Acting like a princess is more than just learning good manners. Princesses are strong women who use their courage and brains to make others' lives better. The princesses bravely face the responsibilities of their role, letting their inner beauty illuminate everyone present. If you want to learn how to behave like your favorite incredible princess, let wikiHow help you with the content of this article!
Method 1 of 3: Combine Typical Princess Skills

Step 1. Improve your grammar
Princesses should speak well and so are you! Practice your speech skills and improve grammar and vocabulary to look like a princess.

Step 2. Improve your posture
The princesses stand proud and with their heads held high. Work on your posture and stay straight to look like a princess.

Step 3. Get a culture
The princesses are educated and help solve problems. Go to school and learn as much as you can about the world to be able to solve problems as well.

Step 4. Make a commitment to become a kinder human being
Kindness is a very important quality for a princess. Be kind and help people to make you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

Step 5. Practice humility
Good princesses are humble. Try your hand at true humility and people will admire you as a princess.

Step 6. Use good manners
Of course, the princesses have very good manners! You can improve your ways by doing research or asking your parents or grandparents for help.

Step 7. Be kind
Work on your kindness, especially when you are among the people outside your family - you will really get this real princess quality. Kindness has really disappeared these days, so you will stand out clearly from others.

Step 8. Follow good manners at the table
Surely one of the most important parts of being a princess is knowing perfectly the etiquette. All those different forks, those spoons, when to eat what, how to behave … It's a nightmare! But, with a little commitment, you can get through a lunch with the grace and poise of Kate Middleton!
- Use good manners when you eat.
- Avoid spitting out your food. You definitely don't want everyone to look at those chewed spinach. Ugh!
- Stay clean when you eat. You'll dirty your princess dress by pouring spaghetti sauce over it! Try to eat royally …

Step 9. Take care of your body
Princesses need to be clean and look as perfect as a painting. You can do this too!
Method 2 of 3: Learn From Disney Princesses

Step 1. Learn from Snow White
He worked hard and contributed to his home, both with the dwarves and living at the castle. Being so responsible is especially important for princesses! You should do this too: help out where you can, take care of chores, get a job and generally be more responsible.

Step 2. Learn from Cinderella
She has always been kind to everyone, from cruel sisters to little rats. This goodness contributed to her inner beauty and resulted in her happy ending. Be kind like her, even when it's not necessary. People may have nothing to offer you, but as Cinderella demonstrates, it doesn't mean you have to brutally turn your back on them.

Step 3. Learn from Aurora
This princess, also called Sleeping Beauty, was kind and friendly to all the animals of the forest she inhabited. She lived in harmony with the environment around her and you should do the same. Respect nature and do your part to protect the environment.

Step 4. Learn from Ariel
Life can be tough at times and we are often completely engrossed in school or other responsibilities, but Ariel shows us that it is just as important to have joy in life. He collected objects and saw the beauty in things that no one else could see. Like Ariel, you should enjoy the world around you and feel happiness in what you do.

Step 5. Learn from Belle
Belle had problems with the Beast, but she also managed to accept someone who had a real chance to be a better person. She helped him heal his pain and find happiness in life. Like Belle, you too should help people be better. When you see someone having a hard time, try to help them instead of labeling them a bad person. This quality is truly a grace for a princess!

Step 6. Learn from Jasmine
He did not follow what was normal for his society, he recognized the problems and fought against them to improve his life. Follow your heart, like Jasmine, and do what you know is right. It can be difficult at times because it also means going against what is normal, but it will become a happier and stronger person.

Step 7. Learn from Pocahontas
She had good reasons to be afraid of the English colonists, like the rest of her people, but, instead of judging them for their diversity, she worked hard to understand them and find a common ground. He saw that we are all equal in the world and worked to bring peace and prosperity to all. It seeks understanding and peace, smoothing disputes and problems between people so that everyone is treated equally.

Step 8. Learn from Mulan
In our life we have to face events that frighten us. Mulan was certainly afraid when she had to go to war to protect her country and her family. But the courage and awareness of having to do something even when scared are an essential quality that I would need to face the challenges of your life. Be as brave as she is and face your problems.

Step 9. Learn from Tiana
She learned from her dad that any dream is possible, but that you have to work hard to achieve it. He did just that, getting everything he needed. Work as hard as Tiana to make your dreams come true. Go to school and you will get where you want: work and get a good education. Don't depend on someone to come to your aid.

Step 10. Learn from Rapunzel
When Rapunzel and Flynn got into trouble at the bar, instead of being afraid of those scary men, she treated them all like normal people and became friends with them. Just like her, you don't have to judge people. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover - that way, people will always surprise you.

Step 11. Learn from Merida
This princess had to save her mother after she made a pretty big mistake: it was scary hard, but that was what she had to do. Like her, you should always do the right thing, especially when it's hard. By definition it is one of the fundamental qualities of a princess. It may not always be easy, but you can follow your heart by doing the right thing and thereby finding your happiness

Step 12. Learn from EVE (from the WALL-E movie)
She is loyal, strong, courageous, caring and beautiful. It never gives up. Always carries out orders. Meet WALL-E: She doesn't want to hurt him and is nice to him. The right thing to do to be like her is to be brave, strong, kind, never give up and follow orders.

