Whether you need to show up to a costume party, take part in a live role-playing game, or just try out a new look, you can apply some dark make-up and improvise! There are many different ways to behave like a vampire and it depends on what kind of character you want to be. You need to inform yourself about the creature you want to impersonate, spend some time on makeup, and finally wear dark, menacing clothing.
Method 1 of 4: Dressing up like a Vampire

Step 1. Choose dark dresses with red details
Vampires love dark clothing, like Count Dracula's black silk cloak; however, they emphasize their look with some red details. For example, the cartoon character "Marceline the Vampire Queen" wears red boots paired with a gray tank top and very tight jeans.
- These creatures generally opt for dark colors (often black), with some hints of color (red, white or gray);
- Dye your hair black from root to tip;
- Wear red boots with the right attitude;
- Wear a gray tank top and add another piece of clothing if it's cold;
- If you have to participate in an RPG, you must consult the organizers to find out if there are specific rules regarding costumes.

Step 2. Choose a vintage style
If you want to look like an old-time vampire, like Count Dracula, you should look at some pictures of traditional costumes. As the Victorian era exerts a strong influence, you have to opt for dark colors and traditional clothing, such as the three-piece suit for men.
- If you have to dress like a vampire male character, you need a cape, vest and possibly a tuxedo.
- If you have to play a female character, you need an elegant dress, a belt and a cape.

Step 3. Try the burlesque style
You can combine this theatrical style with that of the vampire. For example, actress Heidi Klum wore a spider web cloak with a bleeding heart on the corset at a Halloween party. To get the same look, you need to use red lipstick, eyeliner, high heels and red nail polish; you have to get yourself a cobweb cape and high red boots!
The vampire look is often sexy too, so you can try the burlesque style

Step 4. Put on your vampire teeth
You should wear these fangs to show that you mean it. You can buy them in most costume shops, in stationeries during the carnival period and even in "all for one euro" shops; remember to wear makeup before you put your teeth on.

Step 5. If you want to look like Count Dracula, put on the cloak
It is the distinctive and traditional clothing of these creatures of the night, especially for the character of Dracula. You can find the complete costume in specialty stores and online, even more easily if holidays like Halloween or carnival are approaching.
- Alternatively, you can wear a long, loose or floating coat.
- If you have decided on a somewhat particular costume, you can apply a black pin in the shape of a bat or spider.
Method 2 of 4: Put on your makeup like a Vampire

Step 1. Apply some white greasepaint
Dip the sponge or brush in this cosmetic and collect the hair so that it does not get in the way; spread the product all over your face without forgetting the ears and neck.
You can also apply gold eyeshadow under the eyes

Step 2. Brush dark eyebrows into a pointed shape
Use a white eyeliner to hide the natural contours by covering at least 2-3 cm where they follow the descending curve of the eye sockets. Then use a very fine brush for the details and draw the new eyebrows so that they are pointed upwards.

Step 3. Trace the widow's peak above the eyes
You can use a black make-up pencil or the black foundation brush; outline the new hairline above the eyes, so that the eyebrows look even darker and pointed.

Step 4. Apply red eyeliner to the upper lid
Use a brush and concentrate the color especially along the eyelid line, so that the eyes have a touch of red inside; ends with a black mascara on the lashes.
- Apply enough makeup to get a sensual and mysterious look, but not to the point where you think you've taken a lot of punches.
- Some vampires prefer to use black eyeshadow, others opt for neutral colors.
- You can apply some bright green eyeshadow to the canting of the eyes.

Step 5. Apply blood red lipstick
Red or crimson lips are important to a vampire because they give the impression that they have just drunk fresh blood; choose your favorite lipstick, preferably a dark red, and apply it on the lips.
Girls can use a red or purple one to get the right effect, while boys can apply some lip stain or fake blood to get the same result

Step 6. Draw tears that fall from the eyes
Use a fine-tipped brush and draw lines that come down from the eyes as if they were a spider's web; apply some red color on the brush and make red tears at the base of the lines.

