How to face the first year of high school (for girls)

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How to face the first year of high school (for girls)
How to face the first year of high school (for girls)

For many girls, the first year of high school is a challenge. In addition to studying, you have to think about your popularity and the kids; moreover, you have to deal with the feeling of always being the last wheel of the wagon. It's a whole new world, a new set of experiences and a new discovery of yourself.

Neither the teachers nor the other students know who you are. As far as they are concerned, your name could very well be Giacomina Marini from Avezzano dell'Aquila, registered in the Guinness Book of Records for having devoured thousands of pastries. However, look on the bright side: this is a great opportunity to recreate yourself; just be careful not to get a bad reputation.


Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 1
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 1

Step 1. Buy all the necessary school supplies before school starts

Many schools provide a complete list, others do not. They may ask you to wait until class begins before purchasing materials, to give teachers the opportunity to provide students with a list of the things they need for their subject. If this happens to you, buy basic materials such as pens, pencils, notebooks, sheets of paper, etc.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 2
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 2

Step 2. Renew your wardrobe

Clothes help define the personality because they are a way to express oneself. As far as school is concerned, it is important that the clothes you are going to wear are comfortable. Many think that in high school it is a must to be in the latest fashion or to wear expensive clothes. Not so: wear what you want. Read magazines or search the internet for bargains not to be missed. See if there are any flea markets that accept teenage clothes in your area. You can sell your clothes and make some money to spend on a new wardrobe!

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 3
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 3

Step 3. Get to know your school

The high schools are huge; there is no doubt about this. Call all your friends and go together to discover your classes a few days before the start of classes. The school is likely to be open, as staff will be preparing for the start of the new school year. Take a look around the school and study the route you need to take to get from home. If you happen to meet one of your teachers in a class, say hello. You will feel more comfortable on the first day. If you know your locker number and have the combination, try opening it. You will avoid standing still in the corridors because you can't open it.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 4
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 4

Step 4. Find new friends

Look for a group of people with whom you feel you can be yourself. Organize study groups, go shopping and have a sleepover. Don't forget about your friends from middle school, though!

Don't worry about being popular. Ultimately, it doesn't matter that you are. Socialize with others and follow your instincts. Find a party you feel comfortable with and be nice to others. A hello and a smile can make a huge difference

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 5
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 5

Step 5. Respect senior students

They've been in school longer than you and they know it better than you do. Don't be arrogant with them and don't try to put yourself first. Remember that senior students can also be good friends to you. If your locker gets stuck or you get lost in the hallways, ask for help from an older student who seems trustworthy.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 6
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 6

Step 6. Don't let small dramas and stereotypes dominate your life

Movies and television misrepresent high school life. There are no crazy parties every weekend or weird situations and, in addition, you will have homework to do, tests and school projects.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 7
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 7

Step 7. Don't listen to rumors and don't spread them

If any rumors spread about you, you certainly wouldn't like it. Don't do it to others, because you would be acting like a bully. There is nothing worse than others think you are a boor. Usually, a bully is a big, muscular guy who smells bad, but that's not always the case. If someone bothers you, Not hesitate to tell a teacher. Sometimes, you will have to put the best face on a bad situation, but if this becomes a habit, ask for help. That wouldn't make you a spy.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 8
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 8

Step 8. Carry a small bag in your backpack to keep personal items

A small travel makeup bag is perfect for storing essentials. Put tampons, panty liners, deodorants, cosmetics and some cash in the bag. Don't buy one of those clear bags that you see the contents from, though. There are many immature kids in high school who think tampons and panty liners are "funny stuff".

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 9
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 9

Step 9. Be careful who you hang out with

First loves are always the most exciting, but you shouldn't let them distract you from studying. Many of the freshmen are very immature people. Girls grow up faster than boys. Don't be silly to get a guy's attention. If you have to belittle yourself for him to notice you, then it's not worth it. Always be yourself; don't change for anyone. If you want to find love, all you have to do is shower every day, have good hygiene and be friendly. Some feel they need to wear makeup to look pretty. If you don't want to wear makeup, you don't have to. Try to be patient with the guys. It takes time for these things.

Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 10
Survive Ninth Grade (for Girls) Step 10

Step 10. Remember that study must always come first

You're in high school to get educated. Be nice to teachers and staff. Don't be impertinent and then expect them to help you after class. Teachers discuss students with their colleagues. It is therefore easy to get a bad name. Also, teachers have the option to call your parents if you misbehave. Do your homework and study. Even late submitting one assignment could negatively impact your average. Carve out a corner in your home where you can study in peace.


  • Stay away from unserious girls (and don't be yourself), drugs, and other dangers.
  • Do not jump through hoops to join the "popular" group. A lot of those girls are more interested in their nails than you are.
  • Don't replace your high school friends with high school friends