Step 13. Learn from Anna and Elsa
Anna has learned that you shouldn't throw yourself into love. You too must know that only after some time will you be able to trust and love a person. Elsa has learned to be confident in her powers, not to be afraid to show off her talents and to use them for a greater good. Both sisters have learned that family is very important. You must learn to slowly approach love, to trust yourself and to love your family deeply. If you have skills of any kind, accept them as Elsa and don't be afraid of them.
Method 3 of 3: Learn From Real Princesses

Step 1. Live actively
Take control of your destiny and become the protagonist of your life, not just a character in someone else's story. Go out and experience rather than waiting for a prince to arrive. Happiness will come when you have pursued it, not by waiting passively.
Take a cue from Princess Zhao of Pingyang. She was not born a princess, but she became one. He lived in China a long time ago and when his father decided he wanted to take control of the country; she did not wait for him, but joined him in battle, gathering her own army to go to the aid of her father. He has taken control of his destiny and you should do the same

Step 2. Fight for freedom
Even if you don't have the title of princess, there are still plenty of people to protect. All over the world we are the same, but many people are considered inferior and are victims of abuse. Fight for freedom, because that's what a real princess would be!
Try to look like Princess Rani Lakshmibai. She was an Indian queen who fought against the British for the freedom of her people. He saw his people practically enslaved and his son dismissed from the title of king. Instead of leaving the battle to men, he fought for his people and his freedom. You should do the same

Step 3. Try to become what you want
Don't let others tell you how you need to be. Do the things that make you yourself and that you enjoy. Others will tell you that there are "girl things" and "boy things", "white things" and "black things": these are all nonsense. Don't listen to some people! Just try to be who you are.
Take a cue from Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana of Thailand. She studies fashion and is just a modern girl who plays sports! She does not allow her "femininity" to prevent her from doing things typically considered "boyish"

Step 4. You must want more from life
It reaches the stars: it doesn't matter what others say. Try to want more from your life and to pursue your dreams. Don't follow in your parents' footsteps just because they want to. Don't listen when they tell you you have to do a girl's job. Only pursue your dreams to find your happiness.
Learn from Swaziland's African princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini. It does not allow the rules of its culture to define it. He fights against many of his country's outdated limitations, pursuing his dreams and what he wants for his future. You should do the same too

Step 5. Make the world a better place
You should work to make the world a better place by finding causes to believe in and fighting for them. You can volunteer or raise money. You can also help by giving away toys or clothes you no longer use. Let your parents know that you want to help people and they will help you find ways to contribute to a better world.
Try to be like Princess Diana, Prince William's mother. Although she died very young, she worked hard in her life to make the world a better place. He supported the fight against AIDS and helped people no one usually remembers, such as drug addicts and the homeless

Step 6. Inspire hope
Sometimes life can get really difficult and sad, for you and for others. When this happens, you should try to inspire hope, even if the situation seems endless. Stay optimistic and always work to get the best results, even in the toughest moments.
Take a cue from Queen Elizabeth of England. She is now queen, but during the Second World War she was just a princess. At that time the war also terrified children, but Elizabeth brought hope to all of them by talking on the radio and working for the war effort

Step 7. Fight for equality, because we are all human beings and we deserve the same rights and equal opportunities
If you see people being treated unfairly, speak up, whether they are in their family or outside. When many start talking about it, real change can happen and people's lives can get better.
Be like Princess Ameera Al-Taweel of Saudi Arabia. She is an icon of equal rights for women in her country and throughout the Middle East. She uses her power to try to improve the conditions of other women who have not had the same opportunities as her

Step 8. Be smart
Never be afraid to be smart. If you know some guys who don't like your brains, then they're bad guys, not princes blue. Learning fun! There are many interesting things to learn, and the more prepared you are, the easier it will be for you to save the world. Study seriously at school and never be afraid to use your brain!
Emulate Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco. He has an engineering degree and worked with computers before taking his royal title! You should try to be as smart as this princess
- Learn to be respectful and have a clear conscience.
- Be elegant and kind to anyone!
It is not the tiara that makes the princess, but her true attitude and her personality.
To be a real princess, what matters is your actions, not how much money you or your family have. Try to always support your friends when needed and build a solid reputation. In the end, this attitude will be rewarding
- If you want to be a princess for selfish reasons, these tips won't help you. It's not about being rich or having a nice home. To be a princess, you need loyalty, selflessness and kindness.
- Being a princess is about being nice and kind - not everything is a matter of clothes and makeup.
- Don't gossip. You will look like a mean and cheesy person, the opposite of a real princess.
- Have fun! You are still young: you have to meet new people. Enjoy your life and try to find out who you really are.
- Being a princess does not mean being superior to others. Be humble and accessible.
- Don't become a snob. A true princess is kind to everyone and doesn't treat other people as inferior.