How to be a good girlfriend (teen)

Table of contents:

How to be a good girlfriend (teen)
How to be a good girlfriend (teen)

Do you need some advice on being the perfect girlfriend? Keep reading!


Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 1
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 1

Step 1. Don't tell lies

Nobody likes to be lied to, even if you think lying impresses your boyfriend. Sooner or later, the truth comes out.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 2
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 2

Step 2. Invite him to hang out with you

If you make an appointment, go to the cinema, restaurant or other place. You can only invite him or ask your friends or some of his friends, if you know them. Or, you can tell him that you wouldn't have a problem extending the invitation to his friends, unless you want to be alone with him.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 3
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 3

Step 3. Be romantic if he seems like the kind of person who likes these things

You can do this even when you're in the company of your friends (if they don't care that much).

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 4
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 4

Step 4. Don't be overly jealous

If you see him talking to another girl, don't lose your temper by picking on him or her. Wait for them to finish talking. You can later go to him to politely tell him that you felt uncomfortable; will understand it. Either way, that doesn't mean you don't love yourself anymore.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 5
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 5

Step 5. Don't get bought too many things

Don't let them always buy you expensive items if that makes you uncomfortable. Just tell him you don't want him to spend his money on you; he will probably understand.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 6
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 6

Step 6. Always kiss him in an unforgettable way

If you are watching a movie or are in a quiet and romantic place, let him kiss you or let him know that you would like him if he kissed you. If it's your first time, make it special for him and do something you can both remember. If it's not the first time, then you should let me kiss you.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 7
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 7

Step 7. Reassure him when he seems to like another guy

It's natural for a guy to be jealous, so if he tells you he's seen you with a guy, remind him you're all his.

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 8
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 8

Step 8. Go no further

If you jump into it, he will most likely walk away because you will seem desperate. And don't burn the stages of your relationship!

Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 9
Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen Step 9

Step 9. Praise him in the presence of your friends

You will show him that you like him!