Step 7. Add some blood dripping from the lips
To imply that you just drank some blood, you can draw some that falls on your chin; you can use a fine-tipped brush and a red cosmetic.
Alternatively, use fake blood
Method 3 of 4: Acting in a Live Role Play Game

Step 1. Identify the type of vampire you want to play
If you play a live role-playing game, you may have already been assigned a part; however, if the event is more improvised, you can choose a particular character. If in doubt, you can find inspiration by reading books or watching vampire movies:
- John William Polidori's The Vampyre;
- Bram Stoker's Dracula;
- Stephenie Meyer's Twilight;
- Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles;
- Watch vampire-inspired TV series, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel or The Vampire Diaries;
- Get inspired by movies like Nosferatu, Interview with the Vampire, Lost Boys, Blade, Vampires or From Dusk Till Dawn.

Step 2. Play "unfair" as a vampire character, but always "clean" as a player
During a live role-playing game you always have reasons to attack another participant, but you should always be fair and avoid cheating. That said, your goal is to have fun as a vampire, which includes "reprehensible" actions, like sucking blood or killing another character.

Step 3. Emphasize the character's narcissism
Vampires are typically self-centered or narcissistic; to flaunt these characteristics, walk in an authoritative manner with the shoulders back and the head held high.
- You should be interested in talking only about yourself;
- You should only show liveliness when you speak up. If someone dares to speak out, you should look bored and contemptuous.
- When someone you disapprove of speaking, you should sound disgusted or look down on them.

Step 4. Learn your part
Knowing the character deeply, you can react quickly to the actions of other role-playing participants, improvise and have fun!
- For example, a vampire has the ability to heal quickly. These creatures can reach to the brink of destruction only to resurrect and recover their magnificence with a few drops of blood.
- Try to speak in a low voice. As is often shown in movies, vampires typically speak in a low voice.
Method 4 of 4: Behaving like a Vampire

Step 1. Develop a penetrating gaze
If you're taking inspiration from a Dracula movie, you should learn to look at people deeply. Try to give the impression that your gaze crosses the soul of the interlocutor; to do this, practice not blinking while staring at someone, as if the gaze lasts longer than is humanly possible.
Don't be surprised if people consider your attitude a bit "wacky" rather than "deep and intuitive"; it's hard to get the right effect and you can sometimes look gawky instead of sinister

Step 2. Show your aversion to sunlight
If someone opens the curtains or forces you to go outside during the day, you should hiss and try to protect your face with the cloak; you should also claim to be photosensitive and susceptible to sunburn.
Vampires never feel completely comfortable during the day; when night comes, however, you can relax and return fearless. You are the master (or mistress) of the night

Step 3. Maintain a serious disposition
Vampires aren't known for having a bubbly and fun personality; they are serious and contemplative, they have neither the time nor the patience for frivolity. As you may have already seen in the movies, a vampire creature is reserved, somber, withdrawn, and silent.
Plus, he doesn't giggle. If you have to laugh, try to do it softly and grimly or give a grunt of amusement
- Study famous vampires from literature, film and television; respected and condemned characters were born from historical tales, books and television.
- Do some research on the legends and myths surrounding vampires; read texts about their habits, as well as data collected on alleged "real" vampires. These people, whose ritual crimes and abnormal behaviors have sparked fear in their respective communities, pop up regularly in historical accounts.
- Don't bite people; it is offensive, dangerous and you would engage in extremely ridiculous behavior.
- If heavy makeup is frowned upon at school or work, apply it only in the evenings, weekends, and holidays.
- Don't think about killing people for their blood!
- This article is only intended to help you play a role or dress up as a vampire; it does not encourage or justify vampire worship or bloody acts and actions that are at the very least depraved and could be criminal.
- Always take off your make-up before bed, because the skin has to breathe.
- Some people who believe they are vampires drink human blood; they call themselves "Sanguinarian" and claim to drink only the "safe" blood of consenting adults. In reality, drinking the blood of others is an unhygienic and dangerous practice for health; it can spread diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Based on the origin of the blood itself, you may also be reported for committing a crime or being interned in a psychiatric hospital.
- Avoid falling or fighting about your "vampire" beliefs; behave in a mature way.
- Don't spread gossip about people sucking blood, slitting throats, and so on; it is a form of bullying that damages the reputation of others.