the head to form mini buns on the sides. When you have reached the nape of the neck, use two mirrors to help you fix and position the mini buns.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 26
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 26

Step 6. Sleep on the buns

Most people need at least 6 hours for buns to dry - the time depends on the type and length of the hair. For wavy hair, allow yourself the whole night to sleep in your bun, especially if you have thick hair.

Step 7. Untie the bun the next morning

Start with the sections at the nape of the neck and carefully undo each bun so that the hair comes loose. Proceed with the next bun and continue until all the hair is loose. Make the hair unroll gently by shaking your head or moving the curls, but don't rake it too much with your fingers to keep the waves as intact as possible.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 28
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 28

Step 8. Secure the hair with your fingers

With your fingers, gently loosen the waves and remove the knots. Do not brush them: you will prevent the hair from becoming frizzy.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 29
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 29

Step 9. Consider applying a light hold spray

Spray a few sprays all over your head making sure you keep a distance of at least 30 cm. With the hook-shaped hand you can then rub the hair in sections to maintain the wavy effect.

Part 5 of 5: Single Chignon

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 30
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 30

Step 1. Wash your hair before forming a bun

You can also make them damp by spraying them mid-length and on the ends with a sprayer: to carry out this method, in fact, the hair will have to be damp, since it is necessary for it to dry styled in the bun if you want it to become beautiful and wavy.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 31
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 31

Step 2. Blow dry your hair at the roots, but leave the length and ends still damp

Point the hair dryer at the top of the head and dry the hair at the root, then gradually lift sections of hair and always dry the roots, leaving the length and ends to remain moist.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 32
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 32

Step 3. Part the hair in half up to the nape of the neck and twist the two large sections obtained

Don't worry about breaking them into neat sections, but grab your hair so that you have about half of it in each hand. Twist each section of hair in one direction to the end of the length. If you want the curls to be turned inwards, twist the right part of the hair counterclockwise and the left part clockwise. If you want the hair to be wavy outward instead, twist each section in the opposite direction.

Step 4. Create a long section of twisted hair down the back

Once both sections of hair are twisted to the end, roll them together by weaving them in and out like a braid. Continue to braid them behind the neck and along the back for the entire length of the hair: now the hair must be in one long twisted lock. Make sure you hold the end of the strand tight so it doesn't melt.

Step 5. Wrap that twisted lock into a ballerina bun at the nape of your neck

Twist it into a circle on the back of your head until it forms a tight bunch of hair. The bun should be low and suspended just above the crease of the neck. Secure the bun at the nape of your neck with a hair ribbon or a pair of bobby pins.

Make Your Hair Wavy Step 35
Make Your Hair Wavy Step 35

Step 6. Maintain the hairstyle until the hair is dry

Depending on how thick your hair is, it will take a different amount of time to dry. People with shorter or thinner hair will only need a couple of hours for their hair to dry, while those with thick hair may need a full day.

Step 7. Undo the bun and ruffle your hair

Gently loosen the bun at the nape of your neck and be careful not to pull too hard. With your fingers, style your hair however you like. Avoid brushing them or raking them too much with your fingers because, if you touch the waves too much, you could lose the effect obtained.
