Observing people has the purpose of putting us in touch with the beauty and rhythm of the community that surrounds us. People watching is great, you will have a lot of fun with your friends. Especially in a place full of unkempt people. For some observers, it's all in creativity, using the moments of observation to try to guess the story of a person without knowing anything about her, and enjoying the fun of what, in hindsight, is a new social science.
People watchers study ways of speaking, interactions, body language and activities; it is also common to include listening to conversations. Of course, all the senses can be used in observation, even going so far as to guess the perfume or aftershave used by a passer-by. Here are some tips to deepen the art of observing people.

Step 1. Decide on the parameters of your observation
It is helpful to know why you are there. There could be various reasons but the main one is the observation of how other people live and behave and guess their motivations and their stories. And the observation of people is not about feeling superior to others or judging them; more than anything else, if an impartial observer with a penchant for discovering the stories of others as a sign of love and empathy. Some reasons include:
- It is relaxing and fun. Seeing other people having fun, in swimsuits, busy with daily errands is fun and even relaxing as you sit in a comfortable spot like a cafe or park bench in the sunshine. People are fascinating, so this point does not need further explanation!
- Time passes while you wait or while you are next to people who do not interest you that much but with whom you find yourself forced to be.
- It restores a sense of wonder. Babies are known for their observation of people and just by trying again, you can regain that sense of wonder for a few moments.
- It is educational. If you're writing a book or developing script characters, people watching can be a great way to find characteristics and styles for your characters. Furthermore, if you are an actor, observation is a window into other ways of walking, standing, talking and interacting in the natural habitat. And it is the ideal opportunity to test your knowledge or theories on body language.
- It is an excellent source of inspiration for art and photography. If you are an artist or a photographer, unaware people can be the ideal subjects.
- The inspiration. People watching can lead to composing a symphony, writing a screenplay or a blog post.
- It is a healthy alternative to stalking on Facebook or Instagram.

Step 2. Practice naturalistic study, not annoying intrusiveness
The naturalistic study is the act of observing subjects in their natural habitat. This involves the need to be discreet, not to be noticed and not to interfere. The moment you make one of these mistakes, the spell breaks and you interacted and it is no longer "observation of people".
- Be aware that there are places that are more suitable than others. New York City, Paris, Miami, Rio de Janeiro and Venice are ideal audiences for people watching, because everyone knows they are on display, and observed. Any city where you dress to show the world your look or sense of style is potentially an ideal place for people-watching. Less suitable will be the small town or the provincial city, unless you are able to have the utmost caution and not to attract attention.
- Certain observation methods are more acceptable in some places than in others. Taking photos of people in Manhattan usually won't bother anyone; doing it on the street in a suburban village could be annoying. Try to understand where it is acceptable to photograph people and where it is best to avoid, and not to exceed the limits. If someone sees you taking a picture of them and doesn't agree, indulge them by erasing it from memory; this business is not made for arguing.

Step 3. Choose a “perch” to observe from
The ideal spot is sitting in a bar window overlooking a busy street. It's the classic Parisian location, so even in the cold you can sit behind a large clean window to look out. There are several other options, however, including:
- The upstairs railing of a shopping mall.
- At the foot of a tree in the park or anywhere crowded with tourists and locals.
- Around a public swimming pool or on the beach; at a party or rave (it's interesting to see people change based on the type of event).
- At the entrance or exit of a cinema, theater, show, doctor's office …
- Clubs, pubs, bars …
- Theme parks, zoos, aquariums and other places where your feet hurt after a while and you just need to sit and watch the world go by.
- Parks for animals. Where dogs socialize, their owners do too.
- Shops, including second-hand shops and bookstores.
- Art galleries and museums. Observing someone intent on observing something else can be a lot of fun, especially if they are people who imagine the thoughts of the subjects of the paintings - how far are you able to open this matryoshka ?!
- Don't neglect public transport; it is the ideal territory for observation, as we are all glued to their places staring at each other.

Step 4. Don't interfere
The important thing is to put yourself in a place where you can't be seen. Basically, it must seem that you are doing something else, and not staring at people:
- Be busy reading, writing or doing something else while you observe.
- Eat or drink something while you watch.
- Wear sunglasses to keep the direction of your eyes from showing through.

Step 5. Pick a person on or near the street
Find someone who catches your attention and who will not disappear before you have the opportunity to observe him sufficiently. As you watch, think about what kind of person they might be:
- Ask yourself questions about each person you choose: why is he here? Is happy? Nervous? Irascible? Because? What does her way of standing upright say about her? And his way of speaking? Correspond?
- Look at the clothes: What do the clothes suggest about the person? Is she poor or rich? Does she have style or does she not care about fashion? Is she dressed appropriately for the day or not? Is it part of a popular subculture?
- From his style, what do you think are his ambitions, political visions or his work?
- Identify the "doubles". It means trying to find people who look like someone you know or celebrities. Who knows, maybe you will see a real one!
- Do you recognize anyone? As you get older, passersby could be former lovers, bosses, teachers, or classmates. Keep your concentration high!

Step 6. Observe people in company
It can be even more fun with a friend in harmony with the art of observing people. Ask each other the questions from the previous point. You can even compare related insights until you reach a shared conclusion that satisfies both of you! Being able to share one's thoughts on observation can be both a fun and interesting friendship ritual.

Step 7. Record your thoughts about a person
This step is optional and for some it may turn the game into some sort of task. However, if you are absolutely devoted to observation as a regular hobby, you may benefit from recording your thoughts about the subjects observed, and if you are an author (including blogger) or artist, you can build your art from these observations.
- Bring a pen and paper with you on the days you decide to dedicate yourself to this activity. Find an ad hoc book - turn the event into a ceremony. Write the details of what you see and hear from each person, if you can, draw their appearance. It will keep the process interesting and you will have subjects to keep for years.
- Consider your observed people as potential basis for characters in your novels and record any behavior.
- Take painting or acting lessons if you want to discreetly record your observing moments without a camera.

Step 8. Watch without malice
In order not to pass for a maniac or nosy, always be respectful of the privacy and spaces of others. Realize that you too are the subject of observations sometimes, perhaps even while you are observing yourself, one afternoon …

Step 9. Know how to react if you are observed by the observer
Sometimes you will get caught and the person will think you are staring at them. There are several ways to react:
- Smile, shrug and turn away.
- Talk to him in case he is close enough, and explain what was so interesting or beautiful about him / her that led you to observe.
- Look down and don't look up until he's gone. For when you feel a little shy or scared!
- Physically turn away or get up and leave if the situation does not seem manageable.
- Don't get caught. If people notice that they are being watched, they behave very differently. And knowing that you are under observation can frighten a subject, or make him irritable.
- Try to imagine, in the years to come, what will become of these people you almost met. Will they still be happy or in a hurry? Still on the same continent? In family? Are you asleep?
- There are online sites that recommend the best places to practice this activity. Take a look to see if there is anything near you. Some tour guides also include details of the most suitable places in major cities.
- To keep the process interesting, tell someone about your characters.
- Start a blog to write about your hobby.
- Don't forget the animals of the city. Animals in urban settings can also be fascinating. As well as your pets!
- The observation of the people is not perversion. Respect anyone's privacy, don't follow people or denigrate them to your friends.
- Be careful not to start daydreaming while observing people. You may find yourself picking your nose or scratching your head while you look like an idiot victim of the looks of the same people you were observing.
- Be very careful in case you intend to take photos, in some cultures it is not allowed and in many cases it can be embarrassing.